_____On Monday, my mother dearest and I went for an afternoon hiking trip at a local woodsy park; some of the trails there lie tangent to century-old mining facilities, and for the anthropology class I'm taking this summer, our teacher gave us the day off to go visit 'em. Momma opted to tag along--heck to the yeah, momma!

_____Shortly after venturing chivalrously into the Kodak-moment-worthy woods, our faces began to gleam like freshly glazed donuts and our bodily temperatures rose due to the sticky Alabama humidity. As we scaled the low grade hills that wouldn't be the least bit challenging to an infant wearing rollerblades, our mighty lady calves bulged and buckled like those of muscled Spartan men. There were a few steep moments in the trails, but it was nothing to mother and I, for we are secretly mountain goats clad in human skins by dark fairy magic.
_____Yes. We are actually a clandestine wizard family. Be not too jealous.

_____We scavenged the area like nut-deprived squirrels for about two hours (lol whut) and we were able to locate two of the decrepit mine shafts. I wish I could say we had ill fate and became woefully lost to add elements of desperation and emotional depth to our journey, but alas, that was never the case. The trails were easily identifiable with words and arrows, like some neat freak went print-crazy with a label maker and a perfectly chopped stack of 2x4s; plus, the paths were perfectly exposed and never meshed too well with the surrounding trees.

Top: Charlotte Russe (exact)
Skirt: Know-Style (similar)
Booties: Chelsea Crew
Necklace: JCPenny
Socks: Target
Large gold cuff: Lulu*s
Earrings: vintage
I for one am glad you did not get lost, even if it would have added emotional depth to the story, if you were lost, I would never actually get to hear it.
As for the 'Pow' skirt, well was there ever a more awesome skirt to behold?
Chic on the Cheap
such a lovely outfit! love those socks:) and it sounds like you had a good time...you always have a way of retelling events that is adorable and funny:)epsecially that part about Spartan man.
I think I'm also secretly a mountain goat. However, it seems that up in the mountains is the only place where I can demonstrate it (hence the secretly part about it)...I can be quite clumsy in everyday life, but I can practically run on a rocky terrains...
Such a pretty look for Summer- that blouse looks stellar paired with the collar necklace. And glad you guys found your way! Alex
Whenever I read what you write I am inevitably drinking tea and, inevitably, I spit it out all over my computer screen. "our lady-calves bulged"... mehehe.
Holy legs! This skirt is gorgeous and it looks gorgeous on you. I love how you paired it with a simple top and chunky, standout accessories. Makes the whole outfit, really.
Sounds like a fun adventure. I am glad you didn't get lost. Gorgeous skirt and I'm still digging your coloured sock/shoe combo. x
Ooo a mining adventure! Sounds like it was an interesting time! Also this skirt is the best thing ever. I still love the cool comic book prints that started showing up last summer. I wore my comic "pow!" top yesterday. I love how perfectly your yellow socks match the skirt. You have a way of expertly styling socks with nearly every outfit! I love it.
KA-POW! That skirt is so rad Ali! I remember seeing a similar skirt in Rue 21 a while ago, and I'm seriously regretting not picking it up...we could've been all kickass together! D:
Ah well, you styled it marvelously!
Bahaha, and cheers to mighty lady calves! xD
The Dragonfruit Diaries
I had to return for one quick comment: aren't goats the most adorable animals?!
Hi Ali, I always love your descriptive tales, have you started on that novel? You bring us into the scene with your vivid writing, sounds like a wonderfully fun adventure. Adore this cute comic skirt, it is charming! I am thankful for your kind comment :)
I wish I was a wizard too! Although I would probably become a dark wizard almost immediately and start killing people...Pretend you didn't read that! :D
I love your cheeky ponytails! They bring a smile to my face! And the pow skirt is so so rad and nerdy!
Oh Ali, you got me laughing at my screen AGAIN. What with "challenging to an infant wearing rollerblades", "mountain goats clad in human skins by dark fairy magic" and the likes, you really are so lyrical.
Your POW skirt is too cute! And your momma is so cool to wanna tag along on such excursions! My momma would rather chill in air-con comfort. Me momma is not the outdoorsy kind.
I've missed out quite a bit here even if we are acquainted on FB so I've got to catch up with your other posts now.
Jo's Jumbled Jardinière
A fun look- a bit nineties!
what a funky outfit!! Love this!! :D
Animated Confessions
Oh my gosh. You even dress so incredibly well for someone who is going on a hike--I'm impressed! xx
Also, haha I agree--the nice and neat signs and paths take the fun (and story!) out of hiking! Haha but knowing myself and lack of any sense of direction, I probably wouldn't make it out alive without a bit of guidance.. ;)
<(') Hoda | JooJoo Azad ~ Free Bird
very cute, playful & colourful outfit! that skirt is rad!! love this look on you :) u gotta be the best dressed hiker ever!! <3
Hehe, your writing ALWAYS makes me so happy, Ali. "Mighty lady calves" just made me smile. How fun that your mom went with you on the hike! That's something my mama would do to, although there aren't many good hiking spots where I live, just a few bike trails. I wish there were some mountains or something but I live on the plains so it is FLAT as a pancake out here haha. We did take a family trip to a hiking spot once and got lost on the trails in the woods for about four hours until nearly dark-it was spooky!
I love your skirt. Comic book prints are always such a fun element and the proportion of your little crop top is so great! I feel like that top spins well, yes? That is one of my biggest criteria when shopping-'does this spin well'?
Have a stellar day, friend! :)
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your views. What was it about Once that you didn't like. I am 'Hooked', pun intended ;) I only watch now to see his witty banter
As always, I love the way you write! And the skirt is gorgeous. I haven't been blogging much lately and now I want to sit down and read all your latest posts. Also, thanks very much for your lovely comment on my cosplay post. So glad you liked it!
I'm so sorry you didn't get lost. I've gotten sort of lost while hiking twice. Not lost like I lost the trail but more like I took the entirely wrong trail and people didn't know where I was or what happened to me for hours. My parents were pretty nervous but as you can tell, I am now found.
and this is the best description I've ever read: "our faces began to gleam like freshly glazed donuts"
Your hike sounds awesome- I've fallen in love with yiur mum I coukd never see mine joining me unless there was shops up the top ;)
I really love the skirt ! It's really original !
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