Your eyes don't deceive you. These are indeed my new and first ever pair of Jeffrey Campbell shoes which I originally got for homecoming, although later decided that I didn't trust leaving their awesomeness off my feet whilst boogieing it down. I love these shoes. They are awesome and make me feel like I could stare at a rock and move it with my mind and make it hit some bully being mean to a kid, who would then look over at me.
____"You throw that rock?" The bully kid would say, throwing the pathetic nerd (aka me) to the side with his pure idiocy.
____"Yeah," I'd say. "I threw that rock. And I threw it at you. Got a problem?"
____I would stand with my hands on my hips as the sun rose behind me in a dramatic fashion, creating a shadow that loomed over the bully kid like a dark raincloud amongst a sparkly, firefly-filled forest of tender love and joy.
____"Yeah. We got a problem," the bully kid would say, taking a step forward, his eyes never leaving mine. As he would walk closer, I could only envision how perfectly my evil plan would work out. Oh, yes, I would think. Oh, yes indeed.
____"I'd like for you to leave that kid alone," I'd say.
____"That won't be happening," the bully kid would say. I would nod, acting as if I understood his side in this dispute. Acting as if he had good reason.
____But of course, I would never truly see eye-to-eye with him. In fact, once able to see the whites of those corrupted eyes of his, I would flail about ever so wildly and stick my hands in the air as if I were to take off and fly. That bully kid would laugh so very hard at me, but little would he know what was to come. With my hands in the air (waving 'em like I just don't care) and my Jeffrey Campbell shoes on, I would move the earth below him with my power of epic proportions. The earth would tear apart and he would be swallowed into a dark abyss, his face contorted into an expression somewhere between confusion and astonishment as he fell. Just before the earth closed over him, I would use my mind powers to bring the bully kid back to safety.
____The earth's surface would return to normal. That would be when the only sound heard would be the cheers from the kid who was being bullied earlier. Other than that, silence will reign dominion for a few breathtaking seconds. The bully kid, shocked into remission and unable to utter a single vowel, will only be able to look at my shoes which will be glowing like majestic glow worms. Then and there is when the bully kid will decide on his own that being a bully kid was never that fun, that being a bully kid was the last thing he ever wanted to be, let alone think about being. And that is my story of how I will one day save the bullied kids of the world.
____"Yeah," I'd say. "I threw that rock. And I threw it at you. Got a problem?"
____I would stand with my hands on my hips as the sun rose behind me in a dramatic fashion, creating a shadow that loomed over the bully kid like a dark raincloud amongst a sparkly, firefly-filled forest of tender love and joy.
____"Yeah. We got a problem," the bully kid would say, taking a step forward, his eyes never leaving mine. As he would walk closer, I could only envision how perfectly my evil plan would work out. Oh, yes, I would think. Oh, yes indeed.
____"I'd like for you to leave that kid alone," I'd say.
____"That won't be happening," the bully kid would say. I would nod, acting as if I understood his side in this dispute. Acting as if he had good reason.
____But of course, I would never truly see eye-to-eye with him. In fact, once able to see the whites of those corrupted eyes of his, I would flail about ever so wildly and stick my hands in the air as if I were to take off and fly. That bully kid would laugh so very hard at me, but little would he know what was to come. With my hands in the air (waving 'em like I just don't care) and my Jeffrey Campbell shoes on, I would move the earth below him with my power of epic proportions. The earth would tear apart and he would be swallowed into a dark abyss, his face contorted into an expression somewhere between confusion and astonishment as he fell. Just before the earth closed over him, I would use my mind powers to bring the bully kid back to safety.
____The earth's surface would return to normal. That would be when the only sound heard would be the cheers from the kid who was being bullied earlier. Other than that, silence will reign dominion for a few breathtaking seconds. The bully kid, shocked into remission and unable to utter a single vowel, will only be able to look at my shoes which will be glowing like majestic glow worms. Then and there is when the bully kid will decide on his own that being a bully kid was never that fun, that being a bully kid was the last thing he ever wanted to be, let alone think about being. And that is my story of how I will one day save the bullied kids of the world.

Yup, so rather than starting the introduction to my research paper on King Arthur or at least replying to my poor friend's e-mail that she so diligently sent me, I decided to write a story about what I see these shoes being able to do. I do hope you enjoyed it, for now I must go and write about a less interesting topic. I kid, I kid. This research paper shan't be too terrible to scribe about on parchment, ohohoho. Farewell, citizens! See how in the picture below I'm waving goodbye to you? No? It looks like I'm contemplating life after picking up a pebble that fell diagonally from the sky? Dang.. you're right, it does.

Top: Ross Dress for Less
Skirt: Forever 21
Tights: Hue
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell (hsdfghasdsg)
I wish I had shoes like those. Half because they are ADORABLE and half because I hate bullies and would love to send some to an abyss (but not for forever, as you note). Just for the record, you are the coolest <3
well that settles it, they really are the most awesome shoes in the world.
And they look amazing on you and are so freaking gorgeous!!!!
If my weatherman knew how badly you'd mess him up, he'd never forecast wrong again, i'm sure.
Love your tights, they are just the best color ever.
dhgdshgodshgoshgos overwhelming amount of shoe porn, my mind is officially blown. That sorta rhymed. I guess shoe porn does that to me.
THOSE ARE FREAKIN' LOVELY as is that heroic epic tale that I'm sure was much more fun to write about than King Arthur. Though he's pretty cool, I guess. For a quasi-fictional king. But he's got nothing on those drool-worthy black and white abstract lovely shoes. And paired with those tights they're super lovely.
OK, ramble over. I'm sure you'll get back to that email soon. :D
Toast with Charmalade
Those shoes RULE! This whole outfit is super fun and it looks amazing on you.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A GREAT STORY. If only it were true :) I would love a pair of shoes that could defeat bullies. Yay for your first pair of Jeffrey Campbells, I still have yet to buy a pair (though I'm still drooling over a million of them).
Wow, the Jeffrey Campbells are adorable :) It's fantastic how you can pull the strong color of those tights with the black and white pattern. Well done!!! I can't take my eyes off.
you look so ethereal and so pretty. :D
So cute! They match your outfit and the bright tights are yay :D
Those shoes are gorgeous, and I like the pop of color from the tights.
Haha, super cute story. What a great writer you are! And the shoes, of course, are the tops.
wow i really like how those turquoise tights make a totally pop up of color to your outfit!!
The tights and shoes are so badass together. Love it!
those shoes are GORGEOUS and especially perfect with that turquoise-y green and black and white outfit
Those shoes with those tights is such a great combination!
I love your writing also : )
Ummmmazing! I love the new shoes, especially paired with the vibrant turquoise/tealy tights. So super.
(Thanks for following me!)
Loving the stripes, and those shoes are gorgeous! (:
i LOVE those shoes. and your story was brilliant!
Those shoes are adorable! And I love the tights too. Fabulous outfit :)
omg that look so good :)
LOOOVE the shoes!! *drools*
you are hilarious! those shoes are pretty awesome and i love the tights too!
Ooh. I have a dress similar to this. I love how you paired it with the fun, bright tights!
And um, yeah, great story. Now get on that homework. :)
I'm a sucker for awesome tights, so obviously I love this outfit. It's so pyscedelic and rad. I just love it.
And alskjdlajdsklajsd to those shoes is right.
Stunning shoes! And such striking colored tights! They just pop!
I need more outfits that pop :S
Camping on the clouds,
Oh man, how great are Jeffrey Campbell shoes?! For reals, for reals! ;) I love your bright tights ( the best kind!), and stripes always make me smile! Epic bully story too! ;)
Jeffrey Campbell! *clap clap clap* You're so lucky! :D
Castor Pollux
Those shoes are just ADORABLE!! Loving the red white and black contrasts. And the tights are too cute also girl.
Such a lovely outfit :) The shoes are more than amazing :x
WOW. Look at you and your teal legs and black and whiteness!!!! I love the JCs. They're artsy but because they're black and white it'll go with EVERYTHING. Soooo you!
CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog
Your turquoise tights are super!!!
I love your striped top, I have been looking secretly for something just like this. Unfortunately I see them on everybody's blog but when I go to buy one for myself can't seem to find any.
These shoes are amazing. I thought in the first few photos that you got creative with a sharpie and modified a white shoe, but now it makes sense. :)
Love from Toronto, Canada
I love ur blog :))
Thank for your comment :))
this outfit is stunning! You look really cool :)
So cute outfit !!!
Awesome shoes! I like the shape of the skirt and the splash of colour you added with those tights!
great outfit...and such a lovely tights...great colour! have a nice evening!
Cute outfit!
Love your outfit
nice blog =)
i miss you ali!! love the shoes BTW
i'll send you a cactus
*if thats acually possible*
kisses A.
looove the tights and shoes!
they really make a statement
amazing thights!
im so in love with the color, i always look for the one like those!
this is so funny!!! love it :)
cool post!!!!!
lovely shoes
Hi! Back for a second comment :D I'm a big fan of how puffy your skirt is!
Those shoes are awesome. And I love the color of your tights.
Oh my goodness i would have stolen your shoes if you had left them to dance! and I adore your tights too
Those tights are perfection...love them! Cute look : )
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