________You know those people who intensely ride their bikes along busy roads where it is most likely deemed unsafe to ride in the first place? And usually end up causing these little traffic slow downs that could cause an accident? And irritate drivers ever so slightly since the drivers have to go around them, timing it just right so they don't smash into another car?
________Yeah, well...
________Those cyclists are kind of what I aspire to be. How fun would it be to just roam on the open road with nobody but yourself and an endless sea of black asphalt? Your bike is a stallion: it is brave, strong, and controlled only by your movements. The wind all up in your hair, blowing it around like it just don't care. Your favorite music is strumming in your ears like a thousand jellyfish tentacles being strummed as if they were instruments. Yes. You heard me. Jellyfish guitars. A whole quartet of them, positioned side by side, swaying along with the undulating sound waves of your mp3 player. Okay, now I'm just spewing out a bunch of crap. I should just end this awful simile before it gets too out of hand.
________But seriously, I do want to continue with my bike rides for pretty much the rest of my life. It seems to be the only thing I can go back to and still enjoy. Ever since the time I rode my first bike (a magical sky blue one that had tinsel flowering from its handlebars), I was hooked on it. Recently, I heard about this thing called a "century ride," which is basically where you ride your bike 100 miles with occasional stops along the way. It sounds sweet, and I want to be able to finish one of these century rides one day.
________So, citizens-- what's something you aspire to do or be?
Dress: New York & Company
Cardigan: Targét (ohoho)
Tights: We Love Colors
Heels: Jeffrey Campbell
Necklace: Altr'd State, from brother
Bracelet: vintage, from Nami
Sash thing: idk I think it's one of my dad's old ties
This look is SO. DARN. FUN! I love it!
Man, I would love to be one of those bike riding folk. Riding a bike in New York City is no easy feat though, so maybe I can aspire to live somewhere less crazy and THEN aspire to be a cool biking person. I'd also really like to be a hiker. And a baker.
Anyway, this outfit is AWESOME. I usually wear way muted, boring colors, but I love how you paired two fun, bright colors together! And guuuurl, your hair in that first photo is so great and shampoo commercial worthy.
thousand jellyfish tentacles being strummed as if they were instruments. Yes. You heard me. Jellyfish guitars. A whole quartet of them, positioned side by side, swaying along with the undulating sound waves of your mp3 player <---- yeS!!!!!! :D i feel the same way and ooh your outfit looks loovely the blue is just O____O
kisses A.
Look at you, rocking all these colors! I love it on you. Those JC shoes are fantastic, I remember loving them and wanting them last year when you wore them!
You are so stylish. Love the mix of colors and prints here. Just beautiful.
Jellyfish guitars haha I love your simile it was awesome and your outfit is stunning I love the pops of color and the vibrant blue so cute.
I was actually thinking about getting a bike this summer. You know a cool one with wide handlebars and a basket. Will that be too corny?
I aspire to be the best person I can be and live life to the fullest not regretting one moment.
You do look electric here! and I hate those cyclists -- especially when they ride two by two and take up the whole road at 15 mph. so irritating!
Chic on the Cheap
I love the colors in this outfit. That bike trip sounds like a blast.
SO.BRIGHT.I.LOVE.IT. I really like all the bright colors you're wearing! I'm glad to hear you enjoy bike riding so much, you should stick to it!
Lovely cardigan ;-) following your blog now hope you visit my blog and follow too.
The century ride sounds so awesome. Your outfit is awesome too. The blue and yellow together is such a unique combination :)
Thanks for the sweet comment on my Ali!
I am a runner who is just getting into biking for a triathlon in a couple months and I'm loving it! I have always been interested in a century ride too; it sounds like such an amazing accomplishment!
Also I love that blue sweater wrap. The cobalt blue is such a strong and "in" color currently!
Love it!!! Great blog<3
Always invited to my blog:)
I lov elope love your shoes!
You look so cute in that bright yellow stockings!
The Sweetest Escape
Those tights are bright! I like them. Cute outfit post. Btw, Just like you I aspire to be a cyclist but I think I will stay away from the street and try to stay near the sidewalk :)
Mary from ♥ meowwzie.blogspot.com ♥
Those tights are awesome! they look really cool paired with the blue. And I remember the days of riding my bike. It truly is so carefree. :) Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my blog! <3
Wauw very stunning
http://fafafoomfarah.blogspot.com/ xo
you look so fabulous the tights with the shoes very 60s i really lik eit
lovely pops of color, especially the neon yellow. very daring! thx for your sweet comment, i am following you now!
so pretty! love the bright colors and those heels are super awesome
Great photos and colors too darling!
What do you say about following us each others? I´ll be very happy :)
Have a nice day!
please check out my latest post
Wow, you look stunning! Absolutely adore these colours, they suit tou so well!
you look lovely :)
The yellow tights are so BOLD - love it
Love the color blocking with the blue and yellow! I have yet to try the trend but I have an outfit in mind.. now I just need to be brave enough haha
xo Jennifer
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