______I happened to come across this little guy this past weekend whilst riding my bike. Actually, "little" probably isn't the best way to describe him, for he was quite large and could have been mistaken for a bird or Godzilla or something as equally large (and ferocious, obviously). Anyway, this formidably-sized cicada didn't really move at all since I was able to pass by him three times and still pinpoint his location each time... so naturally I had to bring him home for some picture-taking.
______And my oh my, was he ever a fabulous model, this cicada-san. Such a good model! Probably because he was half dead, weakened by the sun's hot rays, and was forced to endured some 6+ bumpy miles in the Solo cup on my bike... but hey, he still made for a swell model, yeah?
______Eheh. Whoops.
______No worries. He's merrily resting on a tree now. He'll recuperate. Honest.