______Besides baking truckloads of scrumptious cookies and fudge, one of my favorite holiday activities is viewing the festive light patterns that speckle and spatter people's homes in the crispy cool evenings. Not far from my own house, there's a quaint cluster of homes on a hill that's vivified at night by a spectacular montage of tacky holiday decorations. And when I say tacky, I mean all the tacky. All of it: odd Santa Clause blow-ups with spinning eyes, labyrinths of intricate candy-cane paths, multitudes of seizure-inducing lights, rainbow-bright reindeers, and nativity scenes constructed from blowups and plastic figurines that pulse with a strange inner light.
______My family lovingly calls it, "Redneck Christmas," and we appreciate its fragility each and every passing holiday season. It truly is a spectacle to hold within your mind.

______This camera here was purchased for five buckaroonis (yes, that is most definitely a word) at an antique shop. What it lacks in function it gains in being a precious little prop. And also at being a weapon for slinging ferociously at zombie butterflies. They're coming one day, you know. Legend says they're born when the butterflies in everyone's stomaches are regurgitated after college finals are over. Be safe out there, my friends. It is said the collective beating of their wings can deafen a man.

Coat: Altr'd State (same here)
Dress: Forever 21
Socks: Target
Booties: Chelsea Crew (similar)
Gloves: some leather shop sorries forgot
Earrings: Charming Charlie
35mm Kodak: $5 from an antique shop
I love viewing people's light displays too. Your jacket is gorgeous, and the matchy matchness of the socks and shoes to your outfit is glorious. xox
For me it´s the same, I like it also to watch the light decorations on the houses here in Bavaria during Christmas :) And I love your coat, too!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Omg, I loooove that coat, and those gloves are to die for! Also, please make me fudge <3 also I love that you use the "ALL THE _____" phrase. The camera is great too (and I get a weird sense of pride when things are Kodak, since I live in Rochester, where Kodak started and is located, hehe).
xox Sammi
You look absolutely amazing, this coat is perfection.
that cam remind me of the one that my dad used to have...sadly, not functions anymore but even if it was where would I develop the photos...everyone has gone digital these days.
Anyway, you look so lovely sweetie!
Zombie butterflies?!?! I didn't know this was something I needed to worry about! I'll have to find a camera/weapon of my own.
I can't wait to go on our annual Christmas-lights-viewing drive with my family :)
Those comments aside, you look darling in tartan! (Is that tartan? Or just plaid? Is there a difference? I am ignorant of these things.)
I love your coat!
If there were ever any zombies that I would like to see, it would be butterfly zombies. And I would also love to see your Redneck Christmas. I am a huge fan of all things extra Christmasy. Another thing I'm a fan of? This coat, the booties and the gloves.
Zombie butterflies...I won't lie, I just Googled that. And you'll be getting a pretty lil picture on your Facebook from me now...hehe
Anyway, I absolutely adore this color palette you're rocking Ali! Cognac brown and red are a pretty combination. Also, the vintage camera is a perfect prop to have! Definitely adds to your artsy vibe :)
The Dragonfruit Diaries
AAaaw, I love tacky Christmas decorations, just like in those American movies (now I sound like a third-world person) :D But really, would love too see those lights ^_^
Man, awesome coat and the gloves are so sexy <3
Holiday decorations are always a wonderful sight to take in, even the over the top ridiculous ones can put you in a good holiday mood.
I am just loving your plaid coat, and caramel leather accessories, and the vintage camera was a great buy!
Have fun with all your holiday baking Ali!
Chic on the Cheap
Great look!
Thanks for your nice comment, I wish you a happy new week!
And thank you for your pleasant comment on my blog! I checked your blog and I like it <3 Of this cause I would like to follow you on gfc and/or bloglovin. It would be great if you come again to my blog to follow me – then I will follow you immediately back.
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
International giveaway for your good figure
Haha I love people's houses all decorated with Christmas lights. The tacky blowup things are just the icing on the cake. They're great because they're still funny to look at during the day time. Hooray tacky Christmas decorations!
Also this jacket is so awesome. The colors in it are fantastic and I love how perfectly your socks match it. Your boots are wonderful too. And that camera makes an adorable prop for outfit pictures!
Fabulous outfit! That coat and those gloves are so great! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog!
Ha, I absolutely love when people get so into the holiday spirit! The decorations are so festive and cute and never fail to put a smile on my face. And mmmm...all that food you mentioned sounds wuite lovely! I'm sure you're a superb baker.
As for your outfit--man, what a deal for that film camera! I fits perfectly with your glam leather gloves and pretty peacoat. And adds the perfect balance to your boots! I love details like that.
Have a great week, Ali!
You are stunning! Along with your outfit.
You look so gorgeous in that amazing coat.
Love your style.
You look so beautiful. I love the colours and texture in your coat. We are actually going to view a Christmas lights showing this weekend. I am very excited, as I enjoy all of these type of holiday festivities. xx/Madison
Yay! I love it. I learned a new word from your post. Buckaroonis does exist. Lol.
Love your boots and dress. Very in season and I haven't had time to explore the city. I've been too busy with work but can't wait for the two week Holiday break. :)
Hi darling Ali, how are all the holiday preparations going? You're making me crave scrumptious cookies now. I wish we had some of the decorative homes you speak of, it must be so pretty and festive. Alas, Christmas here means suntanning and bbq-ing for most. Thats such a cute camera (and thats most definitely a word). Loved the story about the zombie butterflies, now it all makes sense to me. Your coat is beautiful, love the plaid pattern and warm tones. You look so poised as always.
Haha! In my hometown there is a house that wins the light-show prize every year for it's moving scenes-like a jumping reindeer, etc. It also has about a billion blow up santas, which I always thought was odd-why not just one santa? Because one is never enough!!
I adore your camera! Wouldn't it be neat to get an old one fixed up and functional? I would love to be able to take pics with a vintage camera.
You look so festive in that coat. I love the texture and cut of it, it suits you just beautifully.
Also, with all the things my husband does to prepare for zombies, I better make sure butterflies are on the list ;)
What a great antique shop find! I love how you used it as an accessory in your outfit. Also, the color combination in that outfit is gorgeous---I'm going to have to steal the idea of mixing red plaid with burnt orange.
The thought of viewing the festive lights brings back so many memories for me from the years in which we used to do that. I love everything about your look. I saw this on the Modcloth style gallery and thought ‘wow it’s my friend Ali!’ It’s like seeing a familiar face amongst people I don’t know…so then I went and liked every single one of your outfits. The camera sure does make the sweetest prop. I adore your coat too, it is completely perfect.
This outfit is styled to perfection. I love your coat and your cute booties :)
Thanks for your comment on my blog! I really like yours...you're style is amazing <3
I'm now following you on GFC and Bloglovin.
xo Azu
That jacket is gooooorgeous!
Hahaha your description of the redneck christmas decorations was amazing! I have one neighbor that has something similar to that, but it still makes me happy to see. I mean, how can you not feel festive looking at all that?! And this outfit is perfection, i want your glooooves
xo marlen
Messages on a Napkin
This look is so beautiful and you reminds me of a Girly Sherlock Holmes jajajaja
I really love your coat especially the orange-brown pattern. You are so classic and beautiful with the gloves. You really look amazing. I wish I was you.
Happy Holidays.
I love that camera!
I also love the color combo on your outfit! The coat and gloves are so beautiful!
I love your coat! Looks so great!
Ah, too bad this camera doesn't work! I bet you'd love shooting some film :) One of my goals over winter break is definitely to spend more time with my beautiful vintage film camera. I looooove your coat and booties and you look like a winter princess!
Xo, Hannah
such a cute outfit! love the boots and gloves. so glad you stopped by my blog and found me, btw. It's always fun knowing there's another fashion blogger near by! and you need to go see It's a Wonderful Life at the Alabama next year. It's intense, but oh so good!
This outfit is absolute amazing! The coat is perfect!
The Girly Gamer
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