Flex, 48"x48", July 2014
oil on masonite
______Woop-di-doop! I'm finally calling this painting finished after working on it for a couple of weeks. I eventually just had to pry myself away from it, because at one point, I almost got stuck to it starfish-style. I'm constantly fearful that I will overwork a painting, but I stopped just in time for this guy. Now nobody let me touch it ever again.
______The "problem" with posting traditional art on the interwebernets is that it becomes visually skewed in terms of size and texture. This painting is fairly big though not huge: four feet by four feet, or what I like to imagine is a perfect square but most likely isn't since I was the one who made the canvas board (wonky creator = wonky square). I googled "things that are four feet tall" to make a neat size comparison of painting to non-painting object, but all I learned was that turkeys can grow to four feet tall, which is absolutely terrifying. So yeah, this guy is the size of a monstrously large turkey.
______Stay safe with a set of skewers and jar of poultry seasoning out there, friends. There be large turkeys roaming the lands, lurking, waiting, anticipating you.

That is a fair point, it's always so hard to see artwork in a photograph, it's never even close to what it feels like in person.
This is a fun piece though, I love the bright orange!
So what do you do with all your artwork when it's done? Do you have a giant gallery wall at your parents house?
Beautiful colors! You did a wonderful job on this piece :)
xo Azu
I do agree with you, it's never possible to experience a painting just by looking at a photograph. The size of the frame is important but they are other factors as well. Nevertheless, I for one am always happy to see your work and besides a photograph is better than nothing...even if we cannot see everything.
What I can see however is your amazing skill with colour. There is a 3D quality to this painting that reminds me of those old artworks that amazed me in Roman churches. It seems so full of live! almost like I'm looking at an interesting organism under a microscope.
Knowing when to stop with a painting is not easy...and I must agree with you...don't touch it for it is perfect as it is.
The colors are nice. If I saw a turkey the size of your painting I'd run away.
That is awesome! I have been following you for a little bit but I guess I didnt know you did art! You are really talented and I feel like even if it may not seem so you are really brave for sharing with us because I know so much of art comes from inside. I love the colors you used!
Yup, just step away from the painting Ali!
Haha, I'm so guilty of overworking pieces...bleh. It's definitely something I need to work on.
Oh wait, see what I did there? ;)
Bahaha, anyway, love seeing your artsy updates Ali, they inspire me!
And like Rory said, STOP BEING SO DANG TALENTED!!!
Turkeys can grow to 4 feet tall- the horror!
Amazing painting
Love the colors!
Trending In Fashion
Wow! YOu did this? Great job! Is this through an art class or just for fun? And what was your inspiration behind it? So sorry...I just finished a two year art course in High School where we went into great detail about all that stuff:P It's rubbed off...
xo Olivia
WAIT - TURKEYS CAN GROW THAT BIG? AHHH!!! ok, well, that is insane, but your painting is lovely. The colors are very bright and pretty and I love how talented you are, and that your mind creates fun and interesting places that you paint (if that made sense??) love! <3
I agree, and used to post much of my art in the past online and it always looks different scale-wise, or especially if using multiple mediums. I like your artwork and appreciate the vivid hues, and tone. Well done.
Cleaning Haus
I'm the same way with practicing for violin! Before competitions and events, I've had to make my friends take away my bow so I couldn't practice anymore haha. But glad you restrained yourself in time for this one--your works always provoke thought, and I'm absolutely loving the crisp contrast between the grays and the vibrant orange. What an incredible work, especially at that size! I can only imagine how hard it must be to be that precise for a large, turkey-sized painting :)
Also loving your gorgeous outfit from the last post! That green tulle skirt is so pretty and the gold jewelry makes the whole look so luxe. I just love kind comments from strangers, and I totally agree with the lady :)
Haha I know exactly what you mean with the surplus of cowboy boots in Nashville--I was honestly amazed last year! Hope you enjoyed the trip with your family. Have a beautiful week, dear Ali!
Hi Ali, I am continually impressed with your never-ending flow of inspiration and your amazing ability to create such fantastic and interesting pieces of art! This is wonderful! Your comments are much appreciated, have a great Friday!
I am always impressed by your skills. Your work always evokes so many thoughts. It must be a great feeling to finish when you have worked on it for so long.
Oh wow this is so neat! I bet it feels so great to have something completely finished! I have the problem of starting far too many projects and just stopping halfway becuase it's taking too long or I've lost interest--so props to you for not being me! c;
I wish I could see it in person becuase you're right--art is so different in a photo!
<(') Hoda | JooJoo Azad ~ Free Bird
i never knew turkey could grow that TALL!!! that's kinda freaky!! lol! amazing artwork as always dear <333
I'm sure you know by now how much I love your artwork!! But before this post, I've never stopped to think about how they must be so different in person. I'm already so mesmerized by what I see on a computer screen, it'd be so amazing to experience your paintings in person :)
And gahhh this one is so awesome. I love that contrast between the warm orange and the cool gray tones.
P.S. I googled 4 ft tall turkey and this is what I got:
HAHAHA. that turkey is fabulous.
I agree with you about viewing artwork through our techie screens. It just isn't the same and holy moly! A turkey can grow up to 1.2m??? I would sure be terrified to meet one.
Jo's Jumbled Jardinière
I can def imagine because the texture looks awesome in this painting and it seems it's kind of lost in the picture. all the same it's an awesome creation you've made, that orange yellow is awesome! and ah, scary turkeys! i loved that you shared that little trivia.
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