Self-Portrait, colored pencil on illustration board, 20x28, Drawing II, Fall 2012
______Here be the final project for my Drawing II class! Our assignment was to create a portrait of ourselves that said something about us, whether that something be super deep or just gives hints about something that defined who we are. I opted to draw a fairly traditional self-portrait and incorporated a tree ring since I'm always fascinated by the wonderfully organic shapes and patterns which can be found in nature (it's actually cut out in that shape, too, which essentially rendered my hand useless for the rest of the day... totally worth it). You could say that the tree rings represent the different years of my life, or you could just say that I really like tree rings. The choice is up to you. But no matter what the tree rings represent, I think that this is the closest resemblance I've been able to get in a drawing of myself. Drawing yourself is hard, you guys. You don't want to make yourself too pretty, but you don't want to make yourself too ugly. And the whole making it look like yourself thing is a struggle in itself as well.
______Also, there's a Mr. Cicada chilling in the corner by a rose, 'cause obviously they're the cutest lil' bugs nature has to offer. If one could have a spirit insect, a cicada would be mine fer sure.

______Anyway, I'm just glad to have exams out of the way. I guess I had it rather easy with only two written exams, though both were weighted quite heavily and required half a dozen pages of writing. My art classes, on the other hand, just required us to turn in all of our assignments from the semester, including a final project.
______But alas! I won't dwell on the passing of exams, for they are over now, and I am as happy as a plump bumblebee in a field of flowers. I'm also ready to get down to business and defeat the huns--err, I mean, bake scrumptious Christmas goodies.
______(but really, defeating the Huns is a priority)
______Peace out, cool cats!
The drawing is fantastic! You did a great job drawing yourself and what represents you! :)
This is so beautiful Ali! I love that the tree rings become a part of you. Good luck with your exams!
Wow that's beautiful! The way you incorporated the tree rings is really cool. I love it!
This is awesome!! You are so creative, I would have never thought of something like this for a self-portrait. And yeah, they're seriously so hard! But yours turned out awesome! :)
Thats cool that your done with finals now, you can just relax and enjoy the holidays!
You are so talented, lady! I love all the detail work and the flowers + bug are really very beautiful.
It is so true that self portraits are the most difficult... I think it looks very very similar to you though!
xxoo Elanor
LETS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS. TO DEFEAT. THE HUNS. DID THEY SEND ME DAUGHTERS? WHEN I ASKED FOR SOOOOOONS. Oh yes I got your reference, Oh yes I did indeed. Mulan is the shiz. Anyways, Ali, this portrait is amazing! I love how you made it unique with the tree rings. And it looks just like you! I think you're not giving yourself enough credit for how pretty you are though :) :) CONGRATS on being done with exams! Now get down to business and defeat your huns. I've got one week left to tackle...while you're defeating huns aka christmas cookies, i'll be doing high school homework *LE SIGH.
Lol I need to brush up on my Disney movies! It totally didn't click in my mind till I saw Rory's comment xD Haha, ah, Mulan is such a good movie <3
And Ali...yup, you already know. You're freaking talented, and I love seeing your art work :)
Haha, and a cicada would totally be your spirit animal. I remember when you photographed that one before. I love that you included it in your self portrait!
And aww...your comment on my last post...well, thank you. I don't always feel strong. But I have such lovely people in my life that encourage me and remind me of the bigger picture. That definitely has helped!
Trendy Teal
Congratulations on this brilliant drawing, you are unbelievably talented!
That's just super cool dear. Self portraits are very hard to make. You did a wonderful job and the idea for the circles is just brilliant!
Fantastic drawings!!! Really great!
My blog www.y-yulia-yudina.blogspot.ru
this is seriously awesome! the texture's perfect. Drawing self portraits are really hard-you have to combine how you see yourself with the way the rest of the world sees you-which you've done a pretty good job here!
a thousand million words
Your illustration is absolutely amazing, and I like how you put the rings of the tree as a component in there, interpreting it as your own. So gorgeous!
You are very talented, such a beautiful portrait! :)
You did such a great job, that is an absolutely beautiful portrait! I love it! You are so talented!
This is so well done! Great illustration and the lines are wonderful.
LOVE all of the blue and the polka dots... I have yet to find some good ankle booties but those are awesome!
It's an Easy Life
You are amazing, you know that? You are SO talented. I absolutely LOVE your self-protrait and the way you used the tree rings. It turned out beautiful!!! And congrats on finishing all your exams, you must feel relieved!
HIGH FIVE FOR FINISHING DRAWING II :) I just crossed that off the list for Fall as well and I am like mad excited to start my costume design/fashion design major classes soon.
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That is such a beautiful dress with such a beautiful print. You look gorgeous (:
Tyya's dad won't permit anything fit at the depend on - no ice cream, no sweets, no cookies. But when the saleslady puts a valuation sticker on Tyya's nose, Daddy is at the model moment brittle to suborn something allowable
A tooth (plural teeth) is a undersized, calcified, whitish structure ground in the jaws (or mouths) of many vertebrates and worn to sever down food. Some animals, particularly carnivores, also exercise teeth in behalf of hunting or in place of defensive purposes. The roots of teeth are covered by gums. Teeth are not made of bone, but rather of multiple tissues of varying density and hardness.
The unrestricted structure of teeth is be like across the vertebrates, although there is respectable converting in their shape and position. The teeth of mammals drink serious roots, and this design is also rest in some fish, and in crocodilians. In most teleost fish, manner, the teeth are spoken for to the outer surface of the bone, while in lizards they are attached to the inner surface of the jaw by way of harmonious side. In cartilaginous fish, such as sharks, the teeth are joined by cold ligaments to the hoops of cartilage that form the jaw.
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