______Hi hi, butterbeans.
______So something awfully tragic happened upon taking these photos. No, I wasn't assassinated. No, nobody tried to cut my braids off and use them as nunchucks to battle a skilled team of rollerblading nuns. No, my name wasn't anonymously dropped into the Goblet of Fire, but yes, Cedric Diggory is actually still dead, so sorry about that bit.
______You see, halfway through the photo-taking process I plopped my zebra clutch on the ground to snap a few pictures without it. You can even see it in a few of these pictures way off to the right. Inevitably, when mother and I were done taking photos, I never picked it back up. It done sat there like a sad little blob with no legs to trail after it's dearest master. And what was stuffed inside this clutch?
______My phooooooone...
______(holds back tears)
______I am a horrible father.

______I went to transfer photos from camera to computer as soon as I got home. A Book of Faces notification popped up like a raunchy dating ad on my screen. However, rather than instinctively x-ing out of it, I glimpsed attentively at its words in my peripheral vision: "farmer's market" and "left your phone" sent a strange signal to my brain. Curious, I clicked it. A friend was telling me that someone had found my phone and left it at the information center until I could come by to reclaim it.
______I was befuddled. I was unsure how my friend garnered such precious information about my apparently lost phone. Was she there and did she see me taking pictures? Was she not in North Carolina now that she'd graduated the college? Did she actually graduate from wizard college, and was a telepathic badass or my secret fairy godmother? Did--ohhhhhhh wait. Someone called her and ohshootIleftmyphonebackthere.
______I immediately bounced up from my exercise ball chair and propelled myself toward my car like a beard-loving woman toward a bearded man. I drove as quickly as I could without exceeding the speed limit, which was a daring 42mph on a 40mph road, "because it's very difficult to maintain your speed all the time, officer."

______Needless to say, as soon as I was reunited with my phone, I cradled it protectively as if it were a newborn or a precious carton of Reese's Pieces that still had two months left until its expiration.
______It's nice to know there are still good eggs in this world who will go great lengths to return lost things or IOUs, whether that be a wallet plump with greenbacks or a buck for that one time you wanted a Snickers bar from the vending machine. There may be bad eggs in the world, but I believe most Homo sapiens have good intentions and know when they need to pay back their dues.
______Tip of the week: keep an eye on your things, friends!

Dress: Urban Outfitters (similar)
Necklace, snogging zebra bracelet: Charming Charlie
Zebra clutch: giveaway via Walk the Sun
Red booties: Charlotte Russe (similar)
Lips: Hourglass (exact)
Hair: styled by my lovely momma
That had the potential to be a serious tragedy but I'm glad that instead it was a little testimony to the fact that sometimes people still do the right thing! My phone is old and it doesn't even text but it would still be very inconvenient to lose it!
Oh, what a relief that someone found your purse and returned it and the phone! Lucky indeed!
On a more sartorial note, you look splendid. I always like the big pops of color.
Leaving behind our precious electronics is such a huge fear! I'm always worrying about someone scooping up my camera bag when I place it on the ground during my photo sessions.
So glad to hear there are still good, honest people in the world and now I am craving reeces pieces
Chic on the Cheap
I must say. There might not be another blog that I enjoy reading quite as much as yours! I just smiled through that whole story, even though I knew that I should have had a face more akin to :O instead of C: the whole time. Glad to hear you got your phone back! Leaving it places feels like you just left your child somewhere and forgot, which makes one feel like an awful parent.
beautiful dress
mind to visit my new blog post?
Well, I'm glad you got your phone back...I must admit I have a tendency to leave things behind. That is the main reasons why I avoid clutches even though I think they look fabulous. It doesn't bother me that you have to hold them in your hand (not very practical, is it?) but the fact that I'm aware if I leave it somewhere I might forget it.
Anyhow, you look really lovely!...with or without the clutch the outfit is pretty much perfect...and I'm so relieved that your braid wasn't used for combat!;)
Oh noes!! I am glad you were reunited with you baby, haha. I also love that you referred to yourself as 'father' haha. You crack me up. Your face in that first photo is hysterical! It looks like you were foreshadowing your phone's impending doom.
Anywho, I love your red accessories with this black dress and your hair looks simply GORGEOUS. You have very fairy-like hair which is always enviable :)
Thank GOODNESS you got it back! How nice of that person to bring it back to you. I have not had as good of luck in my life, that's for sure. Just this weekend, my son's brand new not even a week old bike was stolen out of our garage in plain sight! Some people!
You look really pretty, I love the earrings! And glad that you recovered your phone!
Oh my gosh, I know that heart attack moment! I've been careless with my things one too many times...sigh.
But glad you recovered your phone. There ARE still good people in the world :D
Haha, anyway, I love your cute hairstyle here Ali, I'm totally inspired to copy it now. Ooooh, and these red accents - classy! You a classy lady :)
The Dragonfruit Diaries
You are so funny . Although I really am sorry for your phone poor dear ... We are now connected to electronic devices that much it's awful.
Love from Paris to cheer you up.
Nice boots!
xo T.
Once again, you made me spit my tea out my nose. I guess I have to stop reading your blog in the mornings. XD
beautiful outfit! I love zebra and red together. And THANK GOODNESS you found your phone.
Once again, you made me spit my tea out my nose. I guess I have to stop reading your blog in the mornings. XD
beautiful outfit! I love zebra and red together. And THANK GOODNESS you found your phone.
Hahaha well I'm glad you found your phone! I'm a bit embarrassed to say that even if I misplace my phone for a couple hours, I already get freaked out. So awesome that someone didn't just steal it!
And I love the pops of red in this outfit :) The statement necklace is gorgeous!
great to hear that there is still kindness in the world - and your outfit is pretty spesh here too! I hope you are enjoying the warmth - very cold here! :D
Awh such a shame about your purse! Love the outift though, the details really make it, like your hair and shoes!
Would you like to follow each other? Let me know :)
Your hair! So pretty. <3
Hahaha! I love your awesome quirky posts! Glad to see people there are responsible and pretty nice. My boyfriend forgot his cigarettes on a bench, and when we got back to get them, they weren't there :D
Adore this outfit of yours, always so girly, always so classy!
You surely have a way with words girl! As I was reading this post I almost felt like I was deeply submerged in a novel. Love the quirkiness. Anywho, glad you found your phone (I was almost about to type father because I was thinking of how you referred to yourself as father .. oops). Lovely look. Momma did good on the hair.
Lauren xo
Sophisticated In Style
Such a great outfit! You look so adorable! I love your red booties!
Ah the red boots are sweet!!
Ali that is so lucky and I'm pleased you got it back. The amount of people that never get their phones back. I know my friend from work recently left her phone in the back of a taxi and had to buy a new one. Although my sisters lost hers a few times and got it back on all occasions- it really does restore faith in humanity. It must be such relief to have it back. I couldn't cope without my phone. You look so beautiful and I was happy to hear no one cut off your gorgeous hair. I love the highlights of red, so amazing.
wow such a beautiful look! love your necklace! :D
HOW THE FRICK DID I MISS THIS POST?? Ok, so first off. I have had my incredibly stupid phone stolen out of my gym bag before. So annoying. BUT BUT one time my phone fell out of my pocket as I was getting in the car. I backed up. Left. I then realized it was missing. THEN WENT BACK AND SOMEHOW NO ONE HAD RUN OVER IT. I don't know how it's not possible. Anyway, just a random story.
you look stunning! beautiful boots
I love your statement necklace! But yay for kind caring creatures out there who actually return things to their proper owners. My boyfriend and I actually found a stray dog yesterday went around the neighborhood looking for the owner and then brought it to a shelter and luckily it was microchipped! Im a big believer in karma and I would definitely want someone to return anything of mine to me!
Arrrghh! I know I left a long and heartfelt comment on your Sailor Moon post, but it seems to have vanished into thin air! :'( The internets are too fickle for me to handle sometimes. I'll get on fixing my comment absence right away!
First off, I must say that you've been looking quite snazzy and fierce lately (but that's no surprise)! The Northern Lights look is my favorite--that pretty statement jewelry is perfect with that chic yellow dress. And I always love your artful tales from real life :) Can't wait to hear about more encounters!
I'm sorry to hear about the internet troll who tried to steal your identity! You handled it quite well, and I'm glad that all is good now. It's wonderful to witness how much support you have when unfortunate events occur--good really can come out of bad. Those sketches though are exquisite! Absolutely ethereal and with a scientific aura. I love how much of your art is so interpretive!
And totally don't worry about not having anything to say sometimes--it happens to all of us. I'm just glad that you're enjoying summer! Reading for leisure is a treasure and biking sounds like a true passion for you. I also know the tan line misfortunes quite well as a runner haha.
As for this post, I'm so happy to hear that a kind stranger returned your phone and wallet. Encounters with such genuninely kind-hearted people always alter the way I view the world a little and make me want to continue the circle of kindess. I agree that most people are well-intentioned and this post is definitely evidence! You're also looking quite lovely with those gorgeous red accessories and fierce red boots. Your curly hair is beautiful, too!
Hope this comment doesn't go poof like the last haha. Have a beautiful week, dear Ali!
Gah, losing a phone is so scary! It truly is like losing a child. And no one wants to deal with Child Protective Services. I don't have time for that. I'm happy you got yours safely returned to you though! Thank goodness for decent human beings.
The back of this dress is KILLER. So is your accessories game, as usual.
P.S. That bit about Cedric Diggory made me giggle. Bravo.
Oh I'm so glad this had a happy ending! You look beautiful in this lovely outfit <3
Waoooo, faith in humanity returned!! I'm SO glad it worked out well Ali and that you were lucky enough that a good person found your missing things. Yai!!
You look lovely! I have that zebra bracelet ;)
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