_____Firstly, you must excuse my slightly disheveled hair (for both now and in future posts). I'm in the process of growing it out (one year without a haircut and going strong!) and I must admit that it does look quite frizzy near the ends. You see, I have recently decided that I will be a part-time mermaid, and in order to do so, I must grow my hair out so that it is rather long. I hope that one day it is halfway down my back. Another fifty or so years and it should reach such a lovely length. My hair grows about as quickly as a bush can run a marathon-- and let me tell you, bushes are not nomadic creatures and thus tend to not be able to run at all.
_____Less about my boring hair and more about this hopefully less boring outfit, eh? My brother bought me this necklace just yesterday (because he is so amazing and the best ever!) and so I was quite excited to wear it today. I can already see it as being one my favorite pieces of jewelry so far; it looks so ethereal and magical with its colorful pendant-y-ness, hence the title to this post. Totally had me spellbound in the store, ya'lls~ hardy har har. As for the skirt, I got it for Christmas and I really like how bold the pattern is-- I do think it will be fun finding things to wear with it! I am also glad that it's starting to get colder. This is actually the first time I have worn these Jeffrey Campbell shoes in an outfit picture, so hopefully it will stay cold so I can wear them again and again. Stay warm, lovelies!

Sweater: TJ Maxx
Skirt: Lulus, gifted
Whale bracelet: gift from Grammi
Necklace: Altr'd State, from brother-brother
Booties: Jeffrey Campbell
Love the booties and adore your skirt! What a kind, thoughtful brother you have (with good taste, too!)
You've got a great brother indeed if he can find such cool pieces for you all on his own.
Good luck with your hair growth, I haven't had a hair cut in over six months myself, and it's getting a bit unruly... but I suppose if you are going to be a mermaid, some sacrifices will have to be made.
Of course, mermaids can't wear awesome JC booties... so you may want to give that some consideration.
Chic on the Cheap
oh I love when I go to TJ max and spot a great find! You scored for sure!
Thanks for you sweet comment!
I love this outfit!! The skirt is amazing and the necklace your brother got is so nice!!
(haha, yea, I love Tom F. but Matt is my lover ;) )
Love this skirt and the colors in this outfit...you look great :)
The Other Side of Gray
You look incredible. I really love this outfit. Your hair looks great, what are you even talking about? We are so hard on ourselves.
Thanks for coming by and saying hello on my blog! You are so sweet.
Love the outfit! That skirt is amazing!!!!!!!!
xo Emily
i totally love the sweather! nice post!
This is such a great outfit! In fact, I think you have inspired an outfit idea for me for today! Also, what a beautiful necklace your brother got!
<3Chelsea Elizabeth
I think I have those boots in the bluish grey variety. Nice, aren't dey?
Your hair is looking good! Shouldn't be too much longer of a wait now. As in, by this time next year, you should be good to go! I know that's SO comforting...
i really like the sweater. looks really good with the dress
andn really cute boots
cute skirt :)
just came across your blog & really like it. and i really love that skirt in this outfit post!
check out my blog if you have the time! :)
LOVE those boots - they look so comfy as well. And don't excuse the hair. I like it a little messy
Great skirt!!
xo Jennifer
lovely,but chic skirt!love thie outfit.
love this look! love your great tall figure, thanks for your comment!
What a pretty combination, the skirt is simply adorable!!
p.s. Lovely style and blog!!:)
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