______Man, I've been slower than a fat Santa through a chimney on keeping up with my artwork this semester, but I feel like that's because I've been experimenting and learning new ways of approaching art opposed to actively working at producing end products. Which I am totally fine with. You can always make stuff on your own, but sometimes you need a little teacher coercion to tug you out of your comfort zone.
______I did come out with a few snapshot-worthy works, though, and I'll be posting those throughout the winter break (if I make it through exam week... insert frightening organ pipe music here). This was my figure drawing final, in which we were to create whatever we desired using anything at all. I mean anything. One guy used butter, mustard, and vaseline to finalize his, and curiously enough, it was effective.
______I didn't add perishable food products in mine, but rather opted to scan through my Word document full of dreams I've scribbled down and use acrylic. I decided to base mine on an uber weird dream I had that involved a mushroom-cloud-like tree, two figures contemplating said mystical mushroom tree, and multiple crows delivering cobs of corn to the tree (which I chose to left out, because naaaaah).
______There are lots of things I've learned through making this:
______a) working on such a large scale is quite refreshing!
______b) I need to paint more and more, for I've only produced a single-digit number of paintings and I know I could have done better than this. Painting should be second nature to me by now!
______c) dreams are a rich source material, and having a fashion blog and a brother who is overtly willing to pose for you makes finding decent models easy peasy!

Dreamscenes I, acrylic on Rives BFK (60"x44")
Figure Drawing, Fall 2013
Oh, Ali! How stunning! I love the hilarious story behind it too (: The contours are so detailed (hope I'm using that right--it's been awhile since I'm taken art lessons haha) and make the clothing look so real! I love your use of color as well--it creates a sort of erethral, story-book aura. What a lovely dreamscene! So glad that your brother could help out too.
Gah, I feel the same way about exams. We'll trudge on together. Best of luck, Ali!
I love this painting so much! It's so dreamy and wildly imaginative and for some reason it reminds me on one sf novel (Hothouse)
In particular, I love that tree! or mushroom, whatever you want to call it:) there is really something about it to contemplate I feel...and that makes sense.
Absolutely beautiful Ali! I love the "texture" of the people you made with it! I don't know what to call it as I suck at art so I can't really speak art but yeah you're supa talented as I already knew
Wow, this is so breathtaking and interesting. I love all the dimension and mystery. I think this would be a wonderful writing prompt, like where does the little hole in the tree lead to, what is beyond the grove of trees? I love how one piece of art can evoke so many questions and thought. I wish I was more artistic sometimes because I have the craziest and most vivid dreams. I should write them down and commission you to paint them! haha. Good luck with your exam week, I'm sure you'll do great!
Wow, beautiful! The dream quality definitely comes through. I didn't know you were such a talented artist!
Your painting is so dreamy and full of magic! So cool! I'm curious about what the mustard & Vaseline one looked like. :P
I love love love it Ali! You always inspire me with your art. You're SOOO AMAZING at it!
Its so cool this is a scene from one of your dreams too. Haha, you recreated it wonderfully I'd say. :)
Good luck with all your art projects!
The Dragonfruit Diaries
You are so talented, Ali. Your painting is so beautiful. I love it! I cannot believe that you even dream whimsy stuff in your dreams. WHat do you think the mushroom tree and the 2 people are about? Did you dream yourself as the girl or somebody looking at them?
Amazing scene!
This is incredible! Truly wonderful work. x
Ugh I hear ya about exam week! I'm currently procrastinating on a final paper as we speak (or as I type? haha). but girl, you are ridiculously talented! im so jealous, ive always wished i had artistic abilities.
wow this is amazing! and i love the story behind it Ali!
♥ Ellen
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O_O wow! I wish I could draw like that!
It's quite lovely, and I totally agree about working on a large scale. the impact is just amazing.
Chic on the Cheap
You should definitely paint more and more. This is so amazing!
You are amazing at it.
Glitter And Blush
Wow this is really good Ali!! I love the detail in the wrinkle of their clothes. What a cool piece, and so awesome that the inspiration came from a dream! I'm so envious of people like you who can put on paper the images they see in their mind.
WOW! I just, I just don't even know what to say. This is just so stunning and I do mean STUNNING! Ali you are just wayyyyy too talented, you are going to be famous!
oh my gosh!!! this is really amazing! love the lines (contours??) & colours u created in this picture. i am not very arty hence i dunno the actual technical terms but u are seriously talented!!
This is stunning, so many talent displayed from these works. I'm impressed. I love the use of colours. This artwork is captivating and enchanting. Thanks for sharing, beautiful (your description about a fat Santa and the chimney is too funny and a good laugh for an early morning)
Wow! Interesting piece,love the coloring. I would love to hang this @ home.
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