_____Fair citizens, I miss you all. Especially a certain few of you whose blogs I have neglected like squishy iguanas on those lonely desert nights. Alas, I have this final week until Spring Break. I must retain my grades in this short time and then hopefully I shall return for vengenc-- errr, more blogging.. nnnnyes. Feel free to leave negative criticism on behalf of my absence, I will accept it with open arms (then have you tracked down, then given you the bacon.. of eternal sorrow and sleepless nights). Baugha haugh haugh haaaaaauh! No, seriously-- I like you. A lot.
Tank: Delia*s
Giant shirt thinger: Know Style
Skirt: Landsend
Heels: Jeffrey Campbell, aka my knight in shining.. shoes
Necklace: gifted from Gramma Nami
Dearest Grace Kelly,
Best of luck with grades. Miss you! (You look darling as always. Your hair!!)
Love Always,
squishy iguana
Even though I'm a big fan of bacon, I just can't give you any criticism! School has been kicking my butt lately as well, so just take the time you need to focus on that. Though, I do hope to see more of your posts soon!
You look lovely in these photos. Those shoes are too awesome! :)
Your. Shoes. Are. Awesome. And why do you always look so flawless in your pictures?!
And same here. This week is the only thing between me and spring break. I need a vacation now!!!!!
Good to see a new post from you! Love the necklace and shoes :)
I love this look. Your shoes are amazing.
Your shoes are great! I always love when you pull them out, and you're really sporting the color today! Love that cranberry with the pale blue/grey!
That is the dolman sleeve sweater of awesome. I'm so in love.
And I do miss you. You should just flunk out of school and be a full time blogger.
and i think it is so cute that your mom reads my blog. my own mother doesnt. haha.
Chic on the Cheap
This outfit is so pretty! :) You have such a cute style!
♥: http://withlovekatariina.blogspot.com
Great outfit! Love the tank & necklace! :)
xoxo from Hannie
I like that sheer giant shirt thingy! :)
♥ Teresa ♥
- Pretty Dandy -
So cute. And the shoessss! I know I've professed my love for them before, but I can't say it enough: those shoes are the best ever.
I love the way you've mixed up all those diff prints! They look great together! Your shoes are fab!
xx christie
Your shoes are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I really love all the colors in your outfit as well!
you're so pretty !
HIIII good luck with school!
Gorgeous! as always :)
your shoes = winner
You. Have. Such. Cute. Style.
That's all.
:) So glad I found your blog! Your outfit combinations are inspiring!!! xoxo
i really miss you dear!!!
hope you get to blog again during the break!
much love
& kisses
Hello my dear! Long time no talk! Don't even feel bad, I haven't updated my blog in like 3 months! Last quarter school nearly annihilated me! I hope everything else is going swell for you! :)
Hang in there, we will all be waiting for whenever you return for good! You look so pretty btw, as always. I love the color of the tights!
super super cute outfit
I can't get over how perfect those tights are! The color is divine!
(If you're interested, I'm hosting a giveaway - swing by!)
It's a pretty intense look, but there is something about it. I like it!
xo thefashionguitar
the shoes! those shoes! good luck with school.. those shoes!
Um, seriously, LOVE those shoes on you..
i absolutely love the hues of your outfit and the silhouette and everythang.
AND I MISS YOU. please keep in touch. i'm evidently bad at that. i hope you're doing great!!!!
really love ur shoes
Amazing shoes!
hello you, just thought i would say hello and of course i appreciate your outfit. i hope you come back soon and i hope your summer before college is going swell. miss you! feel free to shoot me an email at erinykim93@hotmail.com :)
Great photos
Always following
The Dolls Factory
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