_____Beauty Box Five is a program that sends you a monthly box chock-full of five different beauty goodies, ranging from drugstore to vegan brands, in order to introduce you to a wonderful world of new items. The people behind it sent me a sample for review and to present to you snuggly little turds, and my package was quick to arrive in just a few days!

_____Two nail products were supplied--a Swissco nail file, which works as any nail file should, and hot pink shade of nail polish, Nubar Nail Laquer. The nail polish goes on nice and thick, and is definitely a good quality brand opposed to those that chip off quickly (plus, it's vegan and animal cruelty-free!). I've had some on my nails for half a week now and it's still looking rather decent--that's impressive coming from an art major who is always dealing with hands-on activities (and you know, the constant slaying dragons that I do).

_____I also received two moisturizers. I really dig the Heavenly Silk Daily Skin Lotion, and have been massaging it into my hands whenever I think of it. I have a terrible habit of picking at my nails and the skin around them and instead for the past few days I've been rubbing this on instead. I adore this stuff. It's buttery and leaves your skin smooth without being greasy. Fab-oo-liss.
_____I'm not too familiar with collagen moisturizers since I've never actually used any before (I'm 20! I don't want to think about obtaining wrinkles just yet! I'm still single and alooooone), but this h20+Aquafirm Micro-Collagen Moisturizer seems to moisturize my skin pretty well. And I can't say it doesn't work since I have yet to see any wrinkles, so...

_____The last thing I plucked from this pretty aqua box was a neutral shade of Be a Bombshell Eyeshadow... and oh yes, this is prime quality stuff. The eyeshadow itself is highly pigmented, long-lasting, and goes on as smoothly oil pastels over thick paper (for you non-artsy people, that just means it goes on reaaaaaaaal nice). I think this was my favorite of all the items since it's difficult to locate an eyeshadow that doesn't get all up in your eyelid crevices. I might have to switch over to this stuff.
_____Well folks, there's my two cents on these products and the neat little company. I adore the concept of receiving five goodies every month, but I can't say it's something I would personally subscribe to for a long period of time. I think if there was someway you could select five items from a list of perhaps an optional twenty that it would be much more satisfying. Either way, click here to check out Beauty Box Five for yourself!

(*products were provided by Beauty Box Five, but sassy opinions are my own)
These kinds of boxes can always be hit or miss, so I'm glad to hear you got a great one! Do you think you'd rebuy any of these products?
Love beauty boxes:-)
Sounds like a fun idea! I love that it's all kinds of beauty products instead of just nail polish or just makeup or something. That eyeshadow sounds heavenly! And I love your review photos, you always have the best photography!
Hi Ali, I love boxes like these, its fun getting to know about new products you would have otherwise never bought. The nail shade looks beautiful and the moisturizer sounds great...also the eyeshadow is the perfect neutral. Thanks for your kind words, they meant a lot to me.
Ooo, I really want to try that eyeshadow! I've kind of shunned eyeshadow in recent years and I kind of want to just cannonball back in.
Oooooh, these products look so lovely! I've never tried getting beauty boxes in the mail but maybe I'll start now!
Xo, Hannah
Haha, I swear, you're the only person I know who can get away with using "turds" as an endearment. It works with you though :)
And I agree, I like the idea of getting 5 products a month but don't know if I'd be comfortable paying for a random box of items and not knowing if I'd like them.
Glad yours turned out good though! That nail polish sounds wonderful. I can't go a day without mine chipping -_-
The Dragonfruit Diaries
I've always wanted to subscribe to a service like this and recieve a box every month! These products seem good too and it would be like getting a present in the mail once a month, what's more fun than presents? :)
I also love your outfit in the last post, those boots are so cute! And it sounds like you have a really nice art teacher, and cool class! That's awesome!
Hello nicee blog
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