______I've been digging the knee-high socks trend I've been stumbling across here and there on the mighty interwebs, and so I wanted to jump on that bandwagon, hopefully without striking too much of a resemblance to an anime waitress character. Speaking of, I'm thinking of donning a Sailor Scout costume for Halloween. We have a short Fall Break and I'll be able to give out Halloween candy to the kidlets this year (along with devouring half of it myself, of course). I'm debating whether or not I will go as the aforementioned Sailor Pluto or a sexy 80 year old version of me.
______Decisions, decisions.

______Last week, something super awful happened. I was in the printmaking shop, painting an artfully skewed version of my face using a few inks and acrylics, and all seemed to be going smoothly. However, I made a sudden movement and tapped a tiny jar of yellow India ink over, and it splattered against the linoleum floor, splattered on the table legs, and splattered on my... my Jeffrey Campbell patent leather oxfords...
______Dramatic pause.
______In that moment of panic, I was quick to clean up the floors and tables first with the help of some darling friends in the room (because I don't want to be that art punk who leaves messes around like a spoiled ten year old, heeeell noh!). A few dozen squirts of foul-smelling cleaning products later, the rubbery floors were spotless, if not for a slightly sickening yellow tint left behind. I swiftly moved toward my shoes, attempting to use the same cleaning products, and hypothesizing a result in terms of ink removal. But alas! The yellow stain only became yellower and bled further, and I panicked, and I panicked, and I panicked. My hands flailing about and my mouth suddenly making incoherent dying whale noises, my friend acted, fearing what was left of my sanity. She promptly phoned her brother, who is a fashionable dude and shoe expert, and he was quick to inform us that rubbing alcohol was the answer to my inky dilemma.
______And so I flopped, and I wobbled, and I awkwardly stumbled toward the closet full of printmaking chemicals. I snatched the rubbing alcohol and drenched a paper towel in the liquid magic and dabbed furiously at my shoes.
______And little by little, like smoke dissipating quietly into the sky, the yellow began to fade, and the precious cream and black of my shoes returned, shine and all.

______It was quite traumatizing and I nearly gave up. You guys have any similar moments of panic over worldly objects?

Socks: via Nordstrom Rack
Dress, heels: via Ross
Todos los jewelries: Charming Charlie
Oh my goodness - I would have been in a similar state of panic and despair had yellow ink split all over my beautiful new shoes! I so glad they were able to be saved!
I suppose now you will be wearing shoes you don't care about to print making?
And I don't know, sailor scouts are cute and the kiddies might like it, but 80 year old prostitute would be a costume I would like to see you pull off.
Hahaha, 80 year old prostitute sounds great! :D
Geez, I was almost 100 percent sure this won't end ell, but silly me :D You managed to clean the shoes, yaaaay!!!
I had a similar accident with a beautiful woolen dress from Mango. I washed it in the washing machine and it got so small I couldn't fit my cat in it, sooo sad :D
BTW, what happened with the tummy problems? Is everything okay now?
And looooving the knee high socks too, especially on you, because you have gorgeous long legs!
Really lovely retro look!:)
Love the dress, are awesome^^
Dreamer Clara^^
Oh no!!!!! I am so glad that you got the spots out! What an ordeal! I love your costume ideas and I do hope you post pictures (secretly I'm hoping to see pictures of the elderly hooker, but that's just me). I love the knee highs and polka dots today!
Oh, man, you played neopets too? :-D That's the ultimate nerd :-D
I had an Acara and my only purpose in life was to get a fire paint brush and paint it :-D
What was your favorite pet?
Haha, your posts never cease to make me smile! I'm glad your shoes survived this ordeal, and thanks for the tip. And I absolutely love your 80 year old prostitute costume. Best. Idea. Ever. Oh, and your outfit, I totally am digging your knee-highs! I might be joining this bandwagon too.
Phew! I actually breathed a sigh of relief when I read that your shoes were saved. Thank goodness!
Also, glad to hear you're not one of those spoiled 10 year old art majors ;) They drive me insane!
Anyway, on a sartorial note, I LOVE THE MATCHING COLORS IN THIS OUTFIT! Haha, the polka dot dress, navy knee socks, and white heels...so cute :D Makes me smile just to see your loveliness! <3
The Dragonfruit Diaries
Oh gosh, I would flip out if I spilled anything on shoes that pretty! So glad you were able to save them! I am absolutely loving the knee-highs on you. Plus, you can never go wrong with polka dots in my book :)
SO glad to hear your shoes were saved! I would've freaked out too! Haha, the 80 year old prostitute costume sounds hilarious :)
The Tiny Heart
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Oh my gosh I would have DIED. You handled that a lot better than I would have!
Also, you have the most gorgeous, long legs ever. Like they go on for miles girl!
Hi, such a lovely look! I love the blue and white spots and the socks suit you really well! Thanks for sharing your outfit with us!
I love everything about this look. The dress is simply adorable and looks great on you.
I would have had a heart attack if something similar happened to me and I would not have a friend whose brother is into fashion and knows what to do and I would wind up with thrown JC in the dustbin. How fortunate of you! And I know that many girls' reaction would be to wipe their shoes first. You are such a responsible student.
Oh, Ali! You're so precious and glam. I have the same reservations about knee socks...except the anime character is even more so a problem because I'm clearly very Asian haha. But you totally rocked em!
I can't wait to find out what you decided for your costume! Both sound like pretty orginal ideas (:
Hey, I've been keeping up with your posts but couldn't comment because of too many things to do. How are you feeling now? Has your stomach settled down a little? Hope you're doing better!
And as for this look, that gorgeous necklace is perfect with that cute polka dot dress! So glad you were able to save your oxfords. I felt a wave of dread when you mentioned which pair they were because I know you love em lots and we do too!
Have a beautiful weekend and week, dear Ali! Best of luck with your art projects and poetry class!
This story had me on the edge of my seat!!! I totally know that panicky, "OH NO what just happened?!" feeling! So glad it all worked out in the end and your babies are back to normal:)
You are adorable in all this polka-dotty goodness! That dress is divine on you! Seriously, nobody wears polka dots quite like you! Oh and I LOVE your hair like that!!!
So pretty, Ali!!!
xo Ash
First of all, this look is adoooorable on you. I love the dress, and I'm such a big fan of knee socks. And omg, I would have panicked too!! Though admittedly this is kind of why I could never justify buying expensive shoes -- I'd be so afraid of ruining them, as I'm pretty clumsy at times. This is also why I don't spend a ton of money on sunglasses or jewelry (or really anything except dresses), because I know I'll break them at some point. But I'm SO glad you were able to make them good as new again :)
xox Sammi
This outfit so fun, cheerful, and bright. I love how playful you get with your style! But ooooohhh no I would have FREAKED if a beautiful pair of my shoes was in danger of being ruined!
Xo, Hannah
I so love this dress and it goes perfectly with the knee highs.
I am glad your shoes came out okay!
I've totally done that. Only my panic never ends adn I do something dumber, like rip myself out of a dress.
Anyhow you are adorable in polka dots. That dress on you - classic.
Oh man! I'm so glad you were able to save your shoes. That sounds like one of those moments where your heart stops and stomach sinks. Nooooo. At least they're saved!
Also this outfit is so so cute. I love all the blue going on. Those knee socks look awesome with your polka dot dress. I think I need a blue polka dot dress like this now.
Hi Ali! Thanks so much for coming by my blog and for your kind comment!!
I'm bummed that you didn't go with a Sailor anything costume. Sailor Moon is a fantastic costume idea!! Filed away. I'd have to go for her brunette counterpart, whoever that is.
So glad you saved your shoes! I am such a spiller of everything. I always use the example "My mom made me change whenever we had spaghetti." Anyway, glad it worked out!
perfectly priya
Glad that your oxfords are ok! :)) I panic all the time when it comes to ruin my clothes. :)
This is a fantastic look! Love the blue with white! The dress is gorgeous and I adore otk socks!
Love this look!! Very sexy.
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