"The Smoking Horse," prismacolor pencil on 17"x14" Bristol paper, July 2012
______I feel pretty darn productive this summer, mainly because I actually drew something that I actually finished and actually really like! I work at my neighborhood's pool, you see, and after I'm done cleaning bathrooms and taking out the trash and such, I really don't have much to do except for making sure that residents follow the pool rules--which they usually do. Thus, drawing is a good way to pass the time when I'm not telling people that they shouldn't be drinking soda in the pool. This here drawing has been done for about a week now, but I didn't want to post it so soon because I always end up looking back at things I supposedly have finished and tweaking them until they feel right. Of course, that's what happened with this drawing, and I tweaked it accordingly during the week; however, after a few days of looking at this drawing now, I feel that I need not touch it anymore. I am a satisfied wee grasshopper.
______So, here we have this lovely horse sir who is erupting from an abstract volcanic mountain of sorts. Honestly, I just really wanted to try my hand at drawing a horse and capturing its wild, horse-y nature. Because untamed horses definitely the share characteristics of smoke--unable to be tamed and always riding the wind, yeah? I know that the anatomy is a little wacky, but hey, if I wanted an anatomically correct picture of a horse, I'd take a picture. But that can be boring, and not always so fun. It's much more fun to screw around with the nature of things via colored pencil-y goodness. I had a lot of fun with all the lines and muted colors and gradients in this piece; in fact, there really wasn't one part that I grew bored with in this drawing. It always kept my attention!

This drawing is amazing. I think you captured the essence of an untamed, wild horse in this drawing very well. It's so cool how the horse is like the smoke and coming out of a volcano! There's so much movement, it looks awesome :)
OMIGOD!!!! you are such a talented artist! I've been following your blog for a while but still havent really seen that much of your art....this is just AMAZING! you totally have a future in this, girl :) You captured a wild horse PERFECTLY! love he's on fire (if that's what it's called when you come from a volcano!)
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Ali...I'm jealous. Plain and simply put, I am green with envy of your talent! ;)
Haha, love this fiery horse! You captured the wild spirit perfectly.
Trendy Teal
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he looks as if he is running through a blazing grand canyon, and he is very magnificent indeed.
Chic on the Cheap
Wow this is an amazing illustration, you're very talented! Oh and I noticed you use Prismacolor pencils... I approve!! haha, they're the best ;)
Cup of Tea
this is so beautiful ali! i'd love to see more of your work - do you post on deviantart by any chance? when i used to do art that was my go-to site... :)
Omg, your drawing is AMAZING!!! You are seriously sooo talented! I'm so impressed!
Oh wow! This is incredible! You are super talented. I wish I could draw!
<3Chelsea Elizabeth
asdjlaksjdlajdlad THIS IS AMAZING. Seriously. You are so talented. Seriously. AHhh. It's just so much fun to look at. I love stalking all of your art! Amazing! You really HAVE to post more! You've really got an amazing grip on all the mediums you use. Fabbbulous! POST MORE PLEASE! Anything you do... POST.
Amazing drawing! Cool!
backtofive's twitter
xoxo backtofive
Wow that is great, you're so talented!
wow your so pretty and have amazing love legs! did you do that drawing? so pretty, your really talented!
omg! this drawing is amazing!! I'm sooo impressed!!!
This piece of art is super!
you are very talented!
Your art pieces are breathtaking!!! You are very talented!!!
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