______I obtained this skirt recently on sale and decided that it makes me feel like an evil princess. Yes, an evil princess. Evil Princess Ali--I do like the way that sounds. Fear my evil powers, O peasants. I guess if I even had an evil power, it would be to turn things into sandwiches with a single glance. Because turning innocent things, such as small children, into sandwiches is rather evil if you think about it.
______Anyway, I feel quite free right now 'cause yesterday I had the wax cleaned out of my ears and it's just great. Didn't you totally want to know that? I'm gross, I know, for sharing this with you all. But it's so worth it because I feel awesome. It is as if a weight has been lifted... but from my ears. I can hear a little better, and even though the experience made me a bit dizzy, I feel like a new woman ready to take on the world. I even felt a breeze in my ears. Have you ever felt a breeze in your ears? If you haven't, it's similar to the breeze you feel when you're wearing a skirt, but it's in your ears. Yeah, big shocker. It's kind of invasive, yet weirdly fantastic. It's a good kind of invasive. Does that still make it invasive?
______I stopped by Starbucks after the aforementioned ear appointment and one of the barista guys told me that I looked very nice, and asked me why I was so dressed up. I told him that it was for no reason, really, because I'm sure that telling him I dressed up to have my ears cleaned and to do my grocery shopping wasn't the answer he'd expect. I should've told him that I dressed up like so because I was an evil princess who was reigning over her evil princess kingdom, and then I should have turned him into a sandwich, snatched my green tea, and dashed away. How dastardly and perfect that would have been!

Top: JC Penny
High-low sheer skirt: Lotus Botique
Heels: via TJ Maxx
Bracelet: Lulu*s
Collar necklace: Charlotte Russe
stunning.. just stunning..
Hi dear, this is a killer outfit, gorgeous dress which you wear with finesse, looks amazing!
That really WOULD be an evil power. Gosh, turning children into sandwiches?
Man, I'd definitely abuse that power. Some of the kids that come into Golden Corral need to be turned into sandwiches.
Haha, and now you've got me wondering if I need to have my ears cleaned out...I probably do.
So right, on to the outfit part. I saw that first photo Ali and thought: "Well va va voom, look at that girl's gams!" Haha, you definitely could pull off the evil princess look ;)
Trendy Teal
I think the guy was actually asking: "are you dressed up for your boyyyfriiieeend?". :-D In his own stupid way at least :-D If you said you were actually an evil princess that would have been hilarious :-D And what a princess you are! Gorgeous! And with whole new ears :-D
You are such a stunner. And oh my gosh I giggled so much at your ear wax story. I have never felt the breeze in my ears and now I want to go and get my ears cleaned. I never knew that was a thing!
Oh my goodness. that dress is amazing, and the way you styled it is perfect! I love the necklace.
Evil Princess Ali? I can definitely roll with that. And I don't blame you for dressing up for ear cleaning and grocery shopping. There's absolutely nothing wrong with looking damn good for no reason. :)
And not to be equally creepy, but I had my ears cleaned once too and it was amazing. AMAZING. Everything was just so...clear...and loud. I completely feel you. Huzzah for clean ears!
I am so in love with your dress and shoes!
Wow, this is breathtaking! You look so great in all black. I think your ear cleaning story is funny...I had to get mine cleaned once as a kid and it was very liberating! haha, glad you feel a bit better. Fun getting compliments from strangers too! Very Flattering.
Gold + That gorgeous hemline = absolutely amazing! And we have all this clothes...I'd dress up for anything too.
i totally enjoyed reading this post evil princess ali! :D
stunning dress as well.
I'm loving this dress!
xo Heather
Awesome dress! It looks fab with that necklace :)
You look stunning! I love that dress, it floats in such a lovely way :)
Wishing you well for the week ahead!
this outfit is actually perfect! by the way i followed your gorgeous blog! do you think you could check out mine & maybe follow or just leave a comment. would love to hear from you!
This skirt is basically perfection in skirt form. You pull it off perfectly! And I'm glad I'm not the only one who dresses up for the little things in life!
<3Chelsea Elizabeth
Gorgeous outfit! I love how the golden accessories really pop against the black. :) Haha I totally dress up for some of the most trivial activities sometimes! And now I'm considering getting my ears cleaned!
This was such a witty post to read on a Monday morning accompanied by a macchiato :) You look uh-ma-zing as always honey!
Absolutely stunning! I love this dress and the jewelry you paired with it is so perfect!!
Cool hem!
Haha, that skirt looks gorgeous on you Evil Princess Ali, and I hate it when people ask you why you are dressed up - like there is something wrong with wanting to look nice on just a regular day!
Chic on the Cheap
I love mullet skirts, but they're normally pretty casual. I love how dramatic this is!
Oh Ali....this post made my Monday! Turning children into sandwiches is unfathomably evil! You definitely had me laughing out loud.
This outfit is seriously perfect! You look stunning!
PS the whole time I was reading about the ears, my ears seemed to feel extremely heavy. I definitely need to look into getting mine cleaned out haha....it sounds like such a freeing experience! xx
Geeze, girl! You look like a model! I LOVE this dress and this look on you!
Marvellous, love the whole outfit girl, you look gorgeous xx
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Come back soon to visit my blog : ❤ StylishByNature.com
What a stunning dress!
I wish I would be able to show off some skin. It already has got super cold in NL! Brrr.. Very classy!
haha love your post! Made me laugh out loud! You rock that 'evil princess' skirt! I think ear wax removal is totally worthy of dressing up for!!! Would love it if you stopped by my blog. If you follow let me know and i'll follow back! xoxo
Hi dear, thank you for your kind comment today!
I really like the combination of the wide scoop neckline on the dress and the collar necklace, it's a lovely, slightly graphic look and is very cool. And this dress is fantastic, it does have a evil princess look to it! :)
adore that dress
xxx much love! have a nice evening :)
share the feeling
visit <3
I really love your sense of humor!! Your posts always make me laugh. You look like an amazing evil queen!! hehehe. I love how the skirt moves with the wind and how your gold accessories POP!
hey honey
I just found your blog and I love it!
you look amazing ,love your outfit!
check my blog if you want and maybe follow if you like it!
This outfit is so dramatic, I LOVE it! Especially the asymmetrical skirt, it looks so flowy. But turning small children into sandwiches? You really are an Evil Princess Ali ;) And haha now i'm thinking that maybe I should have my ears cleaned too.
Haha I like the "evil princess" look! Very pretty dress, you look gorgeous!
Stunning dress.
Amazing dress!!! Lovely photos, awesome post, dear!
That skirt is fantastic!
wow beautiful dress!!:) i'm following you, visit my blog if you want!!!:)
what a precious dress for a precious lady :D
xx m
really amazing!!!! love your necklace♥ wanna follow each other??
such gorgeous photos
Love the dress!
It will mean a lot if you'll have time to check our blog and if you like it maybe follow us ? ;)
Keep blogging girl !
Emily from Pretty Tiny Things
Gorgeous! At first glance looks like a dress. I really love the top and those awesome earrings!
Love the dress.. Truly so gorgeous..
I'm doing my very first giveaway.. The winner will be taking home a MAC BLUSH FROM THE MARILYN MONROE COLLECTION!!! Stop by if you wanna join :)
Xox, isa
love the black and gold ! The dress is lovely :)
Oh my goodness... That dress is amazing!
You look gorgeous! =D
You wold like follow each other? Tel me...
Big kiss,
Loving this feminine dress. Just gorgeous! :)
xo TJ
Wonderful look. I wouldn´t mind having those gorgeous earrings either.
I just LOVE this dress! Found your blog, wanna follow each other? You have a super cute style!
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