______Something about a long black dress sorta makes me feel like an old lady, or maybe even something more unnerving, like a black widow spider. Well, 1/4 of a black widow spider, seeing as how I only possess two out of the eight required legs to be classified as such. Man, did I just use math in a real-life situation? I sure did. Gold star for me!
______Speaking of dressing like an old lady, twice today, I was referred to as "ma'am." Worse, it was by guys my age, or possibly even older. Ma'am? I scoff in their general direction. I have never been more insulted in my life. How dare those sassy turds call me such a thing! I am as young and fresh as a recently refrigerated ring of mystery flavored Jell-O. Not to be mistaken with the Jell-O that has those mushy, decorative specks in them, the ones their father company so confidently dubs, "sprinkles." I think they stopped putting the papery flecks in after realizing that no sane human being wanted to feel like they were slurping up gelatinized toilet water, but maybe some of you remember it before its inevitable discontinuation. If you've never had the honor of tasting it, you're not missing out, and I hate your guts.
______I have no idea where I was going with that. Was I arguing something?

______This is probably the most basic way this new princess dress of mine could have been styled. The warm and humid weather is beginning to seep its disgusting little way into the land of Alabama, and wearing black makes everything two times as hot, and so dressing it up just wasn't an option. Doing so would result in subsequently taking a trip to hell, and I'm not feeling hell this week. Maybe next week. I think hell is pretty jam-packed on Mondays anyway.

Dress: Kohl's
Heels: Jeffrey Campbell
Belt: Fossil, thrifted
Necklace: Forever 21
Earrings: from a tiny little handmade jewelry store in South Carolina
Ugh. Is there anything worse than being ma'amed? (I mean, sure there are about a billion things worse than that, but relatively speaking, in a normal day where not too many terrible things happen, that is one of the worst.)
And it's really bad when it comes from someone your own age, from a cute guy who should be thinking you are a pretty little young thing and not classifying you with the elderly.
And no ma'am would ever wear that dress and look as good as you do in it.
Chic on the Cheap
This black dress looks awesome on you! I love the way you accessorized it with the camel colored belt and that gorgeous necklace!
<3 danielle
Hi Ali! Um...ma'am...really! REALLY? Did they even look at your beauty?! Hello?! Nevermind them dear. You look stunning! Incidentally I despise being called ma'am & I am 47. So no spring chicken like yourself. Lol! :)
Love this black dress with that necklace! It looks fantastic on you!
I do not like the ma'am thing either, it happened to me this weekend and she was definitely older than me and super snobby at a restaurant! Anywayyy, I love how this dress is such a classic maxi shape but then has an amazing slit to make it more sassy. Those heels are so cute too!
Definitely not looking like an old lady, like a gorgeous woman yes!!
Love that dress of yours and you accessorized it perfectly.
Thank you for the kind comment on on blog
You look amaxing, not like an old lady at all. I always think a long black dress looks like it should be on a red carpet :)
Girl don't listen to them, there's a reason many guys only have one pair of shoes and three shirts - they don't understand.
You look beautiful and classy, and the striped shoes just take it to a younger level =)
- Che
I think you look great in it though. It does look really sophisticated but that's a plus, right? xo
you can officially hate my guts because fortunately, I've never had the displeasure of tasting flaky jello. And boy do I feel happy about that right now! And yes, Hell is jam packed on Mondays I believe :)
You look incredible! I'm loving the length and slits on this dress and your awesome fringe necklace is perfection with it!
Nice look!
Would you like to follow each oyher?
lovely dress, ma'am. ;) Hahah, sorry, i guess, as someone who isn't American or hasn't lived in America, i didn't know people really said that... hahaha
love that dress "ma'am".. haha im teasing. how can u be mistaken for a ma'am, you look young and fressh and gorgeous. dont mind those turds. =) have a great day!
xo, Carla
Sassy turds...why is it you always give me new words to add to my vocabulary? I would love to hold a long conversation with you one day Ali. Haha, I have a feeling it'd be very entertaining :)
Pff, and don't listen to those sassy turds! You just look far more sophisticated than other silly girls wearing less classy things. I love the zebra heels and your lovely jewelry.
Trendy Teal
elegant look! awesome shoes!
I love your heels!!!!
Kiss doll!
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Hahahahaha Ali, how do you come up with so many funny things to say seriously??? I love how your posts always make me laugh, they really brighten my day. I don't think you look like an old lady at all!! You styled it in a way that is young and chic, especially with that cool necklace and your snake ring. Oh, and don't get started with those fabulous shoes.
gorgeous dress!
That dress is just so pretty! It looks so lovely you and those shoes are fantastic!
Oh gosh, being called ma'am like that, is kind of the worst. I have a freshman in my office call me 'miss' and I'm like seriously, I'm only three years older than you - I know you are trying to be respectful, but dude, seriously?
Boys - so weird.
I LOVE the way all your beautiful accessories stand out against the black. Every time I see you wear these shoes I am more and more in love with them.
wow you look absolutely gorgeous!! what a stunning dress :)
you're so gorgeous! i just found your blog through corgis and cocktails and love it!
kw ladies in navy
enter our giveaway here!
You are hilarious! And the way you styled this is far from old lady-ish. The flowy-ness and the slit really amp it up.
GIrl you are rocking this dress and those GORGEOUS shoes! Wow, seriously! And when I saw your other post below with your photography I was literally blown away. You are really talented!!!! Beautiful, amazing work Ali! You have such a wonderfully artistic eye.
Wow Ali, gorgeous dress. You look stunning! And I also adore your fringe necklace :)
If you have a sec, hope you can drop by my blog too and read my latest: www.fashchronicles.blogspot.com
That dress is great!
I like your dress! It looks lovely on you and such a cute ring you have!
Haha how weird! I would never call you ma'am in that outfit! People these days *rolls eyes*
You look gorgeous! I love that dress and the way your styled it! Haha, unfortunately that is true, you probably need to have 8 legs to be a spider!
The whole ma'am thing, you should have called them mister back! Haha
I hate being ma'amed!! It's the worst! It happens to me a lot at work over the phone (though I don't think I SOUND like an older lady... but then again, an elderly man did propose that I "leave my husband and run off with him" the other day, so who knows), but it's even worse in person. You look adorable in that dress, and I love those earrings. Your style of writing is fantastic. So glad you found my blog so I could find you! Obviously, I'm following you now. :)
xox Sammi
Haha! Being called ma'am always makes me feel weird too-but you certainly don't look like one! You always manage to make the most basic pieces look simply magical and chic just because of your poise and beauty :)
I also love that you ranted about those jello things-HAHA! I always thought they were odd, but I'm not a fan of jello in any form really. You make me laugh :D
Maybe they were just very well brought up young men? (Although you do have a very elegant, powerful look going on today, sort of like a fashion editor, so maybe they just thought they had to be super respectful.) Man, that was such a flashback with the sprinkles in the jello! I looove jello but I hated those sprinkles. :P
That dress is SO pretty on you! And love those fabulous heels :)
The Other Side of Gray
The dress is stunning, you look beautiful and it's always off-putting when someone calls me ma'am. For some reason i just think of my nan or someone even older. Enjoy the weekend. /Madison :)
really pretty outfit. love the dress and necklace. great look. thanks for commenting on my blog :)
Kiki Simone
Your sense of style is incredible! I'm now going to go pour over all your other fashion posts...
How dare they ma'am you?! I hate that too! But I'm even more upset when people 4 or 5 years younger than me act like I'm a child. You look gorgeous in this dress though and you definitely don't look old enough to be ma'amed while wearing it. I really love those awesome shoes too!
Such a beautiful dress! I love the slit! xo
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