______I'll keep this post short since my last two posts were practically-basically-sorrynotsorry novels. I've probably exhausted your reading meters, so I'll give you guys a week or two to refill them. I'm quite relieved you all are spiz-spazzin' out with me--it's fun reading all the little stories you guys have to share, too, and I solemnly swear I will keep you updated. It's a strange thing, this liking a dude thing is, but we'll see how it goes.
______Any who, onto LoopsWay: they're an online jewelry boutique that offers a snazzy range of shiny accessories to sport on your big, bad self, from necklaces to bracelets to earrings. They sent me over this dainty gold rudder necklace and I believe it's the perfect size--not to big, not too small, but noticeable enough so that your friends and neighbors will know you're a fearsome sea pirate and water wrangler. Plus, it came in the mail in under a week and their staff was very kind and quick to reply to my e-mails. Excellent customer service combined with speedy shipping on a cute item is a triple win in my book!

______You can find more of their darling necklaces here, and if you spend over $35, you can earn free shipping. Ch-check 'em out!
______Stay sane this week, friends!

Dress: Cynthia Rowley via TJ Maxx (similar)
Anchor necklace: c/o LoopsWay
Anchor belt: Lotus Boutique
Earrings: c/o JoJo Loves You
Closure bracelet: Charming Charlie
what an adorable necklace, i agree, it is just the right size. I also love your pink frock and the fact you are glowing! eeeeeeeeep! :D
Love hearing about new stores from you! The jewelry is so sweet and snazzy!
As for the long posts, I enjoy reading them so much! They brighten my day and I love finding out new things about you :D
I can already see how love is changing your style, you look so cheeky and flirty with the ponytails!
I quite enjoy your sorrynotsorry (don't be sorry!) stories :)
Also, wowowowow that gorgeous dress, and you're totally right about the necklace being the perfect size!
how cute you look in this skirt! lovely necklace as well!
What a beautiful necklace and I am loving your fun hot pink dress and cute little pigtails!
Ah I love this necklace, and you look so beautiful! Pink really is a great color on you. I feel like I maybe missed one of your posts, so I need to go back and see.
xox Sammi
Awww, Ali, you look so lovely with your hair styled that way! And you look absolutely precious in pink! I'm totally loving all these nautical accessories too. I've always been fond of the nautical style, but always felt odd sporting it due to my lack of water. Soon I'll live right by the ocean though and I'm going to go nautical-crazy! Haha.
And I can't get enough of your novel blog posts, they're wonderful to read :)
This shade of pink looks amazing on you!
Ack, pigtails! So cute! You look positively darling with that little nautical necklace and this shade of pink makes you look so bright and rosy!
And psh, the fact that you're an amazing writer is one of the best parts about your blog!
You know I love anything nautical, so I am a big fan of these adorable gold pieces. I also love your pink dress, you are looking so sweet!
Chic on the Cheap
very beautifull
*squeeeee!* Pigtails! I just wanna reach through the screen and tug them :D
Haha, I often like putting my hair into braided pigtails when I'm chilling at home with no makeup or anything. Combined with my blunt bangs, I am then magically transformed into my 12 year old self.
I don't know how you did it, but you're making these pigtails look sophisticated! Soooo cute.
Anyway, enough of the hair. Look at that adorable necklace! Sosososocute. You say I'm cute, pffff, you're just a puffball of cuteness all the time!
Anyway, looking forward to the next novel you write for us ;)
The Dragonfruit Diaries
I LOVE the color of that dress on you, and your pigtails are just adorable! I don't know if I can pull off pigtails anymore...it's been a while since I've tried...
The color of your dress is fantastic. I love reading your stories.
Loopsway is awesomesauce. I love the nautical theme you have going on here! That necklace and belt are too cute for words. Too cute I tell you.
ahh i love your necklace!
Hey just followed, love the outfit x
You look soooo cute as always! I mean seriously, a pink skater dress with two ponytails!?! ADOOORRABBBLLEEE!!! Love your new necklace as well, it is definitely the perfect size :)
you and your whole outfit are just adorable, i love the dress and necklace! and the last two posts are the cutest thing ever, i loved reading them! :-) x
OMGEEEEEEEEEEEE. Your stories. You. Your clothes. Let's move away and start a super cute and stylish town. Weird? Yeah it is but whatever. Yo know what I mean.
I like that it is a simple- but eye catching outfit- that allows the classic, gold accessories to really shine. Seems like something you'd wear walking along the Pier in some town on the Rivera... like Sanremeo or somewhere.
You should wear pink more often, I adore this colour on you. Your hairstyle is so adorable and it looks perfect on you.
love your necklace
its just so cuteeee
visit my new blog post :
purple warrior
This necklace is so cute and I love how it goes so well with your belt! And heheh can't wait for more updates :)
You look adorable! Pink is such a great color on you! I also love the hairdo and the accessories!
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