________This is what I wore to go grocery shopping, 'cause I'm one of those people who dresses up when they go to fancy places like Walmart. I wasn't entirely sure about this outfit, but when one of the cashiers told me she liked it, I felt like a supermodel. Rock on, cashierlady. Rock on.
________Do you ever feel like you don't remember how to pose? Because that's how I felt today. I felt so unoriginal-- every pose that I made felt the same as the last, kind of like how every tadpole looks the same as other tadpoles. No distinction at all. That was me today: a tadpole, tadding and poling along. Ah, well! At least my photos came out fairly nice (and I did manage to find some distinguishing poses in the lot). I feel like they have been much sharper lately ever since I adventured into using manual mode. But maybe it's just me.
________My parents got me these boots as a giftie for making the President's List my first semester. They combine a crazy 1980's shade of royal blue, a western style, and a metal sliver at the toe. I don't think you can get much more tacky-- err, fashionable, than that. Totally spunkeriffic, yo. They are vintage and were purchased from Etsy, the virtual land of magical things. I'm pretty sure that Etsy is the internet's secret Utopian society; that, and it's probably the only place where you could find a unicorn.
wow! this outfit it amazing, thanks for stopping by my blog. i'm following you now...mainly based on your awesome boots. :D
I love that the cardigan looks like a blazer. And it's a great color. Yum. Those boots are...interesting, aren't they? I think I like them, but I had to think about it for a while. At any rate, you pull them off well!
You should always dress up for the supermarket, especially in blue cowboy boots.
And whats going on? why are cherry blossoms blooming in February??
Chic on the Cheap
I dress up to do relatively normal things.. aka doing nothing. so i hear yah, girl! and you look pretty awesome. cobalt is a great color on you. :)
have a crush on that electric blue, it goes perfect with black
that s awesome, congrats on making the list and you look so 80s i really like the blue on you
I was going to comment on the totally awesome shade of blue of your cardigan until I saw the boots ... OMGGGG, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. youhavenoidea.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
I love the shape of the cardigan.
that necklace is gorgeous on u!
love it!
I love that velvet dress, too lovely!
I love this color, for us blondes is the perfect color I think :)
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Lots of love
lovely look! the cowboy vib of the boots is edgy! and the cardi is lovely.
Inside and Outside Blog
Your boots are so cool, I love how they match the color of your cardigan! Your outfit is so pretty :) Oh and also, the way you photographed your earrings is very creative.
The color of this cardigan is superb on you! Hahaha, I'm glad you felt like a rockstar after the cashierlady complimented you, because you look fantastic in this outfit! Keeo up the great work.
You must love blue because it seems I always see you in it >.< Cute look girly! I LOVE the Tights.
STUNNING outfit!!! it's amazing!! Thank you for your nice comment!!! I follow you now, would you follow me back???
Check out my Fb page too!!
Thank you! :)
Cute outfit! And thank you for remembering me of the fact that I need a new pair of dotted tights.
you have a lovely blog! love this look! xoxo
OMG!!! perfect outfit with a pretty lady... love the outfit especially the cardigan, great color!!! congratulations for being on the president's list, your parents are blessed to have you...
love your blog!!! following you now.. hope you could visit my blog too.. kisses!!!
omg i LOVE the royal blue and the velvet mixed together. so incredibly luxe
LOVING this colour on you!! You look amazing and I also love the tights!
Wow! Nice boots and great looking cardigan. The color is definitely catchy though..
Your pose are all looking great!
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