____Ah, what a fine day it is! School was canceled due to the icy roads. As you can see, we didn't really get any snow.. more like a layer of ice that killed everything that was once living. Saw some dead fish in the lake behind as I was taking these pictures with Sir Samuel (my camera) and Jean Bob (ye old trusty tripod, for those of you who are unfamiliar what these odd yet eloquent names are). But not all was dead! Charles the swan (I didn't name him, that's actually his name, he is the neighborhood swan) swam up behind me while I was taking these. I got down on my knees and said hello to him and he swam up to me, hissed at me, puffed his feathers up, and then swam off. He's such a tease, that Charles. I even managed to make a gif of our meeting, which I don't know how to put onto the blog, so here.
____This is the new amazing jacket I got for Christmas. I didn't even get cold wearing it outside, plus it's super comfy! I was afraid that it would be too boxy since it looked to be so on a hanger, but now that I see the pictures, I am liking it more than ever and wondering why I ever thought such a silly thought.
____What do you guys like to do on cold days? Me likes playing the Sims. Seriously, I haven't stopped playing that game ever since I got re-addicted to it over winter break.

Jacket: Christmas pressie
Tights: probably Walmart
Earsmuffies: old, mom's
Boots: Wallywuuuuurld
I so love your coat!!
The coat is gorgeous, love it! :D
Seriously, last photo is amazing ..WOW..
I love your ear muffs! Adorable! I wish it got cold enough here in Florida to wear them.
Thanks for your comment.
Lovely pictures, I adore your coat.
I've been catching up on DVDs this week end all snuggled up warm with pop corn and hot chocolate.
Love that great jacket! It's fantastic.
Beautiful pictures, as always! And stay warm!
I'm absolutely in love with your Christmas present...and your ear muffs. Hope the snow melts soon. It's pretty, but a mess to get around in.
At first, I thought: Princess Leia hairstyle, cool! Then I realized they were muffs. :P I love reading your posts, Ali. I always laugh. Charles the Swan, got to meet him!
adorable outfit! love the coat and the boots paired together. :) i'm not going to risk playing the sims! i know i'll get addicted again!
i'm holding my first ever giveaway - a cute 60s vintage purse! so if you have a minute, i'd love for you to stop by and take a look! ♥
Okay. Chilllll, Lexy. (my justification is that we havent had a snow day in three years. THREE YEARS. So much for going to a school in rural ontario, efffff.)
Anyways, you look so FIERCE. I Love the jacket. It very much ressembles and jigsaw puzzle. Me likeee.
And that gif is beyond awesome. I think I will go to bed just STARING at it. (Not that I'm a creeper, pshh.)
I love the new coat! When I was in highschool I spent all my free moments playing Final Fantasy (which is way so much better than sims)
(okay fine, I've never played sims so I don't know if its fun or not).
It's fun how you've got a neighborhood swan, and i think they are all the same; they look all sweet and elegant and then they start to hiss and peck at you. damn swans.
And Sir Samuel and Desmond can totally be besties. Maybe they could be penpals.
Great coat, I love all the buttons!~ :D
thanks for your sweet comment. i like the shape and collar of your coat, and the clever concept of your blog title. definitely following you now! on cold days, i like to curl up in bed and re-read harry potter :)
That coat is the COOLEST. I love it! On cold days, I usually watch crime dramas alllll day and try (read fail) to not eat all the baked goods in my house.
Your coat is really interesting. I like that the buttons are kind of off center. I also really like the setting of your photos. Kind of perfect even on a grey day!
Christy of Dress Rehearsal
You have a gorgeous blog! I'm glad I stopped by. And I just love that coat. What a great gift. :) xx
Those earmuffs are so cute :) They're so fluffy!
love your coat,and photos.and you have such unique style.do you mind to follow each other? feel free :)
amazing coat:))))
oh! your coat is sooo beautiful!
great blog =)
and thank you so much for your comment!! <3
Hi loveeee the outfit......
well thanks a lot for your visit, plss follow me i'm follow you already, let's help eachother.
like your coat a lot! looks fantastic on you..
xx, Sabinna and David
man the jacket is just beautiful military but with a chic twist and the background is breathtaking
im diggin this photos al ot!!
that really is amazing as you stated! i love the last shot so much
very cute lining around this jacket!! lovely photos!!
i love everything about this post.. the pond, the icy grass, and your entertaining text :) you are beautiful! and so is your christmas coat <3 thank you SO much for taking the time to visit and comment my blog. i hope you visit soon.
p.s i was going to look at the gif you made of you and charles the swan, but i am Terrified of birds so im sorry i didnt see it =P i think its super adorable you gave a name to your camera and tripod, lol. too cute!
Your coat is so cool! I wish it was cold enough here to wear earmuffs, I have never worn them before! haha!
And that swan sure is a tease.
xoxo mama wolf.
Ughhh you are so gorgeous!
And don't even get me on Charles the swan!
Oh, miss Ali-boo, I just adore you.
aw, my swans that lived in my river nearby don't appear anymore.. i miss them. i named them harold and maude. i'm such a cliche.
i love the way your earmuffs blend in with your hair!
you're just too pretty, dear. <3
wow, I just love it :)
gorgeous coat!!! the lake is a wonderful backdrop too! perfect match :)
You look pretty, I like your coat!
That coat is pretty fabulous :)
Cute! I enjoyed watching your adventure with the swan. I didn't know swans were angry like that. Good to know!
Ahh, the Sims. Yes. I know that game well. I played it SO much last spring...and then I stopped. But I know I could easily become re-addicted too if I wanted to. Which I don't. Because it would totally eat up all of my free time.
Thanks for your comment! I enjoyed reading that you too have gotten attached to make-up before. I don't understand it at all, but of course I can relate!
loving the ear muffs
gosh, the snow and that lake makes for such a great scenery! lol
great post!
the coat is trulllyyyy aammmaaazziinngg !
glisters and blisters
Super cool jacket! Love that funky zipper detail. xo style, she wrote
that is a gorgeous jacket! i love you unique it is! your earmuffs are adorable too :) you have a lovely blog, would you like to follow each other?
That coat is some kind of wonderful and the setting - ah! i die!
"Me likes playing the Sims. Seriously, I haven't stopped playing that game ever since I got re-addicted to it over winter break." YOU. NAILED. IT. God, I love the Sims.
And yes, I adore your coat.. not boxy at all! The gif couldn't open. :(
Although it looks really cold, the frozen lake makes a pretty backdrop for your coat. Loving the military vibe of it.
Nose si sabes que cambié el “url” de mi blog…ahora es www.dressed4success.blogspot.com >;-)
Hello! Love the coat, what a great Christmas present! The earmuffs are darling too. School cancellations are the best - hope you had a great one!
that coat is beautiful. Love the scenery as well. You have an amazing style and I love your writing! Following!
xxo Tess S.
I love your coat. On cold days I like to play Mario Kart.
I love that coat!!! :D :D
Adorable coat! Haha how awesome you guys get school closed when it snows or becomes icy. That's like NEVER happened here ever. Oh and what a cute swan! LOL I love how you backed away when he got closer.
amazing coat :)
These pictures are GORGEOUS! I really love your coat, its very chic. Jajaja I also really love all the names you have for your camera, tripod, and swan :)
WHAT?? You are so lucky to have a snow day! It's never snowed here before. EVER. But innocent fishys dying aint cool. :(
Lovely coat! The earmuffs look so warm, and I totally love your blog. :) I'm definitely a new follower, and I cannot wait for your next post!
xoxo Tami at Tamijam.blogspot.com
I just got back to playing the sims again this past weekend..how creepy is that! I seriously need to stop and get a life though :)
awesome coat..suits you well..
eclectic du jour
These photos are just lovely, and what an enchanting coat! I love how you styled it with all black.
I'm following your blog! :)
that is not a jacket that everyone can pull off but u do a great job
Your coat and earmuffs are so cute :)
fabulous coat....the piping detail on the front is totally oomph-worthy. love the location too!
Eeep! Totally, totally in love with your coat and these shots. What a beautiful backdrop!
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