______Well, my crunchy little sea crabs, I don't know about you all, but my finals are done as a Thanksgivin' turkey! Yeeeee-frickin-haw! I only had one legit essay exam, though, in addition to turning in some art portfolios and speaking about my paintings for a humble half hour with a professor. I really had no right to complain. Since I didn't have a horrid amount of studying to do, finals week was the optimal week for lengthy bike rides around campus, and I managed 20 miles every day. Thus, my legs and arms feel like heavy stones when I shuffle about. Happy, heavy stones.
______I arrived home from universityland to a package from RoseWholeSale. They sent me over two lovely things: this snuggly grey peplum skirt and a pair of turquoise rhinestone earrings. I'm seriously appreciating the stretchiness of the skirt, plus it can be worn high or low and is woven from some sort of magical, retractable thick fabric. I call witchcraft on this one. The earrings are sturdy and not made from a cheapy plastic which is refreshing, plus they're bright and trendy. From these findings, I can say that I would indeed recommend RoseWholeSale to you guys.

______I'm starting my first art job this summer; the Department of Religious Studies hired me as their official illustrator since my take on their newsletter was a hit, and so this summer I'll be meeting with professors in order to craft up silly comic illustrations based on hip happenings in their department. Never thought I'd hear the words "Ali," "art," and "job," in the same sentence. No more lifeguard duties! No more telling people to stop drinking beer in the pool! No more dodging wasps that dive-bomb me!
______The return to summer also means that my exotic descriptions of daily life will resurface here. You know, like those high-tension encounters with drop-dead gorgeous ladies who work at Sephora, or grocery store tales, because grocery trips are always action-packed.

______Why, just the other day, I accidentally selected a cart with a lumpy wheel at the grocery store, and that alone summoned an adventurous encounter. I bore with it the entire trip, stopping my cart momentarily to hunch over the grapefruits and pluck a few that had the perfect ratio of yellows to pinks. As I was hunched over them, a look of indecision plastered upon my puny face, an old lady who had noticed my noisy cart earlier moved toward me and commented, "My, don't you hate when you get a cart with a bad wheel?" She had hands like wrinkled tissue, a head full of perfectly poised marshmallow fluff, and a pearl brooch pinned to her pastel pink blazer.
______A grapefruit in each hand, I whipped my head up and lightheartedly replied, "Yes, it would make it very difficult to assassinate someone!" I smiled greatly. Needless to say, the old lady didn't appreciate my morbid sense of humor as much as I would have liked and awkwardly waddled away from me, leaving me alone with my segmented fruit.
______Hope you cool cats are having a wicked start to your summer!

Peter pan collar top: Forever 21
Skirt: c/o RoseWholeSale
Oxford heels: Jeffrey Campbell
Rhinestone earrings: c/o RoseWholeSale
Necklace: vintage (similar)
Socks: Forever 21
Hahahaha oh my goodness, I love that you said that. Poor lady. Haha I'm so excited for you and your new job/ summer fun!! And this outfit is super cute, witchcraft, indeed!
Oh, glad it will be a not-stressful finals for you then :) and congrats on having a summer job!
I like that this outfit is a bit-and I'm not even sure why I feel this way- but just a bit filled with a Clueless (the movie) vibe. Fun though!
Oh, glad it will be a not-stressful finals for you then :) and congrats on having a summer job!
I like that this outfit is a bit-and I'm not even sure why I feel this way- but just a bit filled with a Clueless (the movie) vibe. Fun though!
I love your shoes and socks, but, really, Ali, talking about assassinations at the grocery store?? ;)
HAHA!! I can't believe you said that to a little old lady! That is too funny, and you're incredibly quick on your feet. I always say the dumbest things when random people talk to me, like my brain goes just blank, haha.
And YAY for getting a job, Ali! I am so happy for you, and it just shows how awesomely talented you are at your craft. I hope you have a lot of fun with it too :)
As for the outfit, I don't know how you manage to make black and gray look so incredibly whimsical and interesting, but I guess you're like a super hero or something? The sparkly necklace and bright socks are such fun touches and you know I love your shoes :)
Have a fabulous start to your week m'darling!
Your outfit is too cute. Also, seriously! Grocery stores are where *life* happens!
I have no idea what I will do this summer, I'm still searching for a summer job.
I really like this outfit, you look like a dream! the skirt is adorable...and the earrings do look wonderful!
That skirt is so cute and congrats on the new job! Enjoy your summer :)
"Summer" is a funny thing for me because I still have to work all week, just now I'll be hot instead of freezing. ;)
Mehehe. Morbid senses of humor are the best. Keep it up!
Love the top!...and Congratulations on the new job!
If this is what all of your grocery store stories are going to be like, then I want grocery store stories all summer long. (That was a mouthful, and definitely one of the stranger things that I've said.)
Love this skirt and earrings! You look wonderful, but what else is new?
Assassinate...bahahaha, oh Ali, you kill me xD You assassinated that conversation, that's what happened! Bahaha, ah well, one day this summer someone will appreciate your morbid humor.
And YAAAAAY, CONGRATS ON THE AWESOME ART JOB ALI!!! It's so fitting for you, and I've seen those illustrations on Facebook. It's no wonder they're a hit, you did a fantastic job! You're just so wonderfully artistic and creative :)
Can't wait to hear more summer adventures and daily happenings. Haha, I'll be doing much of the same this summer. Although I have a week left of school (ugggh, so close), I've decided to also do a couple summer classes. yaaaay.... -_-
Ah well, learning is fun!
D'aww, and you know I love you too Ali!!! <3 <3 <3
The Dragonfruit Diaries
This outfit is so good !
Although I wouldnt done these Two tails as à hairstyle but it kind of get the mood you wanna set With the péter pan collar ... Such à school girl !
And thats about it in your text too... So really matching I like that !
Your skirt looks so comfy, and I love how paired it with the socks and shoes.
Lovely !
i am interested in checking out rose whole sale, they are stalking me cos they must have cookied me at some point but that generally has the reverse result for convincing me to buy when i've been cookied. Love the earrings tho and congrats on the job and you looking forward to the SUMMER OF ALI! :D
HahaA! Not everyone can appreciate a doze of black humor, sadly.. :D
Glad the Uni is over and look at you, all jobs and stuff, being a productive member of society! :D You go Allie!
This outfit is so perfect I can't express my feelings. It's stylish, cute, sassy! PErrrfect!
love this charming school girl look! it suits u so well!!! love love love peter pan collar! and your hair is sooooooooo cute! <3 <3 <3
Congrats on your summer job. It sounds fantastic.
Oh very cuteoutfit sweetie~
You are gorgeous. I love this outfit and LOVE those earrings! The colors are perfect. What's even better? The surprising pop of blue added by your socks...the perfect touch, Ali!! So although I have been checking your outfit posts, I haven't had the chance to really read the past few weeks. I just sat down with a cup of tea and just devoured every word you wrote since your first kiss. Geeze girl, you have such a way with words. All I have to say are boys are dumb. He was obviously scared off by your amazingness. I love how straightforward you are and am SO excited to see where life takes you....you deserve the best. PLEASE keep us updated!!!!!
Love Ash
PS ignore all of the incorrect grammar...I was typing like a mad woman for a second there:)
Hahah, I wish I could have seen the old lady's face when you said that to her! Too funny.
Congrats on your new summer job, and on another year done... you really must stop making me feel so old.
Chic on the Cheap
You look like an adorable schoolgirl! Those earrings are so pretty!
Congrats on the new job..yuuu-huuu! :D
Love this outfit! Also love your blog!
New Follower :)
Muny’sFashionFanatique | FASHION & STYLE BLOG
Such a fan of the preppy, yet fun vibe of this outfit. 20 miles eh? I'm lucky if I can manage 10...
Hi Ali, Congrats on being done with finals, it must be such a breath of relief. So exciting to hear about your job, wishing you all the best for it. You will be stealer at it. Lol about the lady at the grocery store, your description of her was perfect, I could actually picture what she may have looked like, don't worry, the rest of us get your humour. Love this preppy chic outfit, looks so poised and refined, and the earrings are so pretty too. I enjoyed reading your views on my last post. Have a Fantastic Friday!
Congrats finishing the finals!
How wonderful for you about the summer job. Congratulations! What an adorable outfit as well. You look like a stylish schoolgirl! I've not tried pieces from this brand, but the earrings and skirt look lovely.
/Madison xo
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA the grocery store cart story made me laugh out loud!! hahahaha. You have such an amazing sense of humor. Congratulations on finishing your finals AND for getting a job!! that is aaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome Ali, congratulations!!
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