The Donuts Are Not As They Seem, Lithographic print, March 2014
______More printmaking things! More lithographs! MORE ALCHEMY!
______Witchy terminology aside, here are some more of my pastry-organism pals. The second one is a fairly tiny print, measuring the size of a plush-bunned hamburger or maybe 6x6 inches if you don't want to think about a print in terms of greasy noms. Even as the semester dwindled to an end, I continued with my initial idea of crafting up an army of these delicate little creatures, even if doing so isn't the most innovative of art things I could have done.

Mother and Child, Lithographic print, April 2014
______So I'm sure some of you have heard this via other social medias, but if not, get this: there was apparently a creepstah out there who made a Facebook profile using my pictures who was pretending to be me, but under a different name. Even more unnerving, there were captions under the pictures acting as if this person had experienced those very moments that I did. A lady contacted me (who found me through google-searching my stolen images since her younger daughters received a request from impostor-me) since she thought the account was extremely suspicious--which it was indeed! I'm so glad that there are people willing to make the world a better place out there. I know that I would do the same.
______Facebook rejected my requests to have the account removed, saying it wasn't an impersonation, which was a very bolonga-filled decision on their part. So bologna-filled that I am now convinced all some of the people behind the Book of Faces drive Oscar Mayer Weiner-mobiles around. I whipped up a strongly worded message to imposter-me and sent something more eloquently written than, but along the lines of, "Bruh, those are my pictures, and you're being absolutely creepy to impersonate me. My smorsgabord of friends have reported for you, so go ahead and delete before you are inevitably smitten."
______He was totally wigged out and deleted. Totally.
______It's a good thing I've got you guys to help me. Thanks so much again for those of you who did take a minute to report him. Girl power... holla!
Glad it ended well, though WTF was Facebook doing when so many people reported him like that and they didn't believe?
something a bit more dangerous happened to the brother of my sister in law...he was a fb friend with someone who represented herself as a doctor, asked all kind of information like his blood type and so on (claiming she is dying of cancer and so on). Long story short my sister felt the need to investigate all of this and called the hospital where she pretend to be working and got to the bottom of it...All in all, he is happy to have sister to spy on him because it was probably someone trying to steal his organs ( the photos on her fb page turned out to be of a wife of one of our famous athletes)
blerghhh! creepy! yeh, I apparently have my pics used in adult 'dating' (for want of a better word) all the time. it is mega creepy but it also amuses me a tad. anyway, loving these pastry animals. So rocking. x
yesterday I didn't have time to complete my comment so here is the second part. It really suprised me that fb didn't delete his/hers profile right away because it was clearly someone misrepresenting himself. They are not all responsible with their privacy policy or anything else. I bet that the number of missing children has increased a lot just because of fb because if adults can be tricked (as in the case I have described), even more so the kids are in danger. Good that you have taken things in your hands because even if we cannot control things like this- someone taking our photos, at least we can do what we can to stop it.
comment no.3 (obviously my attention span is not what it used to be or maybe it is just too early in the morning)
I'm really fascinated by these pencil works...I feel like I could stare at them forever.
Wow, seriously, why would anyone do that! Glad to hear everything is resolved now. I hate facebook and all these other social platforms. But it's good for the blog, so I have an account here and there just to boost trafic.
Those doughnut thingies look weird and cool, can't decide what are they exactly :D
i seriously hate facebook. it is the most anti-social social media ever! i'm glad your imposter deleted that fake account eventually. i had similar experience before. this imposter created a fake account with my internet profile and selling stuff online!!! what a nightmare!!! fortunately, the site host deleted that fake account after i reported it.
These lithograph prints are so cool. They look amazing and I love all the details you put into them :)
gosh that is insanely creepy and I can't believe that fb didn't remove the account when you asked. But I'm glad the account is no longer there! phew!
Ughhhh, I saw that, and yup, I definitely reported that creep! That's seriously a dark side to the internet. What's worse is that Facebook didn't remove the person!!
Anyway, glad he was banished from these parts of the internet world.
Oooh, you are working your witchcraft once again, and it's magical! Bahaha, love the flying donuts.
Hehehehe, and french kissing cow tongues...you make me laugh Ali xD
Nahhhh, that cow tongue was a bit less slimy ;)
The Dragonfruit Diaries
Sounds really terrible, and I'm also glad that the problem is already solved. I'm not a huge fan of facebook as well, I have my account closed for all those people who are not in my friend's list. At the same time I found out many social groups in Facebook which provides people with disgusting things, nasty pictures and propaganda of racism. I was complaining about such things to fb support, but the answer was always like "there is no reason to block this user", which is really awful.
By the way, are those sketches yours? They look amazing and very special.
Hi Ali, so sorry to hear about this very weird and creepy impersonator, I know that they say imitation is a form of flattery but this is bordering on stalking! Thank goodness he deleted the account. I am pretty shocked that Facebook wouldn't intervene, it was a clear violation. These images are so intricate and detailed, amazing work!
Love the art Ali! It's fascinating to see what is going on in other people's minds. Who else could come up with a concept like this but super-creative you?!
And, so glad that creep got deleted. I definitely reported him too-ugh I can't believe FB didn't delete it when you messaged them the first time!
Wow, can't believe someone would steal your work and impersonate you! Time to start watermarking... it is a strange and creep world out here on the internet.
Chic on the Cheap
WHAT THE FRICKKK. But hey, they thought you were pretty enough to have your images stolen. NOT THAT IT'S OK BUT YOU KNOW. Anyway that is scary and seriously you must feel so violated!
Ugh Facebook is so awful about these things.. but I'm glad its been since resolved.
Your artwork is so fascinating, I love it!
I can't believe someone was impersonating you on Facebook. That's so creepy.
Totally amazing artwork and facebook is quite ridiculous. Glad it all worked out!
xx 365hangers
these are lovely:-) but how creepy is that, glad you got it sorted out! xx
That is hella creepy! On the upside, when people start impersonating on you social media, doesn't that mean you've officially arrived? I mean, I'd be lying if I didn't think about stealing some of your wonderful works from time to time...
These are so cool!!
Sorry to hear about that guy. That is not fun...Im glad he got reported though
Alexa <3
Pretty cool.
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