______Criticism hurts, and even praise can do an equal amount of damage.
______Criticism has a broad definition. It can be simply put as something that occurs as the result of another person viewing something you've done with no negative connotations attached, but it can also mean that something you've done isn't up to par with some kind of standard, or that you didn't put your whole heart into something. Praise is more specific. Praise is seemingly a good thing, a reward with words, but the results aren't always as equally endearing. Praise can make others give you those little looks of hatred out of the corner of their eyes. It can make others less likely to approach you. Praise can hurt just as much as criticism can. It follows you around, and sometimes that can be good, and other times it can seem bad.
______I always come across phrases like, "Don't listen to anybody but yourself," or the more blunt, "Fuck the haters"... but how realistic are those, really? It's difficult to do things on your own without considering the wellbeing of others. When one option may please someone, it may not please another. When one option may please you, someone else may be discontent with it. When both parties are pleased, one may be secretly not pleased as to please the other. And then it can get really complicated, and you think that you're pleasing someone when in reality you actually did the opposite of what they were thinking all because they were trying to please you at the same time.
______So what does this even whittle down to? What am I even talking about? I'm not even entirely sure, perhaps a whole bunch of things that were seeping into the crevices of my mind and compiling themselves into a nasty little blob of consciousness, but somehow, writing the aforementioned swept those things away.
______But hey, enough of this jumbled thinking for now. It was a busy week, and I'm most likely just rambling. Though the week seemed rather lengthy, it ended on a good note--on Friday, my roommate, a friend, and I were able to see a movie to unwind: Hotel Translyvania! It was super cute and witty, and if you love yourself a good animated movie, it's definitely one you'll have to keep in mind.
______Have you seen any lovely movies lately?

Lattice dress: Forever 21
Belt: Know-Style
Red ankle socks: Forever 21
Ankle booties: Charming Charlie
Chain bracelet, chevron earrings, red and gold layered bracelet: Charming Charlie
Whale bracelet: gifted, maybe vintage?
Praise, especially when it's not honest can be sometimes confusing :-D But I would prefer it to hateful criticism :-D Awesome look omce again, especially those cute red socks! Not praising, just stating the obvious here :-D
First of all, you're always the expert of color coordination with your looks. And those chevron earrings? They're a dream come true.
I'm horrible when it comes to both criticism and praise and I completely feel you. Both, in their own way, can hurt a person. I don't take criticism well and I don't know how to accept a compliment without feeling awkward. You can never make anyone completely happy.
I actually just saw a movie last night for my birthday! :) We saw Perks of Being a Wallflower--it was absolutely awesome. I love Emma Watson SO MUCH. And man, you must have a lot on your mind! all that praise and criticism stuff was deep, Ali!
Onto the outfit. LOVE the color combination! Red and black and gold=winning. it also equals superhero-esque... :P Love the back of that dress, too! YOU ROCK SUPERGIRL! <3
You look so great honey! I love all the photos
I think both criticism and praise are essential to life but the difficult part is doing them right. Also isn't it wonderful when writing helps you feel better?
i just watched Cruel Intentions with Reese Witherspoon and it was hilarious.
love this outfit, so classy! love the shoes.
That belt is to die for! Love it (:
We love this! Love the pop of red too<3
ox from NYC
The back of that dress is gorgeous! I love it! Especially with the red accessories!
xo Heather
u look so lovely
Wow, you really have a lot going on in that mind of yours Ali. I have to agree with your thoughts too. Praise can definitely cause envy and negative attention from others. Love these deep thoughts coming from you - my fave subject in high school was philosophy, so reading this makes me want to get back into it haha.
Anyway, love this black and red outfit you're wearing - the criss cross back is lovely! Your colorful, matching socks are always the best :D
Trendy Teal
I think I understand what you mean, and neither criticism, nor praise are things you can just simply brush off - they are words you tend to carry around, words you allow to dictate your decisions.
But seeing as you are the queen, I'm sure you will figure out how to deal with the criticism masquerading as praise.
Chic on the Cheap
Your red socks are so bright and I love those earrings :) You are seriously so good at accessorizing!
I definitely agree with you about how criticism and praise can both cause damage. And even though praise may not seem like it can be hurtful, it can sometimes. But anyway, i'm glad you had a fun end of the week. That movie looks really funny! :)
Wow really classic and beautiful dress~~
I like how this whole outfit matches! I want to see that movie. It looks cute!
its def. hard to block out mean commments, etc.
Love those earrings!
love your dress and the ankle boots! Cool outfit :)
It is definitely really hard to not be affected by what other people think. I've always liked to believe that I've grown to not care what other people think of me, but the honest truth is that I'm not always that tough as to not be affected by what other people say. You are fantastic just the way you are btw, so try not to let the criticism or praise of others affect you.
BTW, You look gorgeous in this outfit as always! I love your belt!
A really thought provoking post...There are definitely times when praise can make others jealous of you and therefore create some enemies.
You look stunning in these photos! You always seem to be so flawless :) I love the combination of red, black, and gold. You added the perfect amount of accessories and I love how the red socks jazz this up a bit.
cute outfit! love the red accents and that belt is fabulous <333
just watched one day by anne hathway.
you look great in that dress <3
Love this shoot! You look great with the contrast of the dress =)
<3 KellysKouture@blogspot.com
You look so cute! Black and red are so fierce together, I love it!
And I recently saw Celeste and Jessie", so good!
<3 Chelsea Elizabeth
This was a wonderful post, Ali! So thoughtful and it really made me think! I'm jealous that you saw Hotel Transylvania! I want to see it! On a style note, nobody wear's red as well as you do! I swear girl, red is YOUR color! You look stunning and that belt is such a fantastic piece! Love it xx
Twenties Girl Style
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You look so perfect! I love the red and black scheme, your accessories are perfect, and I just love your boots!
Love the silhouette of your dress (and you!) and the fun little pops of red. I will admit to both seeing and loving the Katy Perry movie, but hotel Transylvania is on our list:)
Outfitlove! Those boots and belt are amazing.
Grrr... I just wrote a long, heartfelt comment and my phone erased it. I just can't win with this technology!
At any rate, my main points were that I love your outfit and have never managed to do a dramatic red/black pairing the way you do here. I'm inspired now!
Also, I just finished writing a post about the nature of criticism when you're a blogger, both from yourself as well as from others. Putting yourself out there every day is challenging and never easy, but I hope that the people who appreciate what you do make it worthwhile.
I also jokingly threatened to call a guy who knows a guy to take care of the haters for you ;) Just saying.
I'll admit, I kinda wanted to see Hotel Transylvania. haha! Glad you liked it! This outfit is so cute and your pictures are amazing!
You look perfect! I love the back of that dress, so pretty! And wonderful how you topped off with red. Well done dear!
XO, Imke
you are so beautiful!
i love your outfit :)
xx, rebecca
These photos are amazing! I actually think you kind of look like Blake Lively. Both criticism and praise go hand in hand. To truly grow you cannot have one without the other.
xx Jenee C.
{camo meets couture}
Oh criticism...it can be helpful and it can destroy you. It's hard not to let it affect you (at least for me) and knowing when to let it help vs. destroy you is what makes the great ones survive.
Lovely dress! It looks fab with those shoes :)
i love this look! so pretty and edgy at the same time! you really have an amazing sens of style!
xo, Carla
Wow that really got me thinking! I never thought about it that way before, but definitely true! I love the pops of red you have with the accessories, and the back of the dress is stunning! The shoes are also great. They look so classic and could go with anything! :)
love your look!!
I invite you to follow my blog on http://laviecestchic.blogspot.com
hope that you like it!!!
love your look!!
I invite you to follow my blog on http://laviecestchic.blogspot.com
hope that you like it!!!
Oh my god... those socks are perfect...!!!!! I love that pop of red - scrolling down I thought aww that dress is cute...OMG THOSE SOCKS AND THOSE BOOTS <3 This is so adorable!!! I love your boots!
High-Stitched Voice
Hop e you are able to distill all those thoughts jumbling around in your mind and that things work out.
You look great in this outfit! I like how your style is just a touch matchy-matchy in that your socks and/or shoes always match your outfit so well. Turns out very edgy and surprising!
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