______You guys wrote really sweet comments on that last post. I hope I didn't come off as a mopey little sponge, but sometimes I've just gotta treat this blog like a diary, take out my feather-topped gel pen, and scribble out any minor troubles and woes that float around in my head. That way, the sadness goes poof! and the sparkly, bubbly feelings can shine and glint brighter than a bald man's head in the sunlight.
______I tend to doubt myself a ton because I'm a perfectionist and like for everything to be done as quickly, efficiently, and mess-free as possible. I need a lesson in patience, clearly, and I'm not talking about the kind of patience where one waits quietly in a dentists office playing Pokemon, because that's super simple.

______But ah, let us speak of happier things! Like Pokemon, that's a happy thing. Why, my transparent purple gameboy still rests snugly in bedside drawer, and within it, Pokemon Crystal and the Caterpie that I named after my older brother. For those of you not familiar, Caterpie is a wimpy caterpillar-like Pokemon that is well, quite wimpy. No stronger than a flimsy pool noodle, no more toxic than washable markers. Many years ago, for young sibling rivalry purposes, I caught one of these elusive Caterpies and named my brother after it. Burn, baby, burn.
______Even to this day, my dear brother and I still name each other after the most pathetic Pokemon each new generation spits out. He is 22 and I am 20. Both of us have evolved in terms of appearance and age, but we've both remained snarky little turdbuckets at heart.

______In other news, I think that smiling for the camera is much easier when you're wearing bright lipstick. I've tricked my mind into believing that doing so makes my pearly whites actually appear white. That's the power of Pine-Sol, baby... I mean, uh, lipstick.

Top: Charlotte Russe
Skirt: via Lotus Botique
Sandals: Franco Sarto
Zebra bracelet: Charming Charlie (them zebras be snoggin' up a storm)
Cicada earrings: Etsy
I totally love your dress! :)
XX, IamJenniya
wow your hair is AMAZING! :) x
Hi Ali, its great that you treat this space as a diary, because essentially thats what a personal blog should be about. And I admire that you are able to put your thoughts into words so well. I could see a hint of your pedicure shade, it looks so pretty. Love the asymmetrical skirt, it has a great floaty feel to it. Please do a hair tutorial for us, your hairstyles are always so unique!
I've kept diaries since I don't know when and always loved that feeling of pouring your thoughts and emotions onto an piece of a paper (or with the advisement of technology whatever comes handy)...it is one of the most relaxing activities for me.
You look lovely, I've liked the trend of asymmetrical things but always had problems finding one that actually fits me...it is a weird thing with me and sized, everything is either too small or too big for me...and recent shopping attempt was nothing short of traumatic...the only thing that actually fit me was transparent.
Ok, now I'm treating a comment thingie as a diary...
This one really made me laugh:
"That way, the sadness goes poof! and the sparkly, bubbly feelings can shine and glint brighter than a bald man's head in the sunlight. "
Ali has gone wild! Leopards and Zebras and Cicadas... oh my!
(and I did have a feather topped gel pen for writing in my diary when I was in middle school. truth.)
Chic on the Cheap
Haha, I guess calling eachother pathetic pokemon names is better than me and sis, where we just call eachother insults like complete douches :-D
Looking so cute in this outfit, I especially like the cool sandals. I looove leather sandals *_*
If you liked playing Fable you would totally like The Witcher too :-) If you enjoy fantasy I would suggest reading the books too , although I'm not sure if they are translated, because the author is polish.
:) this post seems wonderfully happy; you look great, lipstick makes everyone smile more (in my humble opinion) and your hair is all up that complicated braid! ;)
I know nothing about pokemon, sadly, I am, actually too old... :S
Hey there is not hurry to grow up, at ALL! lol staying young and heart is the best way to "age" in my opinion. Besides, 20 is hardly "old" anyway, you have plenty of time to mature into life haha.
I love the Pokemon part of your blogpost! I'm still a Pokemon player as well, and I'm nearly 20 too ;)
And I love the skirt you're wearing. You totally rock it!
XO Imke
Tehehehehehe, Pokemon chats, ah man, I love it when you bring those up. And here I thought I was the only one who played that game in the dentist's office...
I really do love that swirly skirt, the high low hem and material photograph so prettily! Just like you ;) I really do mean to try bright lipstick...I just never have the guts to drop money on a bold color. However, Sunset Peach has officially become my fave new color. One day I'll work up to the Firecracker Red shade!
The Dragonfruit Diaries
I love the high low skirt on you and your hair pinned up! this entire look is really different and looks great on you!
I personally think that blog shouldn't be just a place where you share your snapshots or something like that, there should be something more. Every blog should be an avatar of blogger personality, so if we are using it as a diary from time to time, it's even nice I suppose. I must say I love reading your blog and I've realized I should study harder on my English;)
Those photographs are adorable, in love with your ear rings!
Have a fabulous time!
Eeee! Ali, you're so darling. I love this fierce look--all the animal print just screams edgy-chic and that high-low skirt is so pretty. I love them because they flit around so well (: Of course, we can't forget those exquisite earrings and your lovely sandals! I totally am envious of your shoes.
Ahh, I feel exactly the same way. I think I express all my angst on my blog, but it makes me feel ever so much better. Don't you worry, we all feel that way sometimes, and if we said we didn't, well, we'd be lying!
Have a beautiful week, lovely Ali!
great look :)
Oh, and Ali--I can't believe I forgot to thank you for your beautiful words on my blog! You always make me feel so much better--thank you girl!
I also can't believe I forgot to make a note about the Pokemon--my childhood righ there haha! That is just the cutest thing how your brother and you exchanged Pokemon names.
I can remember dragging my mum to see the pokemon movie. Oh god, I was obsessed! haha I love this outfit, and can I just say you have such gorgeous legs! I've always loved mixi skirts-especially for summer :)
Hey Ali, there are times where I vent everything out on my blog and then feel so apologetic about it. Truth is, do you feel better? I'm sure you do right? So you needn't be sorry about sounding mopey and all. I think blogging is a great avenue to release the cloudiness in our minds at times. And whatever you've said is absolutely right!
I have a dress with bottoms like yours. Short in front and long at the back but I can't seem to wear it as well as you do. You have beautiful pictures and ooooh... I love your hair!
You are so lovely inside and out- I love reading your blog posts! I agree that bright lipstick always makes me feel more put-together... lipstick is definitely a staple for me! Your sandals and maxi skirt are so so cute!
Xo, Hannah
Hiya dear, me thinks you need to get your mum to do a tutorial for us :) I am really dismal with styling hair, the hairdryer and I are always on the warpath! Thanks for sharing your fashion favourites with me, hope your week gets off to a great start!
You skirt is so beautiful and twirly:) And I LOVE your sandals.
hahahhaha I love the sentence with the bald man's head. I was totally expecting you to say sunshine or something and that's so genius and unexpected. If only I knew all the pokemon names...sounds like something my brother and I would do too.
And by the way, I definitely think you are an artist. And not just an artist, but a great and super amazing artist. I can't wait to see the storyboard in color:)
You always have the prettiest hair styles! I also love your outfit, that skirt is so pretty! And I feel ya girl. I'm a super impatient person and when things arent happening the right way in my current moment I always get frustrated
It is sooooo lovely to see you smile Ali, especially since you do have such an amazing sense of humor!! You look soooo gorgeous in this outfit, and don't even get me started with that amazing braided updo you are wearing!
I always wished that I watched Pokemon when I was a kid, but alas I never really got into it. Of course I still had my favorite Pokemon's nonetheless (I liked Squirtle and 9 tails), but I was more into Japanease Anime at the time. In fact, I still watch Japanease anime and its one of my favorite things to do :)
I love all of your facial expressions in this post :D It just makes me smile and looks so- you! This outfit looks incredible on you and aaaahhhh, always love those cicada earrings- just the BEST! As always, you are looking just divine Ms. Ali, and I hope you enjoyed your weekend :)
xo, Alyssa
Thank you for your amazing comment. You made me realize it's indeed the skintone that makes it hard to pull yellow off. Mustard is an amazing colour and I love it as well.
XO Imke
Oh my gosh Ali, your hair looks so amazing! I absolutely love it, it looks so intricate and detailed and pretty!!
Aaanyways, this dress is super cute and your jewelry is adorable. You look beautiful as always!
I completely understand, I am probably one of the most impatient people out there. I can't even sit still in a waiting room before getting antsy! Haha you're already one step ahead of me!
My sister and I used to play pokemon too, and I would get mad at her because she was so good at it and would "catch 'em all" while I was pretty horrible at the game. There's sibling rivalry for ya. :)
I like that skirt!
You llok very pretty and the skirt is very pretty!
I love the skirt and the sandals
Hi dear...I appreciate your kind visit :) Have a great week ahead!
I love the skirt. I seriously cannot get enough of that style of skirt. Got 3 in different colours, and would love more. They feel so sexy. I actually have a ton of tabs open right now for game boys on ebay! I am thinking of buying my husband one for his birthday. And then maybe me one too while we're at it. heheh.
fab outfit. I LOVE your sandals...the details are making me envious! =D
love your hair, flats & earrings..Your commentary is quirky, fun, & well-written :]
you look beautiful!
love the skirt!
great post;)
Thanks for visiting my blog;)
Following, kisses x
Love your braids and your earrings! Super cute!
Ladyface Blog
I can relate to you so much, a lot of this post could so have been written by me! Especially with sometimes treating your blog like a diary and the perfectionism too. Yay for Pokemon! I used to love it so much, my husband still does. I have a Pikachu toy that my sister bought me when I was 10, it's still on display in my apartment. Looking fabulous my lovely, your hairstyle is amazing!
So many things to say! Get ready for the super list!
1. Your last post...the pictures blew me away! SERIOUSLY. Don't ever say you aren't an artist, because lady you are amazing. Please promise that if I ever write a children's book some day, you will illustrate?! You are amazing and have such a wonderfully unique way of capturing what is in your head on paper. I love it. More please:)
2. I want your sandals, and your skirt, and your shirt...and just this entire outfit. You look gorgeous and summery and I want to go shopping with you right now.
3. I have that same bracelet! Except it's from Target, but STILL! Bracelet twins unite!
4. I still have my transparent purple gameboy color too!!!! I had a few Pokemon games but could never get out of the town or figure out what was going on. This makes me sad, and also makes me want to dig out my Pokemon game and try again. You make it sound so fun! I was way more of a Donkey Kong and Mario type of gal, but I still want to find out what all this Pokemon awesomeness is.
Oh Ali. Move closer so we can be BFFs.
xo Ashley
i love your hair you have to post a tutorial about it! xx
i love your zebra bracelet!!! i want one too!!! :P lovely & chic outfit u have there <3
Loving these sandals and I love when you treat the blog like writing in the dear old diary with your sparkly feather topped gel pen. It is so much more honest and relatable that way!
xo Hannah
Cute, cute. Love the hair.
love your top and sandals! looking gorgeous <3
Letters To Juliet
u look really pretty!
and i still love pokemon
this is so pretty! love the earrings hung up on the tree! so funny and for split second believable! haha.
btw, i apologize for the lack of uppercase here. the keyboard that i'm using got drenched in water yesterday and now the caps lock doesn't work!
-nathy @ earnestyle
I love your blog, its awesome. just followed via GFC :)
come follow back?
"snarky little turdbuckets" haha! That sounds about right for siblings :).
This skirt is LOVELY. And you have a lovely smile :)
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