Caelumaid, acrylic and oil on canvas, October 2010
______At last I feel I am able to wash my blue brushes one last time and declare this done. This painting depicts a majestic sky-lady who appears from a swirling cloud of watery goodness. With the completion of this, I have also completed another painting for my final art concentration! I'd consider that a success.
______My favorite details would have to be her face and the way her hair fades into the sky, though I'm also quite fond of the purplish transition of her skin to the misty, ocean-resemblant dress. Overall, I'm pleased as a peach with this piece, and hope to explore some more interactions between people and nature in future works...

You are so amazingly talented, I can't even describe it! This is beautiful :)
Incredible, dearie!!!! <3
PS: I love your new profile picture. So prettyyy.
GAWGEOUS GURRRL. And this is ACRYLIC?! Amazing! It kind of looks like computer work, like tablet or photoshop or something. But real, hand painted art is SO MUCH BETTER.
this is absolutely stunning and i'm loving the way her hair flows into the blue and how the dress just blends into the water. and i bet it looks a million times better in person which is ridiculous :)
and um, yes? OUR TRIPODS SHOULD BE BIFFLES FOR LIFE. I have yet to name mine but i'll get on that ASAP.
Ahhhh so pretty!
And I think you know where she is. She knows anyway. She's just not feeling chatty.
Holy smokes Batman! You are seriously talented! I want to hang it on my wall! I love all of your artwork! :)
Also... come on over & enter my giveaway!
I can't imaaaaaaaagine how long this took you to get that perfect effect of smoke and water. Unless it took you a day. Then screw you.
JUST KIDDING. No, truly. I think that you executed the wispy feel very nicely; the colors definitely aid the painting. OH GEEZ why am I critiquing this. I already do that in class. xD I definitely appreciate this more knowing that you did it by hand, painting is a tricky business!
Toast with Charmalade
so impressive!!! i totally admire your talent, i've tried painting and it wasn't pretty :)
also just scrolled through and read the post that i missed :D
wow u drew this? very beautiful. its a very serene picture.
Yikes - this is ridiculously beautiful. Seriously, I am entranced! Extra bonus talent points for you this week!!
That painting is so pretty.
wow amazing, i looove your creativity :) suuuper inspirational ;)
these are so beautiful <3
Wow, this is gorgeous! You did a great job!
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