______What time is it?
______...LIME TIME!
______If you answered, "Summertime! It's our vacation!" in High School Musical-esque vocals, then, well, I'll give you that, you Troy Bolton wannabes. If you have not an inkling as to what High School Musical is, then it's probably better you don't know.
______Anywho! Rosewholesale sent me over a package of aesthetically pleasing items a few days ago: this frilly tulle skirt, along with emerald earrings and a bracelet to boot. I concocted an outfit on the interwebs because that's convenient and entertaining. Just like last time, I'm very pleased with the quality and fit of these items!

______A lady in the grocery store told me I looked like "a cute little fairy princess" when I was picking out some bananas that could have camouflaged in with my skirt, which is basically the best description anyone has ever had of me. This is one of those magical skirts that makes you look super skinny, is super floaty, and probably has the ability to summon kung-fu-fairy-fighters with a swish of its tulle.
______The parental units, my and brother, his girlfriend, and I all drove up to Nashville this weekend. I haven't been there since I was a very tiny Homo sapien that couldn't remember much, so the experience was new for me. However, it was exciting moseying about the town, getting blasted by occasional thrums of loud musical and cigarette smoke, and popping into an innumerable amount of boot shops. If I ever wanted a pair of cowboy boots, after seeing so many lining shelves and walls like museum artifacts, I sure as heck don't now.
______That being said, I haven't had much time to catch up on commenting, so I'll get to that soon! Hope you all had a fantastic weekend, friends!

Skirt: c/o Rosewholesale (exact)
Bracelet: c/o Rosewholesale (exact)
Earrings: c/o Rosewholesale (exact)
Top: we just don't know
Sandals: Franco Sarto
Hair: styled by momma
Man, how come no one ever tells me I look like a fairy princess?? I need a skirt more like yours...
Interesting to see you in something a bit different...and you look spectacular in this maxi skirt...the fairy princess sounds like a good description to me.
You look beautiful! The fairy skirt looks so good on you!
Gorgeous, gorgeous! That skirt looks delicious and it fits you wonderfully! Also loving the accessories, you cute little fairy princess!
Oh gosh this skirt is to die for!!
Very pretty skirt! I love the fun color! I have no idea what High School Musical is, but I do know that I wish I got a summer vacation!
This is from the grandparental unit. The bearded one! Yes, I remember that little homo sapien in Nashville. I knew you were multi-talented when I heard your command of the English language. Also, you were kinda good looking, too. What has that got to do with talent? Absolutely nothing. Just thought I'd throw it in. It might be good for points in my favor. And trust me, I need points. BTW, I like your hair, but I love it down!
So, that skirt and that emerald bracelet need to be in my wardrobe. Just saying..
Lauren xo
Sophisticated In Style
Nashville sounds great- one of my favourite things is to do things with Chris one of done as kids and the other hasn't. It's like we've both never been there before :)
Very cool skirt, and yes, you should have smuggled bananas out, just to see if you could, and then gone back and paid for them whilst explaining your plan to the check out cashier, I bet they wouldda been cool with it! :D Lovely hair too and I hope you had an awesome time in Nashville, in my mind I now just envision it as a large boot. :D
oh my God.. u do look like a princess.. wow!
love your outfit :) the styling is perfect !
Love Playing DressUp - Ongoing fab giveaway
You look so cute in that skirt! I just found your blog via Kristian's blog and I'm so glad I did. A tulle skirt has been on my list of things to buy for a long time now.
You do look like a fairy princess! ^_^ And people at your town must be so nice! Here it's just awkward stares :D
I love this outfit, it's so you, so artsy and so liberating!
Ali! You are the queen of fairies in this ensemble! That skirt looks as if you should twirl about with music in the air :)
Oh, the tulle is dreamy. I can see why she thought you stepped out of a fairytale!
I do enjoy random compliments like that from strangers, and I also love that this is an outfit you wore to the grocery store.
Glad you had a great trip to Nashville, I can't say I have ever been myself!
Chic on the Cheap
Ali! Your skirt is really eye catching! I have this tulle skirt shop-list since whenever but haven't buy it by now XD I guess I'll buy it on a soft color.
Have a nice day, fairy princess! x
Your skirt is super cool! I love it with the green ring. Surely no one out there had to miss out on HSM?! I feel for them ;)
Ah that skirt is the prettiest color! I totally see the fairy reference in it. Its so perfect for summer, also its so hard to find clothes that cute and that bright!
Hi Ali, you are certainly prettier and more stylish than any fairy Ive even seen, this skirt is gorgeous, the colour alone is a stand out and Im certain you had many second looks (in a fabulous way of course) wearing it. Stunning!! Thanks for sharing your opinion on my last post...Hope your week is going well.
Tehehe, but what if I just want Troy Bolton? ;)
Nahhh, Lime Time sounds better anyway! This tulle skirt is so pretty and fairy-like on you! Haha, that's such a sweet compliment from that lady. She's right though - I'm certain the fairies could take a fedw fashion lessons from you <3
Glad you got to get out and adventure in a new city!
And aha, what is it about swimsuits!??! It creates a complex, I swear -_-
The Dragonfruit Diaries
First of all the skirt is breathtaking, I love the color!!
And those shoes....so cute!!! :)
That skirt is so pretty. You do look like a fairy princess. Glad you had a great trip.
such a pretty look! u look like a princess!!! that skirt is a great colour on you!
First of all, I did start singing 'summertime" after you asked what time it is. I think High School Musical will be forever drilled into my head whenever someone says that? Anyway you do look like a beautiful fairy princess! I would die for a skirt just like it:) And wowow your hair is beautiful! Aren't you luck to have a mother to do that for you?:)
xo Olivia
Aw, I love it when I get complements from random strangers in the supermarket! It always makes my day :) And you do look like a fairy indeed-I think it's the whispy, green color of that skirt. I love the length of it on you too, it looks so comfy! A little vacationing with the family sounds so fun, I'm not much of a cowboy boot girl myself, but my sister is a total cowgirl with horses, a farm, boots and all haha.
I was in Nashville many moons ago for a youth conference, but we went out and did service projects there.
ALSO before I forget-your hair is always so perfect and beautiful! Look at those little swirly curls atop your head, they definitely add to the princess vibe :)
Have a splendid weekend, gorgeous!
This skirt is really beautiful. Tulle skirts really are the best. The colour is lovely and unique and the bow is a fabulous detail. You can never go wrong looking like a fairy princess.
This skirt is soooo gorgeous! I love the color and the tulle. That lady in the grocery store is right, you do look like an awesome fairy princess. This just seems like the perfect skirt to waltz around somewhere.
And Nashville sounds like so much fun. Though cowboy boots aren't my thing either, hahahha.
wow - so beautiful and unique! love it.
You always look like a cute fairy princess but especially in this skirt! It's just such a fun color! I love how you styled it simply and really let it shine.
Jamie | PetitePanoply.com
Ooh... I like how there's a green theme here. A forest fairy perhaps?
A BEAUTIFUL FAIRY PRINCESS!! bless that kind lady at the grocery store's heart. ok i know she said "cute little" but quotes are meant to be improved upon right? : ). such a fun skirt & i'm loving how you mixed it up a boho touch in w/ the leather sandals.
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