______I remember coming across this very skirt on the internet before, so when I saw it in the real world, I knew that I had to pummel my way through the store to snatch it up. It reeks of cartoony fabulousness and is stretchy to the max, both qualities worthy of a gold star in my book. A mannequin was donning the last one in my size, and I'm less than proud to say that I undressed the poor thing to try it on, which was

______Succumbing to corruption wasn't all so bad, though. It was a poignant moment, though slightly sweet, like the darkest of dark chocolates, and who knows? Perhaps next I will be brazen enough to do something as dastardly as parking in one of those pregnant people only parking spots even though I am clearly not a pregnant lady.

______Anyway, I'll keep this post short and bittersweet since I've got to dash off to my pool job, aka emptying trash cans and not saving people if they are drowning and making certain that no meddling little punks jump the fence. I'll see you classy bastards later.
______Ali out!

Skirt: Know Style
Top: it's a red shirt who knows
Socks: Forever 21
Necklace: from my dearest brother
Oxford heels: Jeffrey Campbell
______PS: Mother and I attempted some jumping slash flying pictures, but we just kept ending up with ridiculous shots similar to this:

You look genius, I love everything about that! Every little detail <3
All in a days work of a superhero, I suppose.
Love the skirt, and I'm glad you stole it off the mannequin - any store with a ridiculous policy like that deserves to be thwarted. Because really, having it on the display is what entices people to buy it. Having it there and saying, we have no more of this and you can't have the only one is cruel, and poor business practice as far as i'm concerned.
Great skirt! I think you are actually a HERO for stripping that mannequin. That takes guts! But you know the saying--no guts, no awesome skirts. And your jumping shot is FANTASTIC! Have a great weekend!
Great outfit - you look so badass (and yet totally feminine). Total superhero move to rescue that skirt from the grips of the store mannequin. I feel privileged that I got to see one of the jumping shots early, hehe :)
xox Sammi
i am looking forward to hearing about you trying to park in a pregnant lady's spot. haha. but, really, you are, of course, the heroine. and, what an awesome skit to rip of a mannequin anyway. ;)
you're lucky you can fit a mannequin size, awesome!
this last photo is actually pretty cool:)
Great skirt, so colouful and just fun...and if clothes is in the shop it is meant to be sold and that is just it!
is there such a thing as a pregnant lady's spot? really?
I'm a classy bastard, no big deal :) Haha I love you Ali! I've totally stolen something off the mannequin before! More than once I believe... you make one awesome cartoon/super hero girl! I love the jump shot! So funny. Mine usually turn out WAY worse so don't worry too much. Jump shots are hard!!
Ahhh, Ali! You never fail to make me chuckle as I scroll through your beautifully-crafted sentences and gorgeous photos. I love how you stripped a mannequin for this skirt--it's totally you and so cute! And of course, your hair is always exquisitely done.
Have fun at your job--hehe it sounds rather interesting. I'm sure you do a lovely job intimidating the little punks (;
In love with that jump shot haha! You're so cute, lovely lady!
That last photo totally made my day. ^_^ Hahahahaha! I usually get claw hands when I try the jumping shot. Its been so long since I did that though...I think its time to revisit that shot...
Anyway, I love that you stripped that poor mannequin. A girl's gotta do what she's gotta do, right? And this skirt was definitely worth it. Its so awesome! Just like you :D
The Dragonfruit Diaries
Love this look! great color combination
Kiki Simone
I love the shoes! So cool:)
Amazing outfit! Like, truly Ali =) The bright red with that cool skirt and brogues was very nice!
- Che
Love this Look! I think the superhero persona suits you...I too have nipped a blazer of a mannequin in a store (only because it was the last one in my size and the kind store girl helped me do it, so I guess it was okay). The skirt is so quirky and adorable, i love pieces that a little whimsy and you wear it with flair. How cute are the socks + shoes combo! You can definitely save the world in this look!
This skirt is SO much fun :) As a comic book fiend, myself, I totally want it. You look GREAT btw :) There's something about these pictures (other than the skirt!) that is just WORKING. Props, woman. ;)
xo Ashley
Hi! You look awesome! I was browsing through your posts and noticed that you do some really cute hairdos....you make it look effortless!
You're so cute, love the shoes.
That skirt is so awesome.
That skirt is so cute, and I love how you styled this outfit! I also love your little hairstyles, they are always so cute! I have waaaaay too much hair for that, it would look ridiculous!
I have taken things off the mannequin before, haha! If you are purchasing something you are helping the store, so even if one of the mannequins has to suffer without a cute outfit for a few minutes, at least you gave them business. Or at least that's my rationalization. You can still be a hero! :)
Anyways, you look gorgeous, and are rocking that totally awesome skirt!
I just came across this blog and I love it!
Your skirt is really cool and original!
Very cool look and wonderful pictures!
omg love love love this outfit!! its so fun and cute!! that skirt is amazing :D
ahhh, red socks! It's so cool!!!!
the colours are so gorgeous :D
Ruth x
Enter my giveaway if you'd like :)
That skirt is so unique!
super cute look :) that skirt is so fun! and I adore your shoes!! xx
What a funky outfit!!!! I LOVE it! You look amazing. Just found your blog and really really enjoyed checking out your fashion posts.
That necklace is also so unique and awesome!
New follower! xxx
omg that outfit is so adorable! i just love love love the skirt, sooo cool! will have to link it to my sister, she will love it haha! she recently just got this crazy cartoon print leggings!
♥ Ellen
Facebook + Instagram
Hi sweety, wanted to wish you well for the week ahead.
dont feel guilty! i have no trouble taking the clothes of a mannequin's back if thats what fits me hahaha
oh that is the most adorable skirt, Ali, I love it! and as usual, you look adorable in your outfit!
xo, Carla
You are the cutest thing imaginable!! This skirt is so fun and unique and looks so perfect on you. And that jumping pic at the end had me dying!!
Xo, Hannah
Oh yes, the comics skirt!! Looks awesome, I really love it! I have a thing for clothes with comics and pop art prints!
HAHAHA I love the jumping photo! Oh man, I should post some of my "outtakes" I've had some real doozies. Aren't they the best though? Keep you laughing at yourself and really remind you not to take photos too seriously, love it.
YOU ARE KILLING ME WITH CUTENESS (and coolness) in this Ali, seriously! This skirt is amazing, I love how you styled it, with the hair style and jewelry and really all of it is just fabulous. I have a huge thing for comic book clothing too, I have a dress that is a comic strip about making your own dress (it's pretty funny and ironic) and man do I love the look of comic style print, so fun!
So glad you robbed the mannequin of this skirt and nabbed it for yourself ;)
xo, Alyssa
Beautiful shoes! Xxx
La la loving your skirt! I need one just like it...
Your blog is so cute, and your hair is amaziiiing !!!!! *.*
xoxo from Switzerland :*
Lady, you are KILLING it up in here! I love how playful you are, both in your styling as well as in your writing! I'm sorry I've been so MIA in comment land- I let my new job get the best of me, but I haven't stopped loving your fabulousness :)
I have no idea how people usually get beautiful jumping shots since the majority of mine always turn out as fabulously as yours. We're some classy broads.
And your skirt is fantastic. It's reminding me of the fact that Kickass 2 is coming out and I couldn't be more excited. Also, there's nothing wrong with letting out our inner villains and snatching skirts off mannequins. As if that mannequin had anywhere to rock it. You have superhero soirees to take it to. Better worn by you than the mannequin. <3
u rock the skirt !!!!!!
HAHA best. Flying. Shot. Ever. You make me giggle. This skirt is so stinkin cool! Listen, when I worked retail I had to undress mannequins all the time and it was always awkward. People are trying to shop around you and you're just like, "Oh ya let me just be feeling up a naked lady while I help you look for the right underwear uh huh!" Living the dream I was, living the dream.
At any rate you styled this little gem impeccably and I love it :)
The whole get up is just so adorable! I love it. Punch in that gal power my lovely bitch! =D
GIRL I always look dumb in jumping shots too. I envy people who look cute in them, And that skirt! LOVELY. I hate when I have to take clothes off the mannequin (happens a lot to me, actually) or even have the store person take it off. I feel like I'm literally taking the clothes off someone's back.
I love this outfit. AS ALWAYS. forever.
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