Alpha Sigma Phi @ UA Love Bus Shirt Design, ink, Spring 2013
______Earlier in the spring semester, I received the opportunity to plan and ink out an illustration for my brother's fraternity, Alpha Sigma Pie. I mean Phi. It wound up on a T-shirt dedicated to a trip they all took, and the leader of their fraternity (president? grand overlord? czar? I'm not familiar with Greek life doings) even said he'd consider dubbing me their official T-shirt artist for next year.
______Designing T-shirts for a few extra shillings? That'd sure put a jingle in my step!

______(I wasn't the one who colored it in and did the text, just the drawing, but if I were designing that part, too, I'dda picked a more regal font that curved the fraternity name at the top cough justsayingcough)
it looks really good, I think they're gonna love it!
How cool! You should start putting all your art on tees, I bet you'd make more than just a few extra shillings!
Chic on the Cheap
Wow you're really talented lady pie! What an awesome design. Well done, you should be proud and so should your bro! <3
you did a wonderful job!!
That's so awesome that they had you do this! Greek life is weird to me and I don't get it. I like to pretend that my older brother ISN'T the assistant director of greek life at my school and DOESN'T try to force me into it whenever we talk. But that said, milk them for all their worth! This looks amazing and you're so talented! If all T-shirt were designed by you, I might actually like T-shirts more :)
That's fantastic! It's exciting how successful your design was and all the opportunities it can provide from here on. You're very talented.
Oh my God, that is so incredible cool! I love that drawing! You made it very well, dear!
Daria from www.cinnamon-star.blogspot.com
AWESOME sketch!
love Rachael
Poses with Roses
yes, i believe a more regal font wouldda been cool too. Great illustration :) and being dubbed an official designer is something cool to put on your business card!! :) xox
~I am having my first ever blog giveaway for a hand crafted flower crown made by moi if you are interested: http://fashionpho.blogspot.com/2013/07/urban-pixie-flower-crown-giveaway.html
If I ever need t-shirts designed, I'm coming to you! So now you are my go to t-shirt designer and future illustrator. The list just keeps growing:) Miss Ali, you are so unbelievably talented!
Oh and by the way, your last post...your outfit was SO bad ass. Pardon the language, but it had to be said!!!
xo Ashley
That is so awesome Ali! You could totally design tee shirts!! :D
You'll definitely have to show off your upcoming work for the year haha
The Dragonfruit Diaries
That drawing is awesome!
OM GAHHHHH this is soo cool Ali. You are so super duper talented, ahh! Not only do I think you're drawings are super amazing and nifty and creative, but you drew a VW Bus, unbelievable...perfection!
BTW- I replied to your comment on my blog but you're commment was the absolute sweetest and best comment ever, haha! So glad to have a blogger friend like you- always insightful, continually kind and thoughtful. Thank you for always making me smile with your clever and considerate comments :)
xo, Alyssa
Ahhh this is so awesome. You did a fantastic job!!
Xo, Hannah
It would be so awesome if you designed more t shirts, I would totally wear them if you designed them! :) And yay so happy for you that you're maybe going to be the official t shirt artist, you'd make all the t shirts on campus look amazing!
what an awesome opportunity! you did a great job it looks absolutely awesome :)
Awesome! Love it!
Glitter & Blush
super cool drawing! Love your blog. would you like to follow each other?
Kiki SImone
hehehe... pie... ;) that made me laugh out loud!
and ooo, looks awesome, you did a great job!
♥ Ellen
Facebook + Instagram
Wow, this is so cool! I used to draw a lot and I was pretty good at it, but I stopped doing it for some reason. You're really talented! I agree with you about the font...
Life of Mabel
Love it! This is great for a graphic t-shirt. And hey, if they wanna pay you that's a pretty sweet deal.
Allliiiii!! This is too cute. I just got back from a crazy week in the middle of nowhere at cross country camp, and the first thing I did was catch up on my favorite blogs, one of which happens to be yours (;
I love the little retro details and how you said Pie at first instead of Phi. All those Greek letter pronunciations get me each time haha. You have a distinct style--I'm not sure how to describe it, but I could definitely tell a piece was yours if it just so happened to pop up anywhere. You go, girl! Keep being a super artist!
Such a cute illustration! x
I think I might just buy a T shirt designed by you. How about making this a sideline? Your illustration really looks great on the T shirt.
Great art even if you didn't get to do the font and coloring.
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