______You might think I'm one crazy lady for wearing a sweater while it's still summer, but you've gotta hear me out.
______I'm not just doing this for the fashion, you see. The thing is, I just get cold really easily! The instant I walk into an air-conditioned building, the coldness immediately penetrates my bones and chills me to the core, even when those around me are exhaling sighs of relief from having such blessed cool air rush against their overheated craniums. I find that I must brace myself for that coolness which others are thankful for. That being said, when I am armed with the knowledge that I will be entering some air-conditioned places, I'm always sure to properly prepare myself, hence this sweater.
______I'm pretty convinced by now that I'm some kind of cold-blooded creature that instantly adapts to whatever temperature is around it. Temperature is 70 degrees? I am 70 degrees. Touch an ice cube? I become the ice cube. Does anyone else have this problem?
______Oh, well. It could be worse. I could breathe fire every time I laugh, or excrete a strange alien plasma from my pores at certain moon phases. That being said, I guess getting cold easily isn't all so horrible. However, writing this has made me become aware of my current body temperature, and so if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go brew some scorching hot Tazo Passion tea to warm my heat-lacking body.

Sweater: TJ Maxx
Dress: New York and Company (sale)
Flatform sandals: Calvin Klein (via Ross Dress for Less)
Necklace: vintage costume jewelry
Earrings: Lotus Botique
Beautiful outfit! Looks very good on you! xxx
love the outfit so pretty ;-)
Haha, so there ARE perks to being cold easily. Way to see the positive side of things. That'd suck if you scorched something everytime you laughed. I'd be a major hazard to have around...
Anyway, just means you can beat the rest of us to dressing for fall! A striped sweater is definitely a staple, and yours is such a cute one :)
Trendy Teal
I'm the same way! I'm cold ALL of the time. In the winter it is absolutely ridiculous how many layers I must wear just to leave the house. During the summer, heading inside a frigid store has me running back to the car to blast the heat on my icicle fingers.
All that aside, you look AMAZING! Obsessing over your shoes xx
Twenties Girl Style
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What a nice Blog you have,my best congrats! great style!!I lov your pics!
You and me both girl! I always have to carry a sweater or light jacket around, most businesses and stores always crank the AC way too much! Argh. Your sweater is very cute! I love how it's not all the same length, really cute :)
Beautiful outfit, I love your sweater and shoes! I know how you feel about being cold. But it has it's advantages, I love sweaters! :)
Love how you accessorized
guuurrrll it's cuz you're so skinny! :) haha you don't retail heat i guess! noo some people are just like that too. i get cold pretty easily as well. actually my body temperature just fluctuates a lot so i'm either too cold or too hot.
nonetheless - cute sweater! and i loveeee your shoes.
Haha, I completely understand! The thing is, I tend to get hot really easily too! So I almost always dress in layers nowadays with the cold mornings but hot afternoons. And I love this look! :) It's so classic and chic! I really love the sweater!
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You look lovely!
Hahahah, totally understand! I'm as cold as Antarctica on steroids and even the slightest breeze makes me feel uncomfortable so I always wear fluffy socks and jackets and sweaters and cardigans and tons of stuff -_- It makes me feel really awkward when I see girls with mini skirts walking down the streets, while I'm wearing a sweatshirt, jeans and a jacket >.<
Love that cute outfit btw!
That is a cute sweater. I usually carry one with my if I know I'm going somewhere cold too.
The outfit is cute! :D Love it!
See you there! :D
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xoxo backtofive
i love the striped top with the white skirt <3 it's just so simple and classic! too cute
Alexa <3
Haha! You just don't have enough fat on your body like the rest of us do to keep you warm, that's all! I LOVE this black and white look. I adore how the stripes in the sweater echo the look of the shoes (which are stunning). And how beautiful is your jewelry? So classy!
Great outfit!!,very elegant!!
I'm following you now :)
I hope you're not too cold right now! And yes, very true, it's better than breathing fire. or excreting whatever the heck that stuff you said is....haha :) And WOWZA I am judging a wee bit for wearing the sweater...but only because im jealous. super jealous. as in my-school-isnt-airconditioned-and-i-die-every-single-day jealous. Yep. It sucks. So, basically, I'd say it's better to be someone who gets cold easily and just wear sweaters to solve that problem than be someone who gets hot easily and sweats all day long at school (sorry for the nasty picture there). BUT ILL STOP COMPLAINING AND MOVE ONTO YOUR OUTFIT :) :) LOVE the wedges. I've seen you wear them before and i never tire of them! They're just so perfect---they look totally walkable at that height--and they're CAHUUUUUTE too! LOVE the cork wedge! :) Well that's it from me. I'm off to finish hwk...yuuuckkk
Great outfit!
You look so cute <3
Vision and good taste to know that it is fashionable and looks good.
Vision and good taste to know that it is fashionable and looks good.
Hahah, as long as you're not dying from sweat or anything, you should wear all the sweaters you want! :)
I adore this outfit, by the way. Such a great theme - those nautical stripes = <3
♥ x i x i a | thisisxixia.com
Excellent suggestions whenever I visit your blog.
Such a simple and perfect outfit! I'm a huge fan of stripes and black and white combinations, so this look is right up my alley :)
You look great!
That striped top is stunning!
Damn, you look seriously elegant and gorgeous in that. I'm one of those people who are ice-cold to touch but actually retain heat quite well so people hug me and they're like "SHIT YOU'RE FREEZING" and I'm like "meh, not really guys."
So nautical and chic you are!!
I am definitely one to bring along a cardigan when I know i'll be trapped in some freezing air conditioned building, so I don't blame you.
and that sweater is so cute, i can see why you might want to break it out, cold weather or not.
Chic on the Cheap
TJ Maxx never fails! This sweater is completely adorable. Love the way it is slightly slouchy yet still slim fitting.. how is that even possible?! If you didn't mention the heat, it looks like you're outside on a cool fall afternoon. Your lucky you can layer in this heat! It gives you so many more options. Just stumbled across your blog for the first time and we'll be following you around from now on. Take care xx
i wasn't blogging for a few days! love striped sweaters and it matches so great with your jewelry!
Flatforms, eee, they're perfect!!
I love this preppy look! You have the best legs for it!
Oooooh gorgeous gorgeous outfit!
I love the combination of the stripes and the simple skirt, both in a black and white color scheme.
This outfit definitely combines some of my favorite things: stripes, black and white, and white dresses!
You look gorgeous darling :)
Those legs...they go on for miles and miles. Daaaaaang girl! You're definitely rocking these pieces and those sandals. I would just like to mention that those sandals are TO DIE FOR. Seriously, I cannot believe you found them at Ross! Time to go hit up my local Ross since I've been looking for sandals like those FOREVER!!
Man, I think I'm getting a little overexcited. Deep breath.
Funnily enough, I'm kind of the same way with weather!
My body is just cold about 75% of the time. My hands feel like ice cubes and my feet are basically freezers. Whenever I touch people, they think they will become popsicles.
It's kind of bad. :)
But then again, there are also the good days when I'm normal temperatureish.
So maybe I'm not really like you. Just know that I feel your pain thought girl!
Have an amazing weekend!
Stay cool (or should I say stay warm?)!! :)
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