______So, I never really mentioned this to you guys because I wanted to keep it a surprise and not annoy the heck of you by constantly bringing it up, but... last week, I kind of got married.

______"But Ali, where is your husband?"
______Well folks, he ran away in fear after realizing what a mistake he had just made--you know, marrying a potato-creature hybrid such as myself.
______Juuuuust kidding! Yeah, no, I didn't really get married. Though, I do want to see how many people comment on this saying, "Congratulamations on ur marriage bc I don't read ur supa-dum postes bc ur writing is not funney!!!1"

______So the real deal behind these pictures is that the other week, I was able to have this awesome opportunity to be a model for a vintage limousine service that caters to weddings! A photographer who took our family's pictures once before (his name is Butch and he is fabuloso) contacted me and I eagerly agreed to do it. I was able to pose next to a super stunning Rolls-Royce and a lovely Mercedes Benz as a "bride." I didn't feel like much of a model during the shoot since I haven't done anything like that before, but the guy who owns the limousine service really liked how they turned out for his website, Coats Classic Cars Vintage Limousine Service, so I was just happy to hear that. Heck, he even put me in the header of his website! I am truly honored.
______Afterward, the owner was kind enough to take us all to Panera afterwards for lunch... So guess who got to ride to Panera in a Rolls-Royce? I'm just living the life over here, you guys, and you're all just petty peasants in my kingdom.
______I kid, I kid. But really, the photographer's wife and I were sitting in the back of the Rolls-Royce while the owner drove it and we were just squirming over the awesomeness of every little detail inside and snapping tons of pictures and such. It's not every day you get to ride in a fancy vintage car! Overall, it was definitely a neat experience.
(photos property of Butch Oglesby at Blue Moon Studios, via bluemoonstudios.net/cars)
You look gorgeous - what a fun shoot!
I'm interested in how many people actually will just think you got married haha
xo Jennifer
Hahaha, oh Ali, I saw the first picture and read that bit about marriage and I'll admit, for half a second you almost got me. :b
But then I was like "Nahhhh, no way."
I can see why he made these his header! You make for one stunning model. Seriously, any future guy would be an idiot to run away ;)
Trendy Teal
Wow, what a FUN opportunity for you! Those cars are stunning...I'm drooling a little bit! You look gorgeous in those dresses too. I laughed at what you wrote also! That comment about people thinking you got married because they don't actually read your content made me giggle a bit...very cool post!
Haha! They are beautiful photos all the same :)
Great photo shooting and beautiful dresses! My favorite is the second one. :) And, oh my, look at those cars! :)
At first I thought that you got really married!!
you look really stunning as a "bride" :D
the pictures are stunning as always:)
Wow! Congrats on your marriage, Ali! How exciting!!!!
hahah just kidding! You DID have me fooled though. Especially because I just found out that one of my good friends from high school JUST GOT MARRIED! No one knew and we just saw pictures on Facbeook! Wildddd! Hahah. But anyways, you look gorgeous! WOW! And the cars are smashing! And I don't even like cars!
and silly, your writing does NOT suck. you are so awesome! These pictures are beautiful, and SOMEDAY, you really will make a beautiful bride!! :P :P
well...u would have made a beautiful bride
and now at least u know where to get a pimpin ride for when you do get married
You are going to make such a beautiful bride, plus that dress is perfect. This is such an awesome opportunity, you are a stunning model.
Haha, I believed it at first too! The pictures are stunning, you make a great model!
Ali! I love that dress so bad:)
Love your blog
xoxo Norway
Gorgeous is an understatement. Such a great shoot Ali! And i was "gotcha-ed" big time when i read you got married. lol. But really, the vintage vibe and you as the model is just picture perfect! xoxo <3
Such beautiful pictures, such beautiful dresses.
You look absolutely stunning!!:) xx
From these gorgeous pictures, we have deduced that you will make the most stunning bride and you should be doing this modeling thing full time!
you look fav hun beautiful beautiful photos!
love from the NANA girls xoxo
THe pictures came out to be brilliant! Love!
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~Boomerang Plus
Bwahahaha hey, you could have had me for a moment there (but I would have always wondered where this fiancee of yours was during outfit photo taking. ha!)
Seriously though, you make one beautiful bride and surely will help convince other brides that they need to book this limo company immediately.
Chic on the Cheap
Hahaa! You totally had me until I kept reading. Well at least you know that if you do get married some day you will make a gorgeous bride!!!
I LOVE the vintage cars. I'm a huge fan so when they're mixed with fashion I love it all even more!
Cup of Tea
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA oh Ali!!! I seriously squeeled when I saw you in this wedding dress. I was like: ?! How is it possible that I didn't know she was engaged!?!?!?! Just to read that you didn't get married after all. I bet you are going to fool a lot of people! LOL.
Anyways, You look absolutely GORGEOUS DROP DEAD GORGEOUS in these photos. What a great opportunity to model for those fancy cars, I'm so happy for you ;)
Ali, these pictures are AMAZING! And I'm slightly obsessed with your sense of humor. For a second I was like, SHE GOT MARRIED!? And then I read on. Thank you for sharing these shots...you look beautiful!
Oh nu uh! You almost had me until I read the post! Either way I was going to be jealous you got to ride around in an awesome antique car. I want to go to Panera in a Rolls...
Amazing photo shoot! The dresses are beautiful!
My Own Project
Please vote for my photos in this competition! It means a lot to me! Thanks!
you are so tender, beautiful in a weeding dresse!! Someday you get married and this guy wi'' be extremely happy!
Simply the BEST:)
Simply the BEST:)
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