______This post might as well be titled "The Ultimate Selfie Post" because I mean look at all these bloody pictures of my face. I'll have you know, however, that this is no egotistical post solely featuring selfies, my delicate sea scallops, for these photos are actually quite different. If you squint real darn hard, you'll notice I'm sporting three charming and different pairs of earrings that LoopsWay sent me.

______I've been passing my days with illustrating comics for my job, slowly slurping up books while snuggled in my fuzzy papasan chair, and biking like a psychopathic energizer bunny before the Alabama heat becomes blazing hot. When the dark lord decides to torch the temps, I'll only be able to exist in the outside world in tiny, digestible bursts. That being said, I really have no tantalizing tales for you all this time around. Ali is being a super loser nerd thing. However, she is currently compiling some mundane events into a story of epic proportions, so be ready for that in the next post.
______Until then, citizens!

All earrings: c/o Loopsway
Top, skirt: Charlotte Russe
Necklace: Nordstrom Rack
Spiked bracelet: Nordstrom Rack (similar)
Ampersand ring: c/o BornPretty
I like these earrings, I think the pair in the last pic is my favorite. Glad your comic is coming along, I think it is super cool to be paid to do something you love. :D
Love love loveeee the jewelry! Also you are totally allowed to do selfie posts...you're a fashion blogger, isn't that what it all is? :) all kidding aside, you're very beautiful Ali so why not show it off?!?! Hope all is well pretty girl!
love the gold accents you look stunning!
love the gold accents you look stunning!
Here you are apologizing for photos of your face and here I am thinking- she really is so pretty. Her hair is so lovely and her make-up so together.
Basically, don't apologize for being awesome :D
Lovely earrings!
I really like the way you accessorize! Lovely earrings in particular:)
I've meant to go cycling the other day but it looks like I need a new tire...but I walk a lot so I guess that's as good exercise as any.
You do look so pretty Ali!
You're so freakin pretty, I could stare at your face whole day!
The jewelry is lovely, very delicate and feminine!
It's pretty hard to figure out how to take detailed pictures of earrings, isn't it??
Sounds like your summer is off to a brilliant start, and while I love all the earrings, the gold filigree pair is by far my favorite!
Chic on the Cheap
great look! Those earrings are so fun!
Gorgeous accessories! Love all of those earrings!
<3, Pamela
Ohhh that last pair of earrings is SO gorgeous!
Oh, I know the heat is already getting to me too! I have to run in the mornings otherwise I melt into a little puddle on the sidewalk. I hope you're having fun with your comic drawing! I'm sure they're just coming out wonderfully :)
Such pretty jewelry too! I love the last pair of earrings-very summery and light. I love how they print of your top plays off against the delicate jewelry too-a very fun juxtaposition!
Also, in regards to hair stuff...I assure you my hair is very fine and thin! I just sleep with it in crazy topknots so that it has some volume during the day :) Your hair always amazes me with it's golden loveliness which never seems to have a bit of frizz in it!
Hope you had a lovely day m'dear! :)
Haha toootally okay with a post full of photos of your face because it is absolutely stunning! c; Those earrings (especially the last ones--my personal favorite!) really highlight your cheek bones! It's so lovely! xx
<(') Hoda | JooJoo Azad ~ Free Bird
But first, lemme take a selfie :b
Haha, oh man, have you heard that terrible song?
Anyway, no worries Ali, you have such a pretty face that should be shown off anyway! Haha, I'm agreeing with Rory on this :P
Love all the earrings, I think that first pair are my favorite though.
Oooh, and I'm already looking forward to the next post filled with an epic tale! ;)
Also, glad you liked my travel post. I just got done editing part 2 and it should be up tomorrow!
The Dragonfruit Diaries
Gold jewelry is my jammmm- especially in the summer! You look lovely!
pretty pretty earrings! the first pair is so elegant! btw, love your cool camouflage top!
Dear Ali,
Please prepare yourself for a looonnggg, sappy, enthusiastic comment because it's been much too long since I've conversed with ya. We may have to do a list because this could get convoluted haha.
First, I AM SO PROUD of you. For everything, from art to boys. The pieces you've put out recently really provoke thought and personal interpretation. I'm also especially happy for you about your first paid art gig--those newsletter sketches were incredibly detailed and unique to your style. Can't wait to hear more about your summer art job!
As for the boys, I commend your courage. Huge props to you for making the first move and taking his response so well. Speaking from experience, things may be awkward at first, but I promise they get better. If you both value each other's friendship that much you will stay friends. And if you don't, then his loss. AHHH but I'm still so thrilled and proud of you.
Other than that, you've been looking might fresh as usual. You've picked out some mighty fine and exquisite jewelry and your outfits are as polished as always. Also loving your witty remarks and funny stories. Always a gem, dear Ali!
I suppose I should close this since I started like a letter haha.
Lots of love,
Hi Ali, you can take as many selfies as you want, when you look this amazing, its totally acceptable. Love these stunning pieces of jewelry, I wouldn't mind having these earrings in my jewel box. How is the job going. I wanted to ask you if fashion illustration is something that you are interested in too? Thanks for your kind review on my last post, Happy Friday!
Hi beautiful,
I was just browsing through & stumbled upon your lovely blog - It looks gorgeous and it has interesting posts that I can relate to. I'm now following you via gfc, keep in touch love x
Benish | Feminist Reflections
foarte frumoasa rochita galbena
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