______I feel like I've been dressing extra girly lately. Look at me wearing all these ultra feminine pieces. Where is the boldness, Ali? Where is that brash Viking heritage of yours? Hiding, it is. Hiding behind an outfit that consists of a flowery print skirt and a lace peter pan collared top.
______If my Viking ancestors ever saw me in this, they would probably be super ashamed and kick me out of their cool Viking tribe (that, or they would eat me). And even after doing so, I'm sure that they'd still be furious since Vikings really don't have control over their constantly raging emotions, and in turn, they'd probably have to run off to terrorize random villagers to let off even more steam (that, or they would eat the villagers). Wow, Ali, there's so much cannibalism in your post--chill out.
______Oh, I'm sorry. I've just been a little lost lately. It seems like I've approached a big old stop sign in my life, and I'm not entirely sure about how to get past it. I've been wanting to do everything bigger and better lately and just make something great, or do something extraordinary, or accomplish something so I feel like I'm moving forward in life. I mean, I really do feel like I've accomplished quite a bit this summer, but it still feels like there's something missing, something that must be done in order to solidify those accomplishments and kind of top it all off. I just hope that I can figure out what exactly it is that must be done to make my summer feel complete--and I've got a week to figure it out!

Top: Charlotte Russe
Skirt: Forever 21, $3 from a secondhand store
Anchor belt, sunglasses: Lotus Boutique
Earrings, chain bracelet: Charming Charlie
You look absolutely gorgeous in these photos. I love the sophisticated and cuteness of this outfit, especially in that shirt. By the way, your photos in the last post are absolutely stunning! I quite enjoyed them.
your skirt is so beautiful!! I'm loving the colours and the print!!
Love the peter pan collar
Love the peter pan collar
Great post! Love the outfit
Lovely outfit!!! Beautiful top!!!
Very pretty outfit!
I know that feeling. Like I've stopped moving forward, like the summer is passing by so quickly and I don't have anything to show for it.
I do love your girly looks, that skirt is adorable, and I still think the vikings would approve of the anchor belt.
Chic on the Cheap
That certainly is one girly outfit! But I like it - I've been dressing extra girly myself lately...idk, must be some late-summer vibe in the air haha.
Hmm, I can understand wanting to end this summer on a bang. At least in some memorable way to mark it. Hope you'll find a way to do it!
Trendy Teal
Totally understand the stop sign thing, I'm experiencing it myself -_-
I don't think those VIkings would mind you dressing in a girly outfit, after all it's so pretty :P
You've got such a nice blog and as you already guessed I really like your style too. That skirt is perfect, just like the rest of yor outfit. All your pictures are amazing:)
PS. You're not at the front of the stop-sign, you've done great post and story, I would like to read some every day:) This is life, & la vita e bella:)
Greetings from small town from Croatia,
you can follow me on
oh my goodness, this combo is amazing. You look stunning. Fabulous post, love. I hope you had an amazing weekend. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest outfit. xo
lovely outfit.
love your skirt.
What a gorgeous floral skirt! love the colors and your Peter Pan collar :)
you look fab- and dont worry if the vikings come for you i will hide you in my wardrobe
I know exactly how you feel at the moment- and i hope you get that inspiration soon
Ok that print on your skirt is seriously ah-mazing!
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your gorgeous comment! Have a lovely day!
You are so pretty!
Love your skirt!! :)
OMG, Ali!! I love your blog!! BTW your grandma is so awesome!! I can't believe she makes u skirts, that is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!! And the jewelry she gives u, so nice:) u look stunning:)
your skirt is really fun!
visit me!
Oh my goodness that is the CUTEST skirt ever! Fabulous outfit. xo
Your blouse is absolutely beautiful! And the skirt, oh my goodness- the colours are AMA-zing:)
(I also love the last picture-it's lovely!)
Have a wonderful day Ali! xx
Oh my goodness I adore this outfit! You look simply stunning, dear...and that skirt is fantastic! Just stumbled across your blog and I love your style! Following you xx
this skirt is absolutely amazing <3 it's so vibrant and gorgeous! definitely makes the whole outfit! love this so much
Alexa <3
You look so beautiful, Ali! I adore the brightness of this skirt and the daintiness of the top. <3 Also, VIKING HERITAGE? awesome!! haha
personally, i feel like i haven't gotten too much "accomplished" this summer... but i DO feel like i've had a lot of fun. which is actually not something that i can usually say at the end of a summer...so i guess that's good!
you look lovely as always
& give it some time it will come at the right exact moment for the meantime enjoy every second :)
Kisses A.
I LOVE that skirt and belt! And I think it's okay to differ a little sometimes, maybe it's just another side of you that you've never really explored :)
Such a pretty skirt!
A viking ancestry?! Now that is quite awesome, I have to admit. You look darling - I love the peter pan collar and bright cheery print on your skirt. All perfectly paired together. Fall always holds new things. Summer has definitely gone by so fast for me too. Have a lovely week :) xo Marisa
Beautiful dress..
New follower
My gosh this is amazing! The peter pan color is seriously one of my favorite looks right now!
thank you for anouther kind comment.
Not eating red meat is almost as hard eating out wise im sure.
Yes, this outfit is pretty girly! I'm loving the peter pan collar.
i love your top - the collar makes it so pretty
I'm sure there was at least ONE Viking out there who wore floral skirts on the battlefield. I'm loving the bright colors though and those chevron earrings are fantastic. :)
I hope you find that one thing you really want to accomplish before the Summer comes to an end. Good luck!!
You look so beautiful!
Lovely blog dear(:
Thank you for your comment on the Treena Bean blog!
I'd love it if you'd take a peek at my lifestyle blog True Blue Abbi as well and publicly follow if you enjoyed yourself(:
-XO Abbigayle Rashae
I love this ultra girly outfit! If I was a viking, I wouldn't be mad at all :) (And hehe my school's mascot is a Viking so all the students at our school are called vikings.)The peter pan collar top is sooo pretty and so is the paint splatter skirt.
I hope you can figure out what to do to feel like your summer is complete. I have that feeling a lot too and it bugs me a lot when I can't figure it out.
p.s. that last image is stunning, the water droplets really stand out when the photo is in black and white!
Firstly, your pictures are amazing!! And I love everything about this outfit, your top is oh so lovely and that skirt is just perfect! You look beautiful!!
x Aliya
Hill Side Story
Cute look! Loving your skirt!!
You look amazing !! Great pics :)
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❤ StylishByNature.com
I love love love dressing girly, so I love all these looks that you've been rocking lately. This skirt is amazing...such fabulous colors!
In love with your style.
I love the way you accessorize, everything is perfect
love your belt so much! and your top is adorable with that skirt, great outfit
Sooo i somehow missed this post. O.o
yes im a bad blogger friend. but HEY im good since i was just looking at your blog and it didnt even come up in my bloglovin' feed :P
Anyways, im totally descended from cavemen not vikings. I kinda eat like a caveman. But you and your vikings could prolly take me and my cavemen. it's okay, Ali.
AND on a more normal note, did you wind up figuring out what that one thing was you needed to do? If you didn't, i'm sure you will soon. Everything happens for a reason, right? :)
OOOOKAY and i forgot to comment on your outfit. I would give you my address so you could send me that skirt but it's so awwesome i'm thinking you prolly dont wanna do that. I REALLY REALLY LIKE IT. and your top, too. YA LEWK GUD.
hey I have this skirt! great pick and I love those sunnies too.
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