______This is post number two hundred.
______I feel like that's something worthy of a gold star sticker, or maybe two. I also feel like it's not since I've had this blog for three years and only having two hundred posts to my name makes me out to be a slow blogger. I mean, I'm no faster at blogging than a sloth's metabolism is at digesting food--and here's a fun fact for you: it can take a whole month for a sloth to digest its food.
______A whole month. That's one-twelfth of a year. Those poor creatures have to sloth around (ha) for weeks until they can taste the deliciousness that is food, er, petals and leaves again. How dreadful. I'm usually thinking of the next thing I'll devour once I'm done eating, and it's usually not petals and leaves. Usually.
______The more you know.

______I'll keep this post short and sweet since you all had to endure what might as well have been a novel in my previous post. That being said, here's an utterly random question I've been wanting to ask you guys for a while (typed precariously in bold text, of course):
______If you could have a giant insect as your mode of transportation, what would that insect be?
______I'd have to go with a ferocious, sedan-sized bumblebee. That way, it could puke honey-bee-spit on my enemies and flutter its monstrous wings to create all sorts of wind-induced chaos.

Top: it's just a red shirt ye meddling punks
Leopard skirt: Charlotte Russe
Oxford heels: Jeffrey Campbell (are you sick of them yet?)
Ankle socks: Forever 21
Cicada earrings: via Etsy
Necklace: Charming Charlie
That is such a pretty skirt! lovely outfit. x
my favorite part of this outfit is by far the bright socks and your shoes. seriously, amazing combo! you always dress so bright and full of color.. it's so refreshing to come to your blog!
lindsey louise
You are just simply amazing:)
I was so confused, you were talking about your 200th post and then to the movie 300! Damn girl jaja I really don't like the movie, it was bored.
Your outfit is so cute with the bright socks.
Congratulations on the big 200! Haha, and wow, I did not know that about a sloth. That'd be awful. I know, I'm pretty much plotting what I'll eat next after I'm done with a meal...
And doggonit! You chose the insect I wanted. A sedan sized bumblebee would be awesome. But let's see, since you chose that one....I'll go with a dragonfly. I just think they would be so fun to zip around on. Plus...they're pretty ^_^
Just like you and your outfit! Your color matching is always so fresh, and your sock collection must be amazing. Hehe, you always have the perfect pair for every outfit!
Also, Japanese pop - I listened to the same genre! Didn't know what in the world I was hearing, but I liked it. It went with the whole anime/manga phase. :)
Trendy Teal
good post. I may be one of the lucky ones able to read and see your post.
Come on Look And Registere Now
Oh so pretty!Have a great day,love!
I just love the bright socks...I love when socks are a big part of the outfit. I used to think that wearing a sandals with socks is the worst thing and now I think it is the best...now I just want to wear fun socks with everything...how we change!
Anyway, I love the outfit...it's full of my favourite things like animal print and red
and those earring are out of this world...
If I had to pick a bug? Do I? Hm, maybe a bee? I know it's kind of boring but I think that bees probably smell like honey and I looove honey...
such beautiful pictures and i love those shoes.
spats! best shoes ever!
great outfit.
That's so cool how the red necklace matches your top! It's awesome :) And nope, not tired of your oxford heels yet. They are just too adorable.
And hmmm I think I would choose to travel on a black bumblebee. They are so cute and fuzzy. But oh no I would probably get really bad allergies from all the pollen they carry. So maybe not.
This is fantastic! I love the color and how you combine it with print! Hope you are enjoying the break!
MRS JACK OF ALL TRADES (a fashion and life-style blog)
I love the red and leo combo. You look fabulous and the earrings are soo cute. Congrats on your 200th post.
I don't like insects. Especially giant ones, so you'd better believe there is no way I'd ever consent to traveling on one.
Congrats on 200 posts!
Chic on the Cheap
wow, you look so awesome, so elegant. it's really interesting how you styled the shoes and socks :) awesome!
loveee your shocking pink top!<3
anyway,join my OASAP giveaway and win lovely summer clothing!
hope you can participate dear
Oh my gosh, yes!! A thousand times yes! You are the first person I have seen wear socks with those shoes that I have liked. Wait, no I LOVE them!!
Great outfit, love this skirt
New post on the blog:
Love your outfit!
u look really good in red. love those necklace. and no, don't think i'll ever get sick of your jc oxford! love them!
and congrats on your 200th post :)
Congrats on 200 posts! I love red and leopard together...it's so sassy!
The Tiny Heart
Bracelet Giveaway!
Congrats on the 200 post! Quality over quantity though, remember that!
Nonoonononon I would not pick an insect to transport on I think I would cry if I had to get on one! Ha.
Love the outfit dear =)
Corinne x
Red is such a pretty color on you! You look beautiful!! As always. :)
Okay so I totally tried to comment on this entry before and it wouldn't let me for some reason! Those shoes are KILLER. Love love love. And you look amazing in this outfit. Congrats on your 200th post! Oh gosh, I kind of hate most insects... but I think I'd be okay with a butterfly transporting me somewhere. :)
xox Sammi
Yay for your 200th post! Its a great milestone. Thats interesting about sloths, never knew that! You look so stunning in red, I am going to say it but you already know it - this is your colour Ali! Insects kinda scare me so I will go for something graceful like a butterfly, because they will be pretty harmless even in gigantic form.
Haha! "The more you know" I actually didn't know that about sloths. It probably takes them that long to even get to their next food source, so it's probably a good thing for them.
I really love everything about this. The proportions, the color, the retro but still very modern vibe-it's perfection! The socks are such a fun touch and I don't think I'll ever get tired of those shoes. I'm still working on a way to make things pop through the computer screen so I can have a pair! ;)
And HAHA, "It's just a red shirt ye meddling punks"
Probably the best outfit details ever.
Happy 200th post :) you look fab, I particularly love the red socks and brogue combo! xx
For me i'd say butterfly or a dragon fly because they are pretty!! the 200th post congratulations my dear! i know how you feel! it's all about the quality of posts my dear and yours definitely are of that!!!
x big love Rebecca
You are so cute. The cutest sloth blogger ever:) If you are a sloth, I'm totally a sloth...maybe even slower than a sloth. What animal would that be? Get back to me on that one:) Seriously though, I'm a really, ridiculously slow blogger. I'm just so busy. No scratch that, my bed just calls my name after work, and claims me for 2.5 hours while I nap, then I wake up and eat, then go back to bed. Yeah....thats sort of embarrassing. Being a sub is a lot of hard work and it has introduced me to a lot of naughty kids. Cute, but definitely naughty. For example, today 4 of my first graders were caught climbing walls in the bathroom........yeah, because thats definitely normal.
Do you love how I treat this comment as a conversation? Haha sorry for my randomness:)
PS I choose no bugs. Bugs kind of freak me out....even flies. Gah, I'm such a girl!
XO Ashley
Cool styling, love thes hoes and socks
well, I think I can't answer the question.. I really don't know..
still, maybe a ladybug since it's so cute. or a dragonfly since it's mighty.
I couldn't imagine red and leopard together but it indeed is a bold combo. and those shoes are a very right touch to add some modesty. oh and the accessories are great too!
Maikeni blogi - part of me
"it's just a red shirt" haha love it. That's how I feel when typing my outfit details sometimes. I'm like: white tee shirt...boring...
Anyway, I like how your necklace and shirt all the same color, it looks really cool and I love the socks and shoes together too! I love your random question, although bees scare the living hell out of me so no bees for me! Maybe a butterfly? Although it's oversized buggy body would probably freak me out.
You look nice in red c: Lovely
shoes as well! Don't worry I'm
not a fast blogger either I mean
some bloggers post like 5 things
per day! That's nuts...
While we're on the subject, those shoes are...cuter than a bugs ear! :)
It's really eerie to me that I'm sitting here reading your site and a comment from you just popped in my inbox. I laughed. Kindred spirits am I right?
Everyone was really mad about the tree carvings. There was a sign that told you to stop it.
I kind of like that you post slowly. In fact, you inspired me to slow down a bit (though I still post a shit ton, but I have so many recipes and what not). I love that when I come, I can go slowly through your blog and read everything. And I've said it before, but your posts are like a treat. I don't come to expect them at anytime - it's a nice surprise when you pop up in bloglovin (you know, when I manage to pay attention to it)
You look amazing in red. I could also still kill for those shoes. And these earrings, while always cool to me, would freak me out because I am super annoyed by insects (scared of spiders, more creeped out by normal bugs) so yeah, no giant flying bugs for me.
<3 katherine / of corgis & cocktails
Congrats on 200! I hear you, I'm a slow blogger too. It takes so much time, but is well worth it! I love your outfit, you look gorgeous! Your skirt is so cute, and I like your shoes!
Oh and for sure I would have a gigantic dragonfly so I would have my own huge dragon. How cool would that be!
I do always like the combination of red and leopard, you look great!
As you'll be able to see from my recent post, I am totally in love with leopard print! It looks incredible with red and I adore the statement necklace. Congrats on post number 200!
Hi dear!! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it, your opinion is so important!
Beautiful pictures and its indeed an amazing post!!
Come to see my blog at ;
You're soo cute and chic! Following u on GFC and Bloglovin now. Hope u will do the same ;) Kisses
CONGRATS!!! happy 200th post :)
Allliiii! It's been so long since I've commented...but don't fret, I've been keeping up on my reading.
Man, congrats on your 200th post! If you think you're slow, then I must be, well, reeaally, slow haha.
I absolutely love this chic look. That leopard print skirt is so fierce and the red top to go with it is just perfect! Can't forget the glam jewelry and classy shoes (: You rock it girl!
I love your humour, babe. Really love it. I know all those facts about sloths and seeing the way you described and liken your blogging pace to a sloth's digestion cracks me up.
Hell yeah big bumblebee! Like the prince's in Thumbelina. I think his name was Buzz or something. Memories.
Anyway, I think the red socks are the best touch for this outfit! They're just so cute with those oxford shoes. I'm loving your leopard print skirt too!
You're right... I'd hate to be a sloth! I have been checking out a lot of blogs lately, and I'd have to say, you're the most hilarious blogger I've come across in quite a while. And you're adorable too! I can't even get over those socks and shoes. If I had to ride on an insect, I suppose I would choose a hissing cockroach. They're indestructible, so I'd feel pretty safe. (: I'm definitely following you now!
May the force be with you.
Can't believe I missed this post the first time around. First off- I can totally relate to thinking about what I'll be eating next while finishing my meal- and I can NOT imagine having to wait a month for my food to digest- yikes! haha. Secondly- I would ride on a Luna Moth because they are beautiful and somewhat graceful- and just well, absolutely stunning. Like you- and this outfit!!! Simply gorgeous, Ali!
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