______No matter where I go, I always seem to rub eyeballs with the kindest of strangers. From hip young college kids to wizened gentlefolk with wrinkles clawing the corners of their smiling eyes, I've acquainted myself with a good bunch of people around town.
______I take myself on occasional me-dates to Jason's Deli to read and study, for example, 'cause I'm rather excellent at dating myself. Apparently, I have some unique habits that the manager has already taken note of, such as securing myself a booth by fiercely slamming a book on it facedown, eating my salad greens before digging into the chicken and cranberries and pumpkin seeds, and never touching the salad dressing.
______I also like to put my waiting number upside down to keep the servers on their toes.
______I'm quite cruel, really.

______One busy afternoon, the manager joked with me, saying, "Staking your territory again?" as I rushed by him to smash my book on the last open booth. I shot him the whites of my teeth and saluted with two fingers, then immediately hopped my way toward the restaurant's bustling line of hungry people. My booth in tact, I felt at ease and was ready to place my usual order.
______When you frequent the same places, I guess it's a given that you'll cultivate common ground with a soul or two. The workers usually pique interest in my reading material, and one of them even asked me how long it's going to take me to get through the first Game of Thrones book... I'm still picking my way through it, conquering it chapter by chapter, even though it's taken me a month to get halfway.

Top: Charlotte Russe
Skirt: Know Style
Booties: Chelsea Crew
Chevron earrings: Charming Charlie
Spike bracelet: c/o Maxnina
ET pin: I shit you not, one day it just appeared in my ring box
Don't you look so fierce and edgy with that camouflage (oh, my...I've always thought I was good at spelling, but that was a toughie haha)top. Not too many people can pull off the camo look, but you do it so beautifully! I love all your gold jewelry--that Maxnina bracelet is so cool and I laughed when I read the line about the ET pin. So quirky and cute! And those start details on your skirt--just perfect!
Hehe, I too enjoy reading all your fun stories. I can be pretty territorial about my favorite spots at restaurants and other places too. And don't we all just need me dates every once in awhile? Bahaha, I'm getting to be a a pro at dating myself too.
Keep rocking it, lovely Ali!
OMG ET pin!!!!!!! Love it!!! And I always love reading your prose... :)
Cute outfit and adorable accessories :) x
adore this outfit, girly yet slightly edgy <3 i always thought it's very peculiar to asians in asia to secure a seat or table this way. it's refreshing to know there are people in other part of the world practice the same thing :D
Totally love your skirt and your camo print top. You look too good...
That ET brooch is super duper cute!
So glad to know you studied art history and you liked Indian art!!! :) :) :)
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You look gorgeous and brooding in these photos. I love it. And I laughed out loud at the rubbing eyeballs thing because now I know you frequent a thesaurus as often as I do ;) And omg that ET brooch. I love that it just appeared one day. Perfect.
xox Sammi
You have just now become cooler now that I know you read game of thrones. Ugh I finished the last episode a few days ago and I'm having withdrawls.
I sometimes like it when a local establishment gets to know me, but other times I just wish I was an unnoticeable face in the crowd.
Chic on the Cheap
Sometimes I don't like to go to places that I usually frequent because people there know me and they want to start a conversation and I'm not always in the mood for discussions. :)) Yeah, I'm mean too! :))
You look great! The shirt and skirt make a perfect pair!
Hi Ali, I liked the part you wrote about dating yourself, i think I will join that club, lol. Its great that you found a place where you feel completely comfortable to hang out in all the time. I think it becomes habitual, but in a good way. And excellent idea for securing your own booth, I must remember the trick to it! I like how your styled your camo top, its edgy but still ladylike with the skirt, fantastic mix.
Haha it'll probably take me like 3 months to read one of the books in the Game of Thrones series. I haven't started yet because it seems like a daunting task!
I think you look so cool in this outfit! I'm not a fan of camo (bad memories of the colorful camoflage trend some years back) but I think I would wear this top! I love the skater skirt paired with it and your super cool arm party going on. Also that ET pin! It just appeared one day? That's the best thing ever!
OooooOooooo, I really like this outfit Ali, the camo, spiky bracelet, and tough boots are something I'd wear! ;) Haha, and omgsh, I might've squealed a bit outloud when I saw the ET pin. aaaaaahhhflkgha;lkg;lakv you WOULD own a gem like that :D
And I love reading how you stake out your territory. We seriously would be besties in RL. Sigh, everytime I think that I always hope we meet in person one day. ONE DAY IT'LL HAPPEN!
Trendy Teal
yes! i get very territorial about seating... often i will be in a restaurant giving evil eyes to the ppl sitting in my 'usual' spot. haha. great outfit ali, cute details on the skirt. <3
Hahaha, making some new friends are we :D
Blah, Game of thrones, really? Tell me how it ends please, I don't have enough nerves to watch the tv episodes :D
Adore that skirt and top, sexe!!!
I just love it how you put your table number the other way, that made me smile! It really brightens the day when having nice encounters with strangers. I love reading little bits about your life. Love the star skirt every time you wear it and with that top, makes an amazing combinations.
You look great love the shirt.I eat my food like you too- salad first but I need a LOT of dressing :)
Totally going to steal your upside down number idea
I love that they've started to notice some little quirks about you! You're one of the few awesome people left in the this country who carry around books instead of some electronic device to read. I never touch salad dressing either. Who can taste the awesome veggies if they're smothered in stuff? Blech.
So, I was pretty sure you couldn't get any cooler-because you're kind of at the top of the cool list, or let's say the engineer of the cool train-but a cute, camo top replete with an ET pin and paired with a flouncy skirt? No wonder you get people to notice you :) I love it!
And, haha-you used the rubbing eyeballs phrase. That is the best.
Cool top.
Oooo my sounds like that manager is watching you fairly closely. Bu then again with chic clothes and good looks I am not surprised : O
This is as usual a great look.
Ali of
Dressing Ken
Jason's Deli sounds like such a great place to study and read! I love eating while i'm studying, makes it way more fun. And hahahahahaha I guess i'm pretty good at dating myself too.
Ooo love the camo print top with the star studded skirt. This outfit is so awesome. Especially that ET pin :D
And thank you so much for your advice about college:)
You always look super gorgeous!! I am in love with your top and skirt!! so chic.
Style Without Limits
It's a tough but still girlie look - love the ankle boots!
u look stunnin girl!
Wow, love the look, so edgy and girlish at the same time. And that cute ET pin completes the look with a touch of quirkiness!
Fang Ting
You look sooo pretty! Love the combination of the top and the skirt!!
You look beautiful Ali! This outfit is very pretty, I love your top, and paired with that beautiful skirt the whole outfit looks maaarvelous.
Maybe you will end up starting an impromtu book club there, haha!
Thanks for your wonderful words over at mine, hope your week kindly surprises you :) I agree, we should all take the time for 'me time'
Aw, I love me dates! Is it wrong that sometimes I look forward to my husband being out of town (which isn't often) so I can have random little adventures all by my lonesome?
Oh, and I want that skirt - SO cool!
I love this outfit SO much. The camo + the skirt is edgy, yet girly at the same time. Ahh, and don't get me started on those booties- so versatile and nice! And okay, an ET pin? That's awesome.
P.S. I've got a giveaway on my blog!
I Love your blog , your style of writing is flawless
I particularly enjoyed reading the star change that is so what I would do a café read my book and watch the word go by such good times cant wait to read more of your posts :)
Oh my goodness the outfit details for the ET ring just about killed me hahaha! I love that this looks is both edge but still really feminine, you look gorgeous!
Have a wonderful day!
xo Hannah
Ha ha ha "can't offend my money" is the best reason to shop :) thank you for the kind comment
I only just noticed the et pin- it's awesome how Cool it just appeared one day
You are so so cute! I love the ET ring and your pretty skirt!
Xo, Hannah
I am ridiculously obsessed with this outfit. I want your starry skirt and those boots....I've been looking for some just like those!!! I can't believe the ET pin just showed up in your ring box. I heard the Twilight Zone theme song when I read that. Spooky!
YAY for finishing GOT! Dude, it was a long one, but definitely worth the read:) It's like we've got our very own blogging book club! I only wish I could come eat salad green's with you in a diner booth and discuss it in real time.
xoxo Ashley
that's too cute that everyone at the deli knows about you :) and im really loving your outfit. the skirt and camo top looks amazing on you
Delightful Ideas
No Bake Caek Pops Giveaway
you are so stunning!! love the boots, and you have perfect legs! and wow you actually have an ET pin- that is so random! well it's a great surprise at least haha :)
love your style btw. following you now! :)
Metallic Paws
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