____Por qué a year of cheer you may ask? Why, today (well, tomorrow, actually) is my one year blogversary! It's so super exciting. I should have baked a cake for Mr. Blog. But alas, I don't think he likes cake. I believe he is a fan of celery sticks and leeks. He must be part worm.
____So, it has finally gotten cold! This is also super exciting (many super exciting things are happening, don't you think?) since now I can start to wear my plethora of exotic colored and patterned tights. I have been waiting for this moment for a while, just as I have been waiting to put my reindeer antlers and nose on my car. Alas, hours after putting the nose on my car, my dog tore it up and decided to eat part of it. It may be fixable. I do hope so.
____On Black Friday, our malls were suprsingly not that busy. There was a big rival football game and so we're assuming most people were at that. We did go shopping and I bought a few neat things, and yesterday we went to TJ Maxx and I got even more awesome things like a sa-weet military jacket and these Chanel-inspired tights that are black on one side and white on the other. I bought a pair then my mom bought the last pair "just in case they rip because they are so awesome." Yay, mom! Our relatives drove across the States to visit us and we consumed much delicious and satisfying Thanksgiving food. It was so very wonderful! Our four pies have diminished to just a few slices which will most likely dissapear into some mysterious place before tonight. Where that mysterious place is.. uh, I totally don't know and don't have a sketchy expression on my face. I hope everyone found some good deals on Black Friday (you brave souls!) and had a great Thanksgiving. Until later, citizens!
Dress: New York and Company
Trenchjacket: Kohl's
Tights: I beat up a tomato and took them from it (aka I don't remember)
Awesomerific heels: J-J-Jeffrey Campbell