______I don't watch much television, but when I do, it's either nostalgic anime or cartoon episodes streamed through the internet or a certain something on HBO. That something on HBO? Why, it's no other than my mother and I's guilty pleasure: da da dum... True Blood.
______Go ahead and judge me--I've heard it all. Your petty peasant insults do no more harm to my wellbeing than flinging marshmallows at iron would.
______Moving on--one of my favorite characters from the show is Sophie Anne, or who I refer to as the queen bitch. She's the vampire queen of Louisiana and doesn't hesitate to let people know that. She carries herself regally, though she's also a little distracted and has the crazy-smart-weird intelligence of... well, a crazy-smart-intelligent person. Basically, she's a sinister little lady who can fry people's minds with her words and charming good looks, and well, I wouldn't mind dressing like someone who can do that. And so I did!

______Since Queenie is old as balls, being the vampire queen and everything, she adorns herself in timeless pieces with classic cuts and is always seen wearing the traditional colors of black and white. She always finishes her look with glossy, stained lips, soft curls of hair, and ornate diamond earrings. And, you know, the blood of her enemies.
______Dress like a frilly cupcake, walk like a capricious chainsaw--how's that for a strong female character?

______Though I can't cover myself in the blood of my enemies (legally, at least), I am able to wear a darker lipstick. I don't know if I give off the same, classy vibe as Sophie Anne does when she wears it, though; I probably resemble some kid who ravaged their mother's arsenal of makeup. I've also got this silky white blazer along with tons of pearls and fancy filigree earrings, just like Queenie would wear.
______My momma also played around with hair today, resulting in a a collection of curls smushed elegantly atop my head. She's becoming quite the hairstylist.

______Do you ever draw inspiration from other sources, like television or movie characters, or maybe even (gasP) video game characters? If you need some ideas pertaining to dressing like your favorite TV character, click the link!

Dress: NY&Co
Blazer: TJ Maxx
Heels: Jeffrey Campbell
Earrings: gifted
Hair: done by my hairstylist momma
Looking gorgeous, gorgeous!
Wow! I love how you really took inspiration from the character's look and added your own touch to it. Sophie Anne sounds like an AWESOME character. Love this look, and aw your Mom does your hair so well.
A capricious chainsaw....bahahaha! I swear, I come to your blog looking forward to reading the post every single time. I think you nailed the queen's look, and I love how classy you look! This silky white blazer is divine :D Plus, zebra heels never hurt anything.
Hmmm, for a TV character, I've been compared to Aria before (from PLL) and I'll admit, I certainly like her crazy jewelry and eclectic style. At times it can be too much, but when she gets it right...she's got it!
Trendy Teal
Love the inspiration (though I've never watched True Blood), and loving the black and white! And your hair looks so pretty like that! :)
xox Sammi
Love the draping of your blazer! Great TJ Maxx find! (love that place)
I love True Blood! I don't know anyone who doesn't actually hehehe. Lovely outfit
Love the outfit and the show True Blood! Such a great TV shows with amazing characters!
Hey Ali, I really like True Blood too, but Pam is my favorite character :) I love your darker lipstick, it's very nice.
speaking of good shows, HBO's Carnivale (it's old, but I love it) has GREAT style inspiration -- 1930's dust bowl traveling carnivale... it was always gonna be amazing! and the history channel's new show Vikings is also awesome. xox
you look classy and timeless, white is a great color for you :)
Ohhh yes, I have totally dressed like my favorite television characters (and to a more extreme degree, I cosplayed for years).
I also love true blood, but since I don't get HBO I'm always a year behind waiting for the DVDs.
Sophie is a pretty great style Icon, and ohh what is her name, Bill's maker, always had the most amazing eyeliner. I mean, I hated her, but I wanted her makeup artist.
Chic on the Cheap
Oh, your hair is so very pretty! I always love it when my mother plays with my hair :) I miss being at home with her to watch guilty pleasure shows like this! Once when I was in high school my mother, sister, and I watched this spinoff to the bachelor called "The Bachelor Down Under" or something where this Australian backwoods guy had to pick a wife from a bevy of manicured blonde women. It was quite a laugh and we had a jolly good time watching it let me tell you! Haha
I love your pretty black and white ensemble. You always have the prettiest accessories!
You are so chic and classy, stunning outfit. Everything from the colour scheme to the jewellery to the shoes is perfection. My favourite aspect has to be your hairstyle. I wish I could do that with my hair, absolutely outstanding.
You ooze with classiness! (that didn't sound right)..anyway, you look superb. Very fancy indeed. Adore the hairdo as well ^_^
I actually like True Blood, until they ruined it from the 4-th season till now. The Queen is gorgeous, but I'm more inclined to drool over Pam, what is it about ladies with fluffy lips!
I very much like the style of Gillian from the Boardwalk Empire, she kicks ass!
LOVELY hair! And the earrings you picked are perfect!
I LOVE love your inspiration for this outfit! I have never seen True Blood (don't have HBO, haha) but I have heard from a lot of people that its a pretty awesome show. So no judging here ;) You look so so pretty Ali! I really love the strings of pearls and those shoes are GORGEOUS! Happy Friday pretty lady :)
xo, Alyssa
Such an elegant outfit, looks great! Thanks for sharing such a nice post!
Have a happy time!
Best wishes, Alexandra
ADORE your outfit!xx
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.
You look so fresh and chic and I love your inspiration...you nailed it!
So, I totally used to dress with a theme in mind everyyy single day. My favorites were typically disney characters....Pochohantas was a reoccurring theme. I don't do this every day now, but it still happens often. I totally dig it.
I was thinking about watching True Blood. Should I?! Oh and have you started watching Game of Thrones?!?! I don't know if you should anymore. The last episode ruined my day, made me cry and had me in a weird depression for 2 days (yes, I do let TV shows dictate my feelings...haha). I told Ernie I wasn't going to watch it ever again, but I'm not sure if that will happen. I will let you know how I'm feeling after the season finale :) haha
xo Ashley
Chanced upon your blog and enjoy reading it!
I love this outfit! You look so classy and elegant, you're right your mom is very good at styling hair! Your hair looks so pretty! I draw outfit inspiration from my favorite show- Gossip Girl! And not gonna lie, when I was younger I wanted to be just like hermione from harry potter... back in the good old days :)
I have heard True Blood is good! I don't think anyone would judge you!
I love especially your hairstyle! :D
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Those shoes are awesome. My friends and I watched so much True Blood last summer.
Beautiful as always Ali! Going ga ga over your TJ MAXX blazer <3
This is such a great look inspired by a tv show character! The white blazer is so chic and I love the pearls. Such a classic look :) And ooo your hair looks fantastic. I love how all the swirliness becomes a bun!
I definitely take inspiration from tv show characters too. Especially Spencer from Pretty Little Liars. (And basically everyone in that show because they are all just so stylish)
omg i can totally see the sophie anne reference, youve achieved the very well put together chic vibe she always seems to have. i often find myself drawing inspiration from fictional characters (often not on purpose but then I notice after I am dressed haha)
-Tara x
Oh I definitely get a Queen Sophie Anne vibe from this outfit. I also love True Blood so there's no judgment from me! I read the books too. They're actually extremely enjoyable.
Your hair looks very cute here and I love the red lipstick you're wearing. Such a pretty pair of bold earrings too. I also love those heels and basically any way you wear them.
you´re so beautiful<3
I've never watched True Blood. I feel sad now.
I loveee your haiirrr.... Ughhh I want long hair again. That photo collage you did that is on Flickr with your hair braided kinda sorta like this is so cool. Like I really love it. It pops up whenever I go to flickr pretty much because it's my most recent favorite (I favorite things like once every 6 months, I swear)
Also, you look amazing in white, teach me how to do that.
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